For tank dominance better or restoration? response of the mod if you can

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by DOMINATOR ITA, May 29, 2016.

  1. DOMINATOR ITA Active Player

    as the title noticed that now many are using the restoration tank without thinking about the dominance now I wonder there is a valid reason why the dominance has become so useless? I understand those who use the restoration on tanks is useful not deny but why a tank should increase up statistics healer said that if you can a table or the most precise references about how the dominance of a tank ie better to have dominance 5000 and 7000 restoration or is it better to have dominance 4500 and 8000 restoration?
    I would like an answer to a moderator if you can
    thank you
  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Completely depends on what type of tank you are. Fire tanks are better with restoration.

    Atomic and Rage tanks are better with Dominance as their heals are based off that.

    Check your tank guide in the oracle database section of the forum to see which is better. There is also a tank comparison guide in that section with different builds and the advantages and disadvantages of those builds.
  3. DOMINATOR ITA Active Player

    Perhaps I did not explain well, I already know what is best for all power would just like to know how the restoration and dominance on tanks.
    For example ice where the dominance and restoration are both good for the shields now I would like to know what is best? and I do not think a player can respond to me I tried full dominance and full restoration and now hybrid and I have not noticed a difference.
    for other powers like fire anger and Atomic's easy to see how they work because they just come out and explained the fire they set up recently and since it was easy suppore care that the restoration is better but for the earth and ice that are based to reduce the damage and shields do not know what is best, many have told me that the restoration increases the duration of the ice shields, but I did not notice this difference increasing it.
  4. TiGGeR.TSK Well-Known Player

    Atomic (damage way, full tank gear):
    Crits (attack)

    Atomic (insane hard content tanking e.g. SM r17+):

    Crit Heals

    Crit Heals



    Back to ur question: whats better.
    For ice its better to mod
    Blue sockets with Resto+health
    Yellow sockets with Resto+health
    Red sockets might/prec+health
    Base sockets: Resto 8.3 x4, Resto 7 x2, Health 8.3 x4

    Lets see why? Try to calculate effective health given to you by any kind of mod:
    red socs give u 235 effective health
    blue socs give u 43 dom 235 health ~ 321 effective health while shielding its < that if u are modded it with same as yellow socs so mod it with yellows.
    yellow socs give u 131 resto 235 health ~ 366 effective health while shielding.

    Why not to raise ur dom higher? U dont need that much. U're not controlling adds like crazy, pushing ur skills left and right. What are u doing? Blocking and shielding. Any released content wont require higher dom that ur base gear dominance with kinda high SP (170 and more). Just be sure u have enough dom without mods (3600 for now).

    Hope this helps.
  5. DOMINATOR ITA Active Player

    as I mentioned above know how to work the tank in this game, but I want to understand why the dominance has become so useless.
  6. BVS Committed Player

    For Atomic and Rage Tanks the more dominance you have the better the self healing will be as the self healing is directly coupled to your dominance.

    For Ice, Earth and Fire you need Resto as mentioned and explained by TiGGeR for the heals.

    Other then that Dominance at recommendation is fine for Tanking any Solo / Duo / Alert / Raid
  7. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    Let me fix what u said about dominance with rage...
    Rage self heal is about dmg u get.. Or u do...
    The dominance is only increase our health and our defense that's it...
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  8. Tilz Loyal Player

    I talked with a leaguemate recently about being an ice tank (just tried out ice tanking).
    He gave me a loadout (bla bla bla) and also added some modding.

    For earth I was Dom&Health modded in all slots (since i don't really need those bonus from colour...). Also you just have 1 shield as an earthtank. I would go Dom then.

    For ice you can mod dom or resto (+ health each). Shields are made of dom+resto (idk the 100% math behind that and too lazy to look it up). From the mods you get more resto than dom. So you (maybe) want to mod more resto for stronger shields than ice. But it's more like edging things out and not a too big difference i guess
  9. L T Devoted Player

    First, remember that Dominance is doubled in Tank role, and that includes skill points and Mods.

    Rage gets a Health bonus based on Dominance. Few Rage Tanks use a shield, and rage's self heals are pretty weak except for the ones based on damage in or damage out. Always go for Dominance if you're a Rage Tank.

    Ice Tanks have shields that are, for the most part, based on Dominance + Restoration. When modding or spending a skill point, choose Restoration if you can get more than 2x as much as by choosing Dominance. Most of the time Restoration wins for an Ice tank.

    For Atomic Tanks, Restoration affects only Proton Remedy and the weak break-out heal. Dominance affects your combo heals. Go with Dominance every time if you're an Atomic Tank.

    For Fire Tanks, you get 2.2 Health per point of Dominance, plus Dominance increases your self-heals. I'd go with Dominance over Restoration for a Fire Tank.
    • Like x 4
  10. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Speccing into Def as a tank is a waste because just from the Def your gear gives you are well over the mitigation cap.
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  11. Korlick Loyal Player

    Defense over Health? Youre crazy.
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  12. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    For Ice, Dom is supposed to add to your Defense. Like Ice Armor, it supports how much damage you can take under your shields. If you run out of shields, if you threw them in the wrong order (, if you don't have one ready that's usable while controlled, or if you run out of power, then you don't want to be caught naked.

    For Ice, Restoration will help with your shields, and possibly with your self-heals (I don't know if anyone's actually done testing on Regenerative Shielding and Rejuvenating Escape to see their correlation with Resto).

    Don't forget that you must meet the minimum Dominance requirement in order to pull, juggle, and otherwise control NPCs.
    Also, don't forget that Dominance is doubled in Tank stance.

    There are only a few places where you could be making the decision:
    1. Generator Mods (since both are yellow! Why is Dom yellow, devs?)
      Even with double Dominance for tank stance, Restoration is higher. So, do you want more defense, or a slight increase in shield strength and possibly heals? That's assuming you have a choice of the same level mod.
    2. Skill Points
      Unlike Restoration, Dominance comes in the first row of innates, and so the amount of Dom you can get is higher than the Resto. Go for the trees first that allow you to get Dom in the first row, then Resto as you work your way to the bottom. The amount of Resto in the bottom row is enticing, but don't forget that the Dominance one provides Health as well.
    3. Gear Mods
      They're called "mods" because you're making your own modifications. So long as you're not turning down free stuff by modding against affinities, I'd say customize away. So, if you want more power regeneration, go for Vit, but I'd go with Resto on the yellows of my ice tank. But, then again, I'm modding with synths and prefabs that don't allow you to mix-mod.
    4. Buff soders
      Blues tend to be cheaper than yellows for crafting consumable items, and you tend to have more of them lying around. I don't buff, but I believe Resto will still have higher numbers than Dom.
  13. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    One important point for Ice Tank mechanics that most players forget or neglect is:

    * Reflection Shield is ONLY based on Dominance
    * Bitter Winds, Winter Ward, Shatter Restraints Shields are based on Dominance + Restoration

    So modding with Restoration & Health Mod will increase your Bitter Winds, Winter Ward, and Shatter Restraints Shields strength/duration, but will in turn weaken your Reflection Shield strength/duration.

    While modding with Dominance & Health Mod will increase all your shields strength/duration (Bitter Winds, Winter Ward, Shatter Restraints, and Reflection).

    Another important point to consider is that Ice Tank is not meant to be a self-healing Tank like Fire, Rage, or Atomic. Modding for Restoration & Health will only give a small amount of self-heal if compared to the high amount of damage taken in end-game contents/raids in particular.

    Hope this helps ;)
  14. SrirachaMayn Well-Known Player

    This. To the OP, i suggest you listen to these points not only because they are 100% accurate but this man can also back up his claims in a well put together thread on the differences between all of the tanks powers.
  15. VioletSorceress Committed Player

    The most important stats for every tank are defense and health. For Atomic Ice and Fire you should use Health+resto only in chest andlegs cause that's 2 usefull stats compared to Domi+power where you get only 1 useful stat. Blue slots are better with Domi+health because mixed mods give more stats than pure Domi. ONLY EXCEPTION is Rage where one should mod pure Domi because of the health bonus you get.
  16. Phill Committed Player

    Each tank works a little different and needs slightly different mods.

    Here is a link for tanks. Each tank power is broken down and kept fairly simple.
  17. TiGGeR.TSK Well-Known Player

    Let me see u got hit by, for example, Darkside without blocking.
    This 2-3% mitigation gained by deff for fire tank will helps u much more that just useless HP/dom.
    It is all about mitigation. Next goes for control (which is enough base with ur gear maxed).
    U DONT got full mitigation without blocking with Rage/Earth/Fire. U cant ~double ur deff like atomic or ice.
    I was like WUUUT?
    It is not. No 71 deff gives u 1% mitigation. It depends on CR now (and for a looooong time).
    Now (with 168cr max) you need to get ~634 defense for 1% mitigation; formula is 1%dmg mitigation ~ Max CR * 3.5 + 46

    With all this being said lets take an example
    Fire tank with ~28k def ~44% dmg mitigation while not blocking
    U stop blocking and push 3 button and aggr adds staying far away from you. Whats happening actually?
    U goes out from block, loosing extra damg mitigation and goes back to 44%
    In this moment, boss (Darkside) hits u for ~2 times hardur that if u were blocking. Thats ~19k.
    It wont kill ya, but its high enough to remove half of ur hp.
    If theres granny and 3 other adds hitting u like mad u should use something not to be dead at this moment and heals wont be pushing buttons like all at once to keep you safe.

    If 71 deff will be 1% for dmg reduction every1 with 5325 def could be tank.
  18. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Not gonna argue with someone who obviously already knows everything, especially since reading the mangled mess you're trying to pass off as speech.
    Good day you beast tank you.
    • Like x 1
  19. Pults Loyal Player

    Fire relies more on health and health return from healer. You're doing yourself a favor if you spec for health and healing crits.
    Also when your buffed health is 60k that extra 2-3% mitigation is something a single hit from an add will take away. Modding health and Dom gives you less total health gain than modding directly with health mods due to mods having less dominance to health ratio after fire's buff is applied.
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  20. TiGGeR.TSK Well-Known Player

    Since there is no Def mods this state is kinda weird. If u are talking about mods to get, i'd go for health and restoration instead of pure health; might and health. But in speccing tree health bonuses are low enough to catch em vs resto...
    Moreover, if you are running on high SP u will get both resto and health in each tree except for 22-24th - this is where you (and me) choose.