I quit!(?) and my PoV :D

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by IIThe QuestionII, May 31, 2016.

  1. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    Nice points and I know how you feel. If the Electric update is not what it needs to be...well lets just say I may not be renewing my sub. I am tired of waiting for the same power to get put on par with the others just to have it be underpar within a month.
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  2. TheDeuce Well-Known Player

    Well stated OP.

    I keep trying to disentangle all the missteps and band-aids which have eroded the game over time to figure out how things could be fixed without a major upheaval.

    The only thing I can come up with to make toons, loadouts, and play styles unique would be to exclude all powers contributing to an Awesome Mechanic from the Max Damage hand mod.

    NERF us all equally and in one foul swoop. Give us a choice between training wheel AM's, WM, and a modifier stacking based loadouts of our own design. Some powers statistically would still lean towards AM statistically, but customization would no longer be so heavily frowned upon.

    I also applaud you for standing against the status quo of the test server. I'm an Apple guy and will never own a PC if I can help it. PC people using the test server to make videos showing how to defeat as yet unreleased content has always been a thorn in my craw. Daybreak can afford a few unpaid interns to test their content internally.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    "We" as a playerbase did, WE can dictate with our wallet which direction the game can go, and guess where "We" voted to go with our wallets...? Replay badges, booster bundles, and power respeccing/power tokens, because thats what sells. They dont have much choice anymore as they are stuck in a loop that only we can let them out of, but they cannot as they are taking a risk deviating from a surefire formula and losing profit

    You are complaining about a tactic they been doing for years...just now, im not surprised at all by the move but at the same time in some ways they have listened
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  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    well then they are listening to the wrong damn ppl. Is another issue I have is they seem to only listen to "certain" ppl here on forums, twitter, fb ect. Like everyone has no f'n clue about the game they are playing EXCEPT those ppl.
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  5. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    see I'd be all for this IF we got to do our old loadouts with say gadgets and HL with the actual speed of those powers but it'll never happen. The game as we know it, is for dummies with 24' chrome training wheels.
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  6. Senko Committed Player

    I admit I've been getting more and more demotivated with the way this game is going, i'm waiting to see how things develop next month but if it goes the way i'm expecitng i may cancel my subcription for awhile.
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  7. Captain JackDaniels Well-Known Player

    Well said my friend, this game needs to be rescued or buried. Agree with all your points, As for that other MMO that was mentioned, I agree, it's a hell of a game and they do it right. DCUO could learn a few things from them.
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  8. Falco Committed Player

    Great thread OP. Very well put together, and I'm glad to see the majority on your side. I nearly made a like minded thread focusing mostly on the AMs. That is the biggest killer to me. Give us tons of cool powers that we cannot use effectively.

    I personally do not like every power in the game. Unfortunately, the powers I could enjoy are locked behind AMs that consists of loadouts that feature an extremely limited choice of moves that are required by the community to compete.

    People begged for more options in the loadouts while AMs were being developed. Still, the AMs were pushed through with few to no changes and now we are left with very little originality developing our toons. It's really quite a shame, and imo too late to go back and fix now.

    It's very frustrating trying to understand what the point is in having all these possibilities in our power trees, only to be able to use the same handful of moves as the person next to you.
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  9. coco Committed Player

    Understatement of the year!
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  10. UltraVillain Committed Player

    Excellent OP

    I'd just add that players are also being distanced from the source material i.e. the very DCness of the game by a focus on one kind of content and one kind of reward, the core of every great comic is the dynamic contention between good and evil, hero and villain and too often that is being homogenised or else overtly contradicted. The game should feel and play differently and exploring that difference should be the real incentive to explore both the world and the lore behind it. There is incredible un-mined potential here.
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  11. Harlequin Devoted Player

    I tried once again to get into that game but just couldn't. The forums there did not help, either, with all the talk of exclusion from random groups for not having the "perfect" gear and the lack of patience for new players hopping into dungeons for the first time. I started getting used to the combat and getting into the leveling groove but the forum community killed it.

    I'm going to end up back in WoW, I just know it. /cry
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  12. BigAl Devoted Player

    On topic....see ya in 2 weeks Phenrir....I mean Big Boss......I mean Question.....damn you for making me feel like my meds are too strong!
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  13. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Guard the magic wing while I return lol :p
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  14. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    It will be a year in July for nature and electric....they said they would "hot fix it" but I have not seen a hot fix yet......It should not take a year to fix a power that has been failing so much for so long.

    Oddly though, it seems everyone and their dog has an electric.....at least from my duo pugging experiences....
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  15. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    Honestly, I have not found people to be that elite in terms of finding groups. As long as you aren't trying to play content at the minimum it isn't that bad. The newest raid requires people to have better gear or extra skill....but that is one raid out of the entire game. Wow is full of elitiest too. When I was playing that game I had the best gear on my server or ranked within the top 10 most of the time... I tried going back to it during a week free trial but I just couldn't get back into due to it feeling so clunky compared to the combat system in dc. I like to react to what is happening more than just running away.

    I do wish that the developers would utilize the boss mechanics of wow type games more. Instead of the scripted attacks that make tanks look pretty worthless. But that is an entirely different thread lol.
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  16. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    This is basically why I rarely play or test anymore.
    Coupled with the neglect of PvP... Nope. Not sorry either.
    Tired of the same crap. Oh test this and leave detailed feedback...
    *leaves tons of detailed feedback* oh.. Uhm.. Yeah gonna ignore that.

    Oh well.. Lol.
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  17. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Nice wall of text. While I understand where you coming from, I cannot support most of the conclusions from your PoV. They are much influenced by an old fashioned MMO approach, and "old fashioned" is actually what is killing DCUO. Especially a superhero MMO needs to move forward, away from the "running content for loot" approaches, away from the permanent "progression" or improvement approach and away from systems kept in place to ensure new players are kept from catching up with the vets.

    It is vital, especially for old fashioned MMOs, that new players can catch up in an amount of time they deem to be "ok". That amount of time is shrinking the more the short attention audience gets around. Developers can admit that and work with it or see their game die due to lack of customers, since veteran players will always leave MMOs, especially the old fashioned ones, for what you call "the need for new stimuli". DCUO is connected to a lore that tries to be ever shiny and new - and fails at that with their latest relaunch attempts. DCUO needs to find a way to also be every shiny and new - and stay away from the "fail". Anything that allows the veterans to tell the noobs to "jump through the same loops" first will not achieve that. The game needs systems that will "force" the veterans to perceive every new guy as an asset, not an [JOKE FROM COULSON AND WARD DIALOGUE, PILOT EPISODE AGENTS OF SHIELD].
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  18. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    I kind of agree with you, however, I think the current one week end game speed ride is a bit too fast and why retention is a problem, it would be different if new players could catch up fast but while also going through the learning curve and taking a bit of time to enjoy the view since, as it is, if a new character takes 10 days to get to end game is because he was really taking it slow.

    A lot has been said about the “short attention span” and I can tell you first hand, as someone who does this for a living, that this word is more often than not used as an excuse, this time, sadly, is not the exception.

    There’s a lot of people who have been here for years and recently started to move on, I assure you, it wasn’t short attention span, as someone who made a couple of leagues and had the fortune to speak with a couple of “generations” of players, I can tell you, I heard reasons for quitting time and time again, both from once every 10 days to 4 hours a day players, short attention span was never it. Of course, if you have a product that can’t retain a customer’s attention, you can call it “nowadays short attention span” or you can call it “a lacking product” guess which one happens to be the sweeter spoon?
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  19. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Think you didn't completely get my point on the short attention span thing, probably due to me leaving out words while typing again (I even skipped the "span" in "short attention span" :D) DCUO is attracting a short attention span audience by choice, since they can be easily fed for a couple of days/weeks, and if you combine that with an ability to get really far into the game in that short span, you can create a product that can survive for some time without being creative, "new" etc.

    We all know that lots of the long time players stay here for the potential they see in the game, not for what the game currently offers. And since I know you read a couple of my posts regulary, you should know how often I described DCUO as the lacking product it is - story-wise inconsistent, breaking up the community into vets and noobs by design, offering game systems attractive to socially arkward people, encouraging the use/perception of other players as resources, ignoring thousands of possibilities the lore offers, etc. and all that without getting to the point of bugs and glitches. Still, this game comes with a flashy and attractive blockbuster license and thus can be used to attract parts of the short attention span audience for a limited yet stuffed phase of repeat of business, and since they can get so far in this limited time, some of them may even leave with a positive vibe encouraging them to burst through the next pack of content 6-12 month later.

    As I said in another thread: DCUO attracts a load of the worst kind of gamers and since there aren't so many other games around doing so and these folks do have money, too, it's even some sorta no-brainer for the Daybreak marketing to do that. And while the vets and life-time subscribers and "elitist" gamers don't want to or simply can't understand, it is the permanent stream of new players that keeps this game alive, not the "repeat business" the 20k top-dogs generate and expect to be "valued" by Daybreak. They expect a symbiontic relationship between customer and company, or at least a parasitic one that kills the host slowly. However, DCUO can currently, especially with the fresh Xbone release, behave like an aggressive virus killing the hosts in short time because there is a huge number of fresh potential hosts plus former surviving hosts can be re-infected. And the fast paced content release is doing just that.
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  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    bruh you *** kissery lvl isnt high enough :rolleyes:

    on a serious note, I understand what your saying and I dont blame you 1 bit. Eventually once they have nobody testing then perhaps they will go back and see what errors were done, sadly it will be to late as most have tried and tried again to help test things only as you have to be ignored.