Waste of time

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Original Empress, May 16, 2016.

  1. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    You can get help for power, weapon, movement choices. You can get advice on effective loadouts but as far as being creative and seeing certain ideas come to fruition? I hate to be a doom sayer but it's a waste of time. In the 4 years I have played this game I have seen ONE THING that I saw suggested in these forums come about. ARMORIES. This is not a forum for suggestions on how the game could be made better creatively.
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  2. Puncheswitrock New Player

    Teleporter for the bases was thought of by a player. Doing tournaments from players. I'm sure there are but whatevs
  3. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Corect,correct, all I see is recycled threads, whining about dps regarding pve, loots complaints, midrange crap etcetera lmao, this game has the saddest player base ever.
  4. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    I stand corrected
    I guess ideas DO have a chance huh?
    Maybe 1:100,000,000,000
    Better odds winning lottery.
    The developers of the game make the game they way THEY want it and I suppose that is their right.
    I'm aware that they have to cater to DC at one level or another.
    At least from what I heard recently we will have some Vixen content soon. That's something I asked about some time ago
    but I don't think it was because I asked as much as because of her cartoon shorts and appearance on CW Arrow.
    But then that doesn't necessarily have to come to the game either. Variants had me very excited and when Skimming came out I started giving ideas on Acrobat's variant. I had an idea about a mixture of Parkour and swinging. Basically traveling the way Nightwing does.
    It's been years, and several posts. I've all but given up.
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  5. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Many of the game changes come from the players, even the bad ones, ofc.
    The developers doesn't have to do the game the way you want, just because you suggested something and they didnt make it, doesn't mean they don't listen to anyone.
    Players choose water, players complained about the jump clip, players suggested new styles, players suggested changes to the events and even new ones (heck, they even gave us more marks in all events to be possible to get the all the base items and cosmetics, this goes all agaisn't the replay badges master race), even some legends characters the players suggested.
    They just can't make everything everyone wants. If they listen to most of the Forum players (who are not 1/4 of the community), all we would get in DCUO was lantern content,superman content then batman content every 3 months, but the developers go deep in the DCU and give us bombshell content for example.
    Some things the players suggest could be made? Sure, but not all.
  6. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    All good points, however...

    I don't know one female that didn't buy the bombshells hairstyle pack, seems like they leave a lot of money on the table for less profitable ones.

    Having said that they make constant changes to PVP although they haven't made a cent from it in years, they do listen but...

    Why we don't have the ability to place 8 amenities is beyond me, they would make a ton of cash instantly if they charged a couple of bucks for it. They baffle me sometimes.
  7. Joybird Committed Player

    They listen a lot. There was a near revolt over Armory pricing, and they changed that. People complained about how AoF1 had only a single instance for collection the marks, and they changed that. Using replays to share feats and using replays to purchase styles came from the forums. Actually, I've seen a lot of changes.