How do you farm ring war diamond heist feat

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cisco Sama, May 25, 2016.

  1. Cisco Sama Well-Known Player

    I'm at that point where sp are Grindy now :/

    Never got along to doing this feat. Any suggestions?
  2. HarleyBiker142 Well-Known Player

    It use to be farmable but now we only get credit one per day.
  3. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah you can't farm it, just have to do diamond heist and ring war once a day each and keep going.
  4. HarleyBiker142 Well-Known Player

    You only get credit one a day now. It use to be farmable. I would farm exobites and do my treasure chests, then hit a ring war for credit. I stopped playing for a while like six months came back went to my old routine on farming notice I was only getting credit one per day on ring war and diamond heist. Asked my friends and league mates to confirm the issue and told me we only get credit one per day...
  5. MrMojoRisin' New Player

    Do you guys know if Diamond Heist and Ring War always start at the same time every day? If I had a schedule it would be easier to plan farming the feat, since I dont have all day to wait in Diamond District for the event to start...
  6. ChillCat Loyal Player

    No schedule. It's basically a continuous loop that starts some number of minutes after the last one is finished. I don't know the exact time gap between each spawn, but it's not more than an hour.
  7. Falco Committed Player

    Go farm some exos for about 15 minutes. It doesn't take long for those events to reset. If you're real impatient, you can try hopping phases.
  8. bmce84 Loyal Player

    every 30 minutes.
  9. stärnbock Devoted Player

    I did it like this: combine it with the cc bounties, everytime u log in, you do those first, till the message comes that it will begin soon, then go there and win it. Continue now with bounties and go to the other city. When finished both, q up for pvp and do the player bounty if u dind found 5heroes/villains yet. As long u wait for the Q, go to cc and finish cc bounty with zoom/abrakadabra. I prioritized them and ringwar/diamond heist was always the first thing i did for about 50 days
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  10. stärnbock Devoted Player

    Also: everytime u wait for a group tho form n q, go farm some exos... After a while u will find your route of spawnpoints, and u can rush from point to point if nothing else is left.
  11. L T Devoted Player

    I always try to do a diamond heist, then a ring war, and then I q legends pvp for the "kill 5 players" part of both. You have to turn off suicide squad, because if you get tossed into the opposite faction none of your kills count.
  12. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Wow, when did they change it to one a day? That is rough. Back in the day we used to just stand at the Dimond district pd and farm them. One a day is harsh. Farming for bits is prob the best way to wait for it. Not sure about ring wars. The Villains usually ran ring wars and heros held the diamond district.
  13. toast Well-Known Player

    this way changed way back when Last Laugh came out. i myself stopped running this when they changed it. It was my only reason for doing pvp arenas/legends. even though I only have to run it less than 20 times to completely finish this feat, I will not.
  14. tinoman Dedicated Player

    You farm it every day over a hundred days per diamond heist and ring war. Once per each a day. As you can't get the mission more than once.