Login Queue ... srsly ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PhantomBulletPT, May 22, 2016.

  1. PhantomBulletPT Well-Known Player


    dude ... wtf ?

    at this rate in a few months this'll be like when Blade & Soul opened.
    I will not get legendary just because of this ! totally not worth it for me.

    it's time to raise the player capacity in the servers.

    Unless people are leaving and joining at the same time just for the lolz of it, this is going mad.
    I'm just talking about my premium queue, I'm afraid of even trying to say anything about the poor free players. This is not the way to keep them here.
  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Thanks for reminding me of the Perk of being legendary. Sometimes I take that Perk for granted
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  3. megamanzero Loyal Player

    why not play another game
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  4. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    lol, before they split the queues I used to go eat dinner and get the kids ready for bed while I waited for 3000+ people to queue in before me.
    Now, you're being queued in at a faster than rate than the subscription below you, regardless of the line.
    That average wait time often exceeds what the real wait time will be ... it refers to an average in the past (because those people have already made it in).
    Even so, 8 minutes. Pfft. Go make a cup of tea and grab some cookies and you'll be in.
  5. Kroye Loyal Player

    You wanna talk about queue time? I remember 60 minutes plus.

    Kids these days, I tell ya.
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  6. Joybird Committed Player

    Maybe it is worth it for you, then. Raising the server capacity costs money, money that you aren' t willing to pay.
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    I was 9 in queue a couple of times last night. I am legendary. I have never seen this. (Not counting when they lowered it due to an error.) It is crossplay related.
  8. Kroye Loyal Player

    Just curious of your opinion as someone I consider an "elder statesman" - don't you think thats a positive sign of the health of the games population?
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  9. Skidmarc Committed Player

    I can still recall a number of times that legendary had a far long queue then the premium and non memebers....so it is what it is.
  10. Kajuru Well-Known Player

    For all we know, the guy might not want to sub, but spends alot of money on MP stuff, replays and whatnot.
    I know I did it before, to get my new alts SP up to my main level, I bought enough replays that I could have subbed for over 6 months. Dont do like DB and treat the guy like a one-time, 5 dollar guy, or worse, free player.
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  11. Harlequin Devoted Player

    It could also be a sign that they have reallocated resources between the different platforms. That queue screen looks almost exactly like the XB1 screen during prime time.
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  12. BumblingB I got better.

    I don't know, tbh. Crossplay basically put all of PC with PS. If they were 70 and we were 30, that just means we are 100% now. I do gotta say, DCUO's population seems to stay stable. Like it gets an equal number of new players to replace the old ones that left. It's very odd.
    CJ said the same and it's possible that is the case. But we never got the maintenance downtime and I can guarantee if they messed with our allocation, stability would have been fun. Lol
  13. PhantomBulletPT Well-Known Player

    Do you have any idea of how much it costs to get all the dlcs ?
    Add it all up first before talking about not wanting to pay for something.

    Credit card is a thing most people do not need and it is a really big waste of money.
    Only americans have those fancy cards that can be used to buy legendary, those do not exist in Europe.
  14. Nawtae Well-Known Player

    Um, what. Chip and Pin cards are all over Europe. We have a guy in England in the league who pays with a credit card for his legendary. Do you live in a 3rd world country that does not have credit/debit cards?
  15. light FX Steadfast Player

    What? Your premium. We had a legendary queue for like 10 days. That was annoying when u pay to skip it and still get it. But complaining about it when your premium? No, just no.
  16. Xibo Loyal Player

    Better a 7 minutes login queue than a server with few players.
  17. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Rationalizations galore on this thread.

    If Premium or F2P players can not easily access the game (coupled with what I have read here) the point of a F2P model is close to being lost. Daybreak has not taken away the F2P model form DCUO, so I imagine it deserves more respect than it's getting.

    Note: Let alone the idea that DCUO cannot survive without it.

    Bottom Line: Raising player capacity should be a priority on both consoles/PC. Furthermore, I recommend embracing its F2P model (DCUO's "IV" line), in full.
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  18. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Do you play on EU?

    I am actually thrilled to see the server being full, because EU hasn't been for more than 3 years!
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  19. JohnDC New Player

    Welcome to DCUO.

    Legendary is what they want you to be. don't fight it , give in, come to the dark side. :rolleyes:
  20. Beefiest Cakes Committed Player

    Took me a minute to get in and I'm legendary. Also saw 41 minutes for free 2 play.

    But I shouldn't have to wait at all being legendary.