Time for me to give up?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by McGeek, May 17, 2016.

  1. Phill Committed Player

    Wow, trying to make excuses for that is horrible. I'm sorry but no. Telling someone its ok to beg when they are perfectly able to collect bits and do other things to make in game cash is sorry and inexcusable.

    I help players all the time when they are willing to help themselves but if they are hangers on and wanting me to give them free stuff all the time. They can forget it. You work and I'll help. Sit on your backside and I'll walk away.
    You cannot help someone unless they are willing to help themselves.

    Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Show him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
    You need to study this one.
  2. MuTeDx Committed Player

    Keep items in your inventory that sell for over 2k, that means gear, plans, genorator mods, or anything else that is of worth. When you need to repair sell 1 thing and repair, simple solution. If you don't like the work around there are 2 choices, sub up or quit. As a premium you have to learn how to conserve inventory space and keep items to sale for repairs, it's a game of balance that you must master to succeed. Remember, anything that sales over 2k you keep until you need repairs. Or if you are in a league, get a friend to buy you stacks of "equipment interface III's" they sale 1 by 1 for just over 2k so they are perfect for premiums.
  3. iShroompaloompa New Player

    Honestly I believe it is much easier to collect and sell stacks of 16 Ag.Bits for 25-30k a piece.
  4. Gimpy Loyal Player

    I just can't see how selling bits/bytes/anything that puts 23k-30k (or more) cash into your escrow is a viable suggestion for a premium player with a 2k cash cap trying to use Their cash effectively.

    Especially when the premium player can't place anything on the broker that requires more than a 2k fee.
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  5. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    No, Phil. And you don't get the same level of tolerance as a well-known poster does.

    Begging for help with $ in game and offering a favor in return is NOT what you are criticizing. In debates and logic, what you have done is called a Strawman argument. Your point seems valid for your statement, but your statement is not what is at hand in diacussion.

    No one told anyone to become a do nothing mooch. That is in your imagination. You are angered and arguing with your imagination.
  6. Physique Dedicated Player

    There's a few things I see with this. Yes, the money cap is really, really low but it has been like this from the launch of free to play (September 2011 -- before that everyone was a subscriber so we didn't have to deal with caps).

    Part of avoiding this situation is strategy. A lot of people keep playing content by simply rushing in over and over; this is a bad strategy overall because your gear gets damaged pretty quickly each time you wipe. Figuring out an effective strategy would go a long way towards avoiding having your gear destroyed in the future.

    Being in this situation, going back and running some of the lower level content will help you generate money and not put your damaged gear at any further risk. You do that so you can raise funds to repair the gear you have. It may take a little bit of time but it is an effective strategy that does work in a capped existence.

    Investing in stacks of soders you can sell back to the vendor is a good strategy as well but given how limited your active inventory space can be, you can only afford to keep so many stacks of soders on hand. Also, remember that while you're gearing up, you can go back and run instances you've beaten over and over to get different gear drops and weapons from adds and bosses. Until you start running tiered instances at level 30, there is no limit to the number of times you can run things.

    Lastly when you are running into difficulty passing missions, there is no shame in asking for help by using either /shout or /lfg. There is usually someone out there either trying to do the same thing or willing to lend a helping hand.
  7. BumblingB I got better.

    First off. OP, I thank you for asking for help instead of just leaving at that moment. Gear loses about 10% each time you get knocked out. As a lot of players have stated, keep things that is strictly for selling to the repair bot at the bottom of your inventory. This works for free and premium alike.

    Second of all, the problem that is definitely going to arise from this platform is that there isn't enough currency in the game nor farmed things that can be sold. Everyone is rushing and skipping. People acquire trash and money just running content as it comes out. There is 7 tiers worth of content, I can assume that only a few tiers are being played right now.

    Finally, you will have to make priorities on selling stuff you replace. Such as dropped gear. Salvaging is for a feat, but you might need some things to sell for repairs. This is how they intended it to be, but with the money dup issue that happened a long time ago, it kind of made it null. Just be glad tokens don't cost money anymore.
  8. camelzigzag New Player

    This is terrible for me to say. And I'm sure I won't make any friends saying this. But nobody is saying it and I feel it should be said.


    Obviously you have brought this problem upon yourself. You want a solution. Pay for the sub. Can't afford it drink less mountain dews, starbucks, beer, or whatever it is that you consume. Consume less. Or play smarter. Why is your gear busted to begin with? Because you let it get to that point. Start over. The game is flawed in many ways but the pocketbook is on you. If you can't keep your gear maintained I doubt you are good enough to help out in a raid, so that's why I say quit. You are either a child or a cheap whiner. The game is free to play not free to make. They have certain restrictions to make people pay money if they want partial or full access. That's how it is. If you don't like it then quit.
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  9. Harlequin Devoted Player

    There are collections from T7 raids on the broker and not just a few. The population is progressing pretty fast.
  10. BumblingB I got better.

    Figured as much. That has to do with the changes to CR relevancy and CR on item levels. It's pretty easy to progress now and I'm sure there are a LOT of PC/PS members that jumped in and used their knowledge to be top.

    Still a non money dup server must be nice. Probably like EUPC was during ~T4 time.
  11. Harlequin Devoted Player

    There are definitely some people from over there trying to play the broker judging by the $1mil+ pricetags I've seen on some stuff. I actually lol-ed. Those of us who know the market on PC/PS are doing pretty well, though. :D
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  12. Famuel L Jackson New Player

    For your gear issue the suggestions above really help. As for the cash cap, find a really awesome Member buddy to give your cash to hold on to. That's what many people in my league do.
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  13. Phill Committed Player

    ohhhh please,

    Now you are trying to misdirect the discussion. LOL I am not angry in the slightest.

    You told the player to go start asking for money from players to make repairs to his gear and you are still trying to justify it. All you are doing is setting up a player for failure and to get harassed. Save your misguided welfare argument for someplace else.
  14. Fractius Anu New Player

    Seriously, it's $10-15 a month for basically endless entertainment and people will shame you when you suggest that if free-players can't afford full access, maybe they ought to be doing something with their time other than playing games. This is a leisure activity; Leisure comes at a price for a reason, it's how society is ordered, people. Alright, that was my grow up and get a job speech for the day.
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  15. camelzigzag New Player

    No please, we need more grow up get a job speeches!
  16. Swamarian Committed Player

    I don't think that anyone's mentioned them, but the collections around Steamworks, Arkham, Ace and Strykers go for a pretty penny. The Steamworks ones tend to drop fairly regularly, and are safe to get, heroside as well.
  17. Tokens210 Well-Known Player

    I was saying that like 2-3 days in people were already getting crazy on the broker, I've been waiting for proces to normalize but with this new booster box I already see people asking upwards of 3 mil plus

    I tried saying that people trying to push the broker prices so crazy so fast will most likely force the devs to do something about it similar to the wallet wipe after the dupe messed with the economy to where the cheapest broker item was a piece of trash for a million (which in turn made the broker unusable for anyone not a member with millions)

    But I was then told

    A. Devs will never ever mess with players money or anything since there wasnt a dupe issue, no matter what they do to in game economics

    B. Devs won't do anything cause they pay money (this one always makes me laugh out loud)
  18. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    Already justified in my original post. No trying, except trying to explain your reaction is not justified.

    Once again, I suggest asking others for game cash in a time of need, and to build relationships, and offer favor in return.

    Not only do I feel that is proper and justifiable, I think it is a better way of life than suffering solo. And I don't feel ot needs any further explanation.

    And of course you are angry. I know it, and suggest you get in touch with your feelings.
  19. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Ask for some colas...
  20. Harlequin Devoted Player

    The devs wiped the PS server's cash because of the dupe that gave players basically unlimited cash. There will not be a wipe on XB1 unless there is a dupe. Please realize that all of the cash in the economy on the XB1 has been acquired legitimately from drops in content and selling things to the vendors. Everyone started with the same amount and has had the same opportunities to generate cash since the game launched. Some people are really good at it.

    The broker pricing is set by the players and will normalize as more cash is generated by people playing the game. Please remember, just because something is put up for $3mil doesn't mean it sells. I saw both the purple and blue solars up for $1.5mil earlier today. By the end of next week, I expect the BB auras to stabilize near that mark (or way below like the glimmerings. $200k for a purple glimmering is LOL.) I'm farming cash right now so I can buy one next weekend or sooner. If I wasn't trying to finish off all of the collections and spent my earnings, I could already buy one, even at the $2.5mil I saw them at within an hour of being available.
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