So I partied with friends last night. Remembered what a bargain DCUO is

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Twilight Avenged, May 28, 2016.

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  1. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Yeah I KNOW what you mean. My daughter and her fiancé came in over the weekend and we went to the movies and watched Captain America Civil War

    cost of three tickets (at afternoon discounted price) 17.50
    Cost of soda and snacks 18.75

    A $36.25 expense to spend 2 and a half hours watching a really cool movie and eating junk food. Then we came home and spent the next hour actually talking (bonding) about the movie and stuff when I could have been in game carrying some terrible player through another repeat of an alert or duo that I have already completed 10? 15? 20 times ?

    by the way .. you spent 250 at a STRIP CLUB? my god dude your supposed to tip them with ones NOT 20s LOL
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  2. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    That's not true, I was very respectful the time that I went. I even handed the lady the money instead of throwing it at her. I also kept my shirt on unlike the one guy we brought with us who thought he would dance for the dancer.
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  3. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Was, lmao.
  4. megamanzero Loyal Player

    respect is earned not given for free like a 1$ bill at a strip club.
  5. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    You should always wrap up your junk. Unless you want babies. And diseases.
  6. Mistress of Magic Well-Known Player

    I see I struck a nerve. Don't you boys have a red pill to ingest? ;)
  7. Pults Loyal Player

    Never tip.
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  8. Johnny0276 Dedicated Player

    Very extravagant story. But anything starts to look pretty good after a few. lol. jk.
  9. ObsceneBoy Committed Player


    It's a cultural thing sorry, where I live the term "night out" usually means getting absolutely wrecked.
  10. Impulsively Committed Player

    I'm struggling to find the purpose of this thread. You had a good time, excellent. Shouldn't this be on the Funhouse though?
  11. Malachyte Devoted Player

    This post is baffling...I can understand not wanting to drop a ton of money at a club, but come on, going out is a complete waste of time ??
    Dude, forget about the just drinking part how about real life social interaction ? how about hanging at a bar, listening to some live music, meeting a and conversation with a lady or 2....
    At 44 married with 2 teenagers, yeah video games is a cheap form of entertainment for me, but I would have never sat at home on a weekend evening in place of playing video games unless I was broke of course...
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