Problem with Multiple Xboxes in the Home

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Forever man, May 10, 2016.

  1. The Forever man New Player

    Has anyone else with multiuple xboxes in the house experienced problems with being unable to play with someone in the same home.

    My son and I downloaded this game yesterday so we could play together today. I made my character last night whil;e he slept and he made his this morning. On seperate xboxes, we have our own. After he was done with the tutorial I booted up in my room. I \figured out how to add him to my friends list and then I sent him an invite.

    This is where our trouble began. ANytime I invite him, I am booted and he gets a blak screen then crashes. If I try and join his phase, I get kicked and he suddenly gets a black screen and crashes. We play games online all the time so I am confused as to what could be causeing this. If anyone has any ideas or info into the problem please let me know.

    Yes I did a hard restart.
  2. Owl Devoted Player

    Do you have separate Xbox Live accounts?
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  3. Lolumbine New Player

    I had a similar problem but none of them were the game; they were my xbox and network. I have a 2in1 modem/router that is junk so I had to buy a stand alone router, turn my modem into bridge mode and turn my Xboxs off of quick start up. Dont put your modem in bridge mode unless you have another device performing the routing function
  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We are attempting to track down these reports. If you can, please private message me your two character names.
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  5. The Forever man New Player

    @Owl Yes we do :) None of that family accont either entirely seperate accounts
    @LoL I will look into what you are saying and see if I need to do something simular
  6. Puncheswitrock New Player

    3 Xbox 1s 0 issues.
  7. xBALANCEx New Player

    Might be an issue with your router assigning addresses.

    If you understand this, do it - if not, maybe google a bit and try to find some material on exactly what I'm about to ask you to do. Force your router to assign IP addresses to each xbox manually (make their last digits something high so you won't run into already-leased addresses).

    Restart em and your network, and see if that helps. Conflicting addresses might be doing this but honestly, I have no way to reproduce the bug since I only have one XB1. Hopefully this helps, if not, just delete the assignments and your network will be reverted to what it was before you tried this.

    Good luck
  8. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    This reminds me of a different old PC bug, so...
    Does disabling voice chat on both accounts in the DCUO ingame settings make a difference to the crashes?
  9. The Forever man New Player

    @ LadyLightning I will look into that.
    @ Balance I will look into this as well I've been wondering thew same thing.
  10. Dante Zetsumei Level 30

    Myself I had trouble having two Xbox ones on the same network having open Nat that could be your issue. What I have do is start mine up go to network check mine is open start the second Xbox go to network it is normally moderate or strict I go to the advanced network settings go to Mac address then clear it will reset it then the console will restart. Once it restarts the second Xbox is normally set to open if its not I reset the Mac address again. It is what works for mine hope that helps.
  11. Lolumbine New Player

    i should have said this in my first post, but anytime I diagnose Xbox network issues I always check (and change) the startup mode. Guide button > all settings > power & start up > turn the power mode to energy saving.

    For some reason instant-on plays havoc with MAC address designations, resulting in strict NAT or the situation you find yourself in with disconnecting

    After you change this setting on both Xbox, restart your network (unplug the power for a minute)
  12. Cmgutie New Player

    I hope they resolve this probkem soon. My wife and I got 1 month subs because the free que was so bad. But we cant even play together.