Should DCUO Scoreboard add Rankings and Rewards?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AverageJoe, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    They used to when there were multiple roles in raids. (Save for tanks)
  2. mexmex Dedicated Player

    No, it is a team effort, why the best damage will be rewarded, when maybe he didnt picked up nobody, or maybe he never activated something just because he didnt want to loose its damage. A team work shouldnt reward a single person at all there isnt a real fair way to do it, especially when most if not all the content is 5111 configuration
  3. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

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  4. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Compare Group against Group;

    4-8 man only (PvE)

    Group Total
    How well the group does
    Damage in - Damage out = A
    Deaths - Pickups=B
    Healing in - Healing out=C
    Power in - Power out=D

    Use those totals to Rank the group against the rest of the World.

    Leave Solos and Duos alone as a player should be using that part as a tool to improve Themselves.
  5. light FX Steadfast Player

    Is the scoreboard and best gear in vendor the only things people can talk about these days? If its not 1 its the other :rolleyes:
  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    I will never understand these people obsessed with being top dps. U get nothing for it. No1 cares who the top dps is in any of the runs i do. I do only run with league and friends 95% of the time. But still we dont care. Funny how we do every feat and have smooth quick runs daily. Its the people who farm dmg, dont revive and dont do objectives or pay attention to mechanics that make runs harder and longer on everyone else. So how are those people being top dps helping anything?

    I saw chris rock say in his standup that after the OJ verdict people were like "we won we won" and he said "everyday i check my mail for my OJ prize and i never get anything." That is how i view it. Keep waiting for that top dps prize. Being top dps accomplishes nothing. The thought process is mind boggling to me. What i look to accomplish in a run is finish the run. Thats the goal. Finish in a timely manner and hope it goes smooth. It usually goes smooth when people arent farming dmg and ignoring everything else.
  7. Controller Devoted Player

    For this to be fair, they'd have to balance ALL powers for DPS, I believe.

    Are all CONTROLLER powers TRULY balanced? I know for a fact that they were not - especially when ToTD N and E were the hardest raids. Quantums could do NO wrong back then.

    Additionally, as a Controller, I do more than dump power and POT....there would have to be a way to measure debuffs used, adds stunned, how long POT was kept active, how many times I used a SC to help group........

    Healers? I'd think that healers do more than heal, as would we accurately measure a top healer? Simply by numerical healing out?

    Tank? How much damage taken in? How many adds held? How long bosses were kept occupied (I've NEVER tanked, so I'm guestimating here)....
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  8. Shapiro Well-Known Player

    No thank you.
  9. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    Good gods no this is one of the worst ideas I have heard in a sea of horrible ideas. Who is top? Top does not equal best. So you could be rewarding someone who is the worst at what their role is. Not to mention you might aswell remove all group content as it will destroy group mentality in this game worse than it already is.
  10. Controller Devoted Player

    To elaborate on Poster Shoots Dakine - it would be GREAT to see how your role would measure up, though.

    Right now, I try to gauge how much power out I'm doing in 20, 40 and 60 min that a "good" measurement of my Controller Effectiveness?

    How about SOLO roles? Dps doesn't count here, but some STANDARD for Tanks, Healers and Controllers would be nice....

    I also try to gauge my effectiveness by how much of a Blue bar I can maintain for not only myself, but for my teammates. And for some healers it is TOUGH to keep them fed.....

    Unfortunately, I doubt anything like this would be implemented, but it would be an interesting idea.

    Can I get better as a Controller? I'd bet that I'd have room for improvement. And even to THAT measure - which POWER would be the STANDARD? Or would the standard be numerical only?

    One thing I found telling is that I saw some mention of the NEW WEBSITE for DCUO, on yesterday. A thread about it on yesterday mentioned that GADGETS and MENTAL are GOOD Controller powers to use....or something to that effect.

    Why is that? Just curious....

    So am I measured against those two powers? Do they put out more power than I? And if so do CONTROLLER POWERS need to be balanced as well as DPS?

    Again - just curious..
  11. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    This is a joke, right? You realize powers are severely imbalanced......yes?
  12. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    I guess my question is every time I see a posting like this is why do you need to look at a scoreboard at all this is not a sporting event.
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  13. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Caught it :)
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  14. VariableFire Loyal Player

    The scoreboard doesn't record enough data for tanks to be ranked due to their different tanking mechanics. Ice and I believe Earth would be at a disadvantage to Fire, Rage, and Atomic if using Damage Taken In, as Ice and Earth's reduce the damage taken in while the others heal it back.
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  15. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I actually LIKE the scoreboard, and I don't like this idea...
  16. tbosh Well-Known Player

    No you shouldn't get rewarded for doing your job whether it's tanking, healing, trolling or dps. Your reward is completing the instance.

    Seems like you are just trying to get something for nothing, top of the "scoreboard" doesn't matter. Did you complete the instance? Yes, okay byeeeee......
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  17. UltraVillain Committed Player

    The scoreboard has consistently been cited as a cause of frustration, upset and generally poor behaviour in game - certainly adding rewards or increasing the means to identify and isolate individual players would be a tremendous amplification of its worse effects.

    It either needs to be re-configured as a group effectiveness measure (in which case a ranking table of your group against those of the week might be useful/challenging) or else deleted altogether.
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  18. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    The OP did say "per role".
  19. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Yea but if it was per role. The troller healer and tank would always show up as the #1 spot for their role because there is only 1 of them.
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  20. VariableFire Loyal Player

    On the one hand, that would seem to imply that more people would be support roles so as to have less competition. However, it'd probably make it even worse for support roles, since the additional support roles would be even more likely to be scoreboard chasing instead of someone trying to help complete the instance.