I quit!(?) and my PoV :D

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by IIThe QuestionII, May 31, 2016.

  1. David Ivanenko Committed Player

    I agree with pretty much everything you said. Those are the same reasons why I think I quit the game (I'm not sure if I already quit, since I'm waiting for my 3 month legendary to expire to consider it "formal").

    When I have time to play, I just don't feel like it. The game is feeling more like a job nowadays; you have to run everything everyday, run those annoying LPvE rehashes with 1456 characters you don't even like, farm for feats and exos (or buy TRKs) or you'll be left behind.

    Right now I'm playing another MMORPG where I've spent more time messing around with the crafting and housing systems than actually leveling my characters; I was used to them being pretty much nonexistent (R&D) or poorly made and restrictive (Bases) and now on this game I can even craft base items, something I'm pretty sure we'll never see on DCUO.

    I'm sure I'll probably come back sometime in the future, since I'll be missing my characters, friends/enemies and devs, and perhaps the game will be better then, but right now it just feels stale and beta-ish.
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  2. Wallachia Devoted Player

    It's mostly that I think people shouldn't have spoilers. That ruins the magic of the surprise. They should test the concepts, like mechanic X and stuff, but then use it in something completely different.


    That's only because I absolutely LOVE unpredictability.
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  3. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I think he was referring to the difference moreso in powers. Electric vs. Ice. I mean why bother even playing as a DPS with Electric if you can't produce damage.

    True story..

    In PZR with a league mate and I'm trolling he is an electric DPS. He beat me barely by 2 million. He has over 230 SP fully modded with VIII and was CR 166. When he was Light he could keep up with my Light DPS, when he was Gadgets or Earth he destroyed my primary toon. But Electric is just that bad.
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  4. coco Committed Player

    Wait let me guess the other MMORPG without saying what it is: Waiting for 3.3? Actually get rewarded every month for being a member & for referring friends to the game? Taking advantage of campaign going on until the 10th that is far better than the 'customer appreciation weekend' on here? The reason I wanna guess is because already been seeing a slight increase of pompous people, or elitism, or rudeness on MMORPG I'm playing so don't want to give up the name so more will come.

    Tbh not really sure why I keep coming back to this game forum, I guess I'm just hoping for a miracle, while being a little nieve, & it was my very first mmo, that I grew addicted to only to get very disappointed later on after starting. I say a little because I did cancel my sub, I won't spend another penny on this game until it dramatically changes, & I haven't logged in in a very long time.
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  5. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I'm curious now. PM me the name of the MMORPG, pleaaase.
  6. AlphaOrion Dedicated Player

    No need to PM I'll say it..... Final Fantasy 14
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  7. bmce84 Loyal Player

    But at the same time, SP alone shouldn't be the determining factor in how strong a character is, for me a proper balance is a player with 200 SP, fully modded with every possible mod type, except for elite gear and thus it's affinities, should be able to top the charts, I get that and don't mind, but a 150 SP fully modded with everything and has elite gear with affinities should also be able to at least be near, not be equal since elite affinities don't give you the same stats and bonuses SP or regular mods do, but at least the difference shouln't be in the millions.

    Now yeah, the difference between powers is a big issue bigger than stats, as an Ice DPS i've been able to beat players 10 and 15 CR higher than me, and this was before mid range, give I've always had my base mods and at least for the last year my alpha mods, but still I shouldn't be able to beat players so much higher than me so easily. If the difference wasn't in CR but instead of me having 100 more SP then ok, but if the difference was of only 50 (say 150 to 200) then we should at least be on the same neighborhood.
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  8. Yeah that Eddie Committed Player

    I have been with DCUO for 4 years now. I am a refugee from the City of Heroes/City of Villains shut down. I came to this game in an attempt to find a replacement, after having tried other MMOs. In addition to DCUO, I frequently play the MMO's Star Wars the Old Republic and Star Trek Online.

    What does any of that mean? I have played enough MMOs to have an expectation of what the potential is for a game of this type to be fun, and challenging for the majority of it's players. I've read the OP, and subsequent replies to it, and cannot disagree with any one person's sentiments. I can't add any thoughts or suggestions that haven't already been expressed so far.

    What I fear isn't the abrupt shutdown of a game by an uncaring company (as happened with COH), but the slow decay of a game and community that had so much potential. It can easily become a shell of what it once was, an amalgam of broken mechanics and glitchy frustration.

    We are not on here because we have to much time on our hands, but because we share a common appreciation for this game and want to see it continue. We play to have fun, and escape reality for a moment. In doing so we make friends, some of which can become closer to us then those we see every day.

    We can only hope that those in charge of this game and it's direction, take the time to contemplate what has been written in this thread, and others like it.
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  9. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    You mean the magik of disappointments,lmao jk
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  10. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    What I do appreciate is the booster bundles, cr differences, neglecting pvp, Ams locking us out of our expressions and most dairly, I appreciate the replay badge money grabs. Being the game that's suppose to be like coh or co, I am surprised it supasses both in customization, can I get a hallelujah, lmao.
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  11. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    Why would you want RNG to count more than effort? Elite gear is RNG....SP is effort. I would always reward effort over luck in performance. Unless you are suggesting that if you beat the content you automatically get all 4 pieces of loot, then that is effort.

    I do agree the difference between powers should be the main focus though. I mean I doubt anyone has beat the new raid with nature and electric doing the dpsing.... Hell if the new raid was balanced for those two powers then the raid would be a third as difficult as it is now lol.
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  12. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    You leave Melissa out of this! :mad:

    Anyways, good insight, good post.

    I always appreciate the well-thought out 'This is how I feel' post as opposed to the 'This is everything the Devs are doing wrong' post.

    Hope you come back soon. :)
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  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    "WE" didnt ask for s***, you may have, I on the other hand did not.

    They take any suggest and turn it against the community to nickle and dime its player base. Yea sure its a business but its also a game, where once the developers cared for its customers but now that cant really be said. What can be said however is they care about fattening their pockets more and more.

    Take this booster bundles feature, the material system thats new should of been for everyone for FREE, and had the material in bundles of 2-10 for $2-10$, BUT make completely new materials not the same BS we have had in the game this past 5 yrs lol then put it in a gamble box.

    On top of all this theres still elec nature that have yet to been "balanced" after all the other powers been revamped completely 10x over. Its ridiculous IMO.
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  14. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Well said, shame this from history will barely be acknowledged and executed. This game is practically killing itself. 3 friends of mine who have played 4 years have quit in the last 2 weeks.
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  15. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Can i has your stuff?
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  16. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    o.o not much left :( a couple of auras :p
  17. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    So :p
  18. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Just warning its not a full retirement pack lol :p pm me the name and they shall be sent, tomorrow i think
  19. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

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  20. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Yea that other MMO sounds great, and he is waiting a couple of days for 3.3

    But in that MMO you are rewarded properly for being a member.

    I am hoping these "I quit " threads stop. My sub expires in September so I am holding out until then. The only reason I am on these forums is because the other forums for games I play dont have anywhere near as many problems as this game.
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