Remove green consumables from reward boxes

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Comixfan, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Comixfan Committed Player

    Dear devs,

    Please kindly remove the green consumables from reward boxes.

    I've just done the Morrowbot bounty for the fifth day in a row today, and for the fifth time in a row I've received a (useless) green consumable that just gets deleted since a) they're of no real use for tier 4 content and b) they're not stackable so take up too much room in my inventory.

    I would appreciate more of a reward for my efforts at T4 level than a MoW and a green consumable.

    I don't know of anyone that actually uses them. Everyone I know deletes them straight away upon receipt.

    So please, remove them from reward boxes.
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  2. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    These consumables were the worst thing to hit game in my opinion, they are blatantly used in pvp to exploit there mechanics. any tom dick or jane can use the shield and stun grenades and be considred good, take these away, pvp would return to what "Fair" gameplay it was
  3. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    Agreed. They need to be stackable in bigger stacks and you shouldn't be getting something that wasn't a good T3 reward for doing T4 content.
  4. Vex New Player

    Yes, I agree, especially since some of the new content can be difficult its a bit of a slap in the face to give you something so useless. I'd also like to see the role specific blue gear drops from weekly reward boxes to be fixed and adjusted to actually cater to your character. Nothing like being a healer and getting tank gear in a weekly reward box.
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  5. Claytoun New Player

    bigger stacks please!
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  6. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    I cannot get the CR75 Healer utility belt to drop on my main,but I've gotten several on my alts. Whhhhhhyyyyyyy???????
  7. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    what's hilarious is they even have tiers! Shield Generator I, II, III. but nothings different from the stats.
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  8. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Agree 1000% concerning the T4 reward boxes. Until you put in T4 consumables then they should be disabled from these boxes. Especially factoring it that the PvP reward boxes drop better and all around more useful items then even the T3 boxes do.
  9. Ladypheenix New Player

    I totally agree when you do t4 content we should be getting t4 rewards not usless consumables.
  10. Karmapolice Well-Known Player

    Yes Please! I'd rather get nothing.
  11. CouRAGE New Player

    New 52 styles...
  12. Vexedbit Well-Known Player

    I almost always delete these as soon as I get them. Waste of space.
  13. Mighty Bug New Player

    I couldn't agree more! I'll sometimes use the fire or poison ones in an empty slot just so it appears I'm doing more damage, but it doesn't much help. Heck, even the Soders from the Promethium Boxes would be more useful than these things. Just kidding.
  14. Righteously New Player

    I think I have used these once when they came out, now they go poof. :confused:
  15. NCR RANGER New Player

    Are you kidding? The consumable weapons are AMAZING! That's what I carry in my consumable utility belt socket.
  16. SuperiorMouse New Player

    +1 please remove these trash drops. they were introduced to justify utility belts but are just trash drops that get sold to the vendor or otherwise pollute pvp.
  17. Vermilion New Player

    cosign. I've done the bounties on both robots enough times to get their related feats and have only one costume piece from each robot to show for it (Steelworker's Hands and Asylum Inmate shoulders).
  18. Kevington New Player

    Yes, please. Tired of getting these trash drops.
  19. The Doctor Loyal Player

    Yes, but, the stacks need to be more inventory friendly. I really don't mind getting them, but stacks of three or less? No.
  20. Dwild Well-Known Player

    Agree. had a 2 and a 3 slot "consumable" belt and used them a few times with minimal to no result. Now have a 4 Trinket belt that I can socket Accomplice, Orbital Strike, Supply Drop and one stat increasing trinket. Consumables are laughable. On a side note, "random" is nice but after having done Arkham for the 6th time with my bow spec and getting 2 swords, 1 staff, one Cestus, one pistol and a rifle its getting to the "what the hey??" point. High point was finishing it, taking the belt and speccing it for Healer, then doing Stryker Bounty as soon as I left Arkham, getting my magic box, opening it and finding...another belt. 2 days later got the helmet and the next day got another box off Ace Bounty...with a helmet. None of which can be traded, sold or given away. Hurts to scrap a purp for a simple or complex crafting bit.
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