Episode 24

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Loy, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. Loy Well-Known Player

    When will it come out and what are the new things there?
  2. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Not in the next week and no one knows
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  3. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    I would think they would be working with the server issues, Xbox 1 Release, and so much more. Episode 24 has not made it to test yet and the feat list that had been posted in another thread has been removed. Jeesh people let em get real work done the next episode should not crash on day one.
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  4. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Good question it should have been on test by now.
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  5. Loy Well-Known Player

    Thats not really helpful thou, so general but thanks.
    I agree on that, I would just like to know a ETA because my alt is buying replays my other people for prison break and if there is new a ep the 140 gear wont be the best gear anymore for their parts.
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  6. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Well, my initial reaction and wanted response was a bit more toxic and in the spirit of Bacon I chose to reword my original train of through into something less likely to derail.
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  7. Loy Well-Known Player

    I was thinking the same thing.

    None taken bro :)
  8. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Not to sound like a Smart Alec, but do people not look in the announcement sections? I don't think Mepps has come into the forums to my knowledge other than in the Announcements for episode releases. But in answer to the original question I am not sure anyone but the developers could answer that. Yes, I do believe that it is probably delayed somewhat due to the server instability and the announced release of the Xbox platform. Also we do know Survival Mode will be removed on the 8th of May so we can assume there will be no new episodes until after that.
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  9. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    And to my attitude, I apologize not enough coffee in me yet.
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  10. Loy Well-Known Player

    I read but people always have rumors or leaked information and I would like to know some :) I agree with you 100%. They are always thinking about expansion but not how to eliminate the current problems :(
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  11. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Lol, I always have believed that leaked information is just well placed propaganda. :)
  12. Loy Well-Known Player

    I know people always say this but do they even listen to the people/players?
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  13. Here2Help Devoted Player

    It's been confirmed to come out some time in May and will feature a raid versus Darkseid in a War Factory and the start of the Harley Quinn storyline in the form of a duo. There are multiple feats which we had a look at earlier but they got removed from the census data, and the next gold drop is the chest, which we also looked at earlier and has also been removed from the census.
  14. Loy Well-Known Player

    Can you give examples of the feats? Like how many feats in the new ep
  15. Here2Help Devoted Player

    I can't exactly remember, but there were 2 feats related to going down by omega beams.
  16. Loy Well-Known Player

    Off topic question, do you own all characters in your league?
  17. Here2Help Devoted Player

    No. I only have one real toon. The rest of my toons were for the mentor PSN trophies and holding names, and I don't use them anymore.