"A Speedy Resurrection" feat not granting

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cannix81, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. Cannix81 New Player

    have i done sth wrong?
    We completet the raid in about 16 Minutes. But no speed run feat.

    Greetings :)
  2. Cannix81 New Player

    what am i doing wrong? second run 22 minutes no speed run feat. :(
  3. CS2016 Committed Player

    Does it say 1st attempt or w/o anyone dying?
  4. Cannix81 New Player

  5. Avian Dedicated Player

    Weird. Is there a novice and expert version of this raid? Maybe it only works in one of them.
  6. Cannix81 New Player

    dont think so.
  7. Korlick Loyal Player

    The speed feats works only on the expert version of the raids. You can get the rest of the feats running on novice, but not the speed feats.
  8. Cannix81 New Player

    ah ok, how do you enter "expert" ? :D
  9. metalfenix Committed Player

    On Khandaq, do the normal version. The novice version won't grant you the feat.
  10. Korlick Loyal Player

    When you go into the On Duty menu it says : T2 Novice Raids (Khandaq and the Batcaves) and T2 Expert Raids (Khandaq and Batcaves).
  11. Cannix81 New Player

    realy? i have never seen 2 Khandaq raids in my on duty menu will check this later. thx