What Are the Devs Even Doing?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Great NK, May 24, 2016.

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  1. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    Not CR focuses and not even lazy, I just do other things. And I don't care about SP. As you probably know by now. It is just not my thing, But I would also never tell anyone else they cannot have them. They chose to play like that, I chose to play my way. We both can co-exist in the game still, and we can both still complete content.
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  2. Flashy Swagg Well-Known Player

    You'll never get a straight answer for that. One reason is it may be too many to count what you should have asked is how many did we lose when Daybreak took over! Then you'll have a hell of an answer then.
  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Ya know what I forgot about hive and I'd I'd use the vendor for that I completely forgot about that style but I only needed I think two pieces to complete it... Either way I had all the other styles.. Completed before they got on that vendor similar thing happened to me with that booster style I think it's called Time traveler... All I needed were the shoulders... The day I got them which I had farmed bizarro for a year or longer for it... I think a few days later it was announced they were putting it on the vendor I was so damn pissed haha
  4. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    Yes, true and true, but my point still stands. How can they ever make everyone happy? Fact is... it is not possible. So maybe they can form an opinion from the forums, or maybe they watch the gamers in the game.

    But for people to come here and demand that they FIX EVERYTHING, is just impossible. And those people are in for a reality check. Some things are just not possible, no matter how much you complain about it.

    Mepps said it best. Use the Bug Tracker. Make your thoughts known there, so they can have devs look at it and track it. That is the only place that will ever be looked at.
  5. Beefiest Cakes Committed Player

    I know you don't run newer content or gear up right away. But I just don't see why SP's should have a cap. Almost everyone who's been for it doesnt care about SP or getting it but wants a cap?

    No thank you.
  6. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Only one person has called for a cap and I agree that it is an awful idea. However, I also believe it was a mistake to ever tie character power via stats into the feat system in the first place. Titles, toys, trinkets, auras, styles, all of those things would be excellent rewards for completing feats but stats? That was not a good idea, IMO. It's probably far too late to change it now but I could see it happening if the devs have the testicular fortitude to do it.
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  7. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    Ugh that stupid profanity filter. Now people will think I was cussing or am some kind of deviant or something.

    And I would not cap SP either. Everyone that has even 1 SP, worked for it. Why would anyone take that away? People want a million dollars. If the government said "There is now a cap on money. Everyone that has over a million dollars, your money is useless." (not talking about Escrow people) People would riot in the streets.

    So no, do not take away people's work. :)
  8. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    my sub ends june 3 after that i go on a long break ,maybe a forever break ,when the devs finish fixing the game and figure out what the hell they want it to be and balance the powers then i'll come back because i can no longer pay a subscription for a broken game
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  9. Phill Committed Player

    Actually, SP already has a cap on the bonuses that you receive and the bonuses are static. The returns on your time are becoming worse as we speak. I was tossing that out there for more than just a small % of the game players.

    I really don't care either way. I was trying to cover all players not just the selfish me players.
    You me players might not like it but there are more players than just you.

    Then we have the players will quit. I call BS because you are still here after a year.
  10. Beefiest Cakes Committed Player

    And I agree with you but I doubt the dev team even thought about that back in the day. I just don't think they can do anything creative with the SP's at this point in the game.
  11. Korlick Loyal Player

    Funny thing about the Hive Defender style feat is that it was one of the hardest to complete and it was only a 10pts feat. Then...due to being so freaking hard to complete, they raised to 50pts...then they put it in the style vendor and as a drop from T5 alerts...LOL
  12. Rekn Well-Known Player

    I have been here since Closed Beta. Sporadically thru the years thou. I will give you this I should not have said "increase strength". It will "increase the necessity" therefore increasing the amount of high level characters in low level content. That wording a little better for you?
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  13. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    And like clockwork, my other point stands. Look... a discussion and what do we get?

    Yep... an "I quit post."

    Sorry to call you out, but good luck on whatever you do. :)
  14. Harlequin Devoted Player

    I'm a "me" player? Why didn't somebody tell me? I demand an answer now!
    So, you think people will not quit if you invalidate their grinding because they are still playing after the CR differential went in? That is some sound logic right there. Way to use the ol' noodle.
  15. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Yes, I agreed with what you said following that with people chasing skill points more. I just disagreed with you that stats being the main progression meter would cause players to annihilate content easier. It used to be a bit less lopsided when high CRs were in lower content. The stats helped, and they did eventually lead to content being soloable, but it wasn't nearly the landslide it became with CR differential in place.
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  16. Oddpodd Dedicated Player

    The Devs are doing what they're meant to be doing: making the game feasible to make money on.

  17. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Because you know, turning replay badges into the real progression system wasn't enough.
  18. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    ya you got me i don't wanna pay to play a broken game anymore so i'm speaking with my wallet ,ya you really called me out lol
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  19. Phill Committed Player

    Maybe outdated was the wrong word. I think that's awesome that you have been here for that long. I have been playing this game since 2011 when FTP started.

    What I suggested was more of a balance to things. I think the game should be open all across the board but making one section of the game mean more than another is what we had when marks relevancy was implemented. What we have now is basically capping SP at 150 with the false assumptions that having more than that really helps. The bonuses above 150 are almost nil and are becoming worse with each monthly release. I am calling it as I see it and saying lets drop the false bravado that these players have beyond 150 SP.
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  20. Phill Committed Player

    Case and point...
    You are here now.

    Those players that kept grinding had no clue or they just wanted to work on the lists ocd style.
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