Downtime Server Downtime - April 17, 2016

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 17, 2016.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The US world will be taken offline shortly as we investigate stability and performance issues. We do not have an estimate on how long the world will be down. Follow this thread for updates.

    Update: The US world is now online.
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  2. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    ty please take you're time fix this issue it's getting out of hand.
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  3. xCelestialgirlx Active Player

    Please take your time devs. Thank you for fixing it.
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  4. ROOTE Well-Known Player

    Thank you for "seeing" us!
  5. Fire Blaize New Player

    At this point, I don't care how long the server is down for, as log as the issues get fixed properly. When I could finally log in, I could not do anything..can't que, cant even leave my base. With that being said, thank you for the update.
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  6. masso9112 Well-Known Player

    Take your time, I don't care if you take days, but please fix whatever issue the game has, and for good now.
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  7. Viavocal New Player

    Im sure you guys are doing what you can to fix the issues.
  8. NuclearQueen Active Player

    Mepps, can you give us a detailed explanation on what exactly you are fixing?
  9. HideTheBodies Loyal Player


    Just kidding (kinda) ;) Thanks and good luck to everyone having to work on their day off.
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  10. The Evergreen Level 30

    Dang and tomorrow I work.... im about to cry
  11. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    When it's fixed, will I get my Vault reset & the Ticket I burned back?
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  12. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    Lol. At least they aren't making money on microtransactions. That means this will get fixed asap.
  13. Thona New Player

    Is EU Server this bad too? Or is it just us? >.>
  14. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Don't give us a time because that would mean you will be rushing to make it in such time, just fix it and when it's ready tell us, and I mean really ready and not just "server SHOULD be back up and running", I mean "server IS back up and running". Two weeks man, and it's not even because of hacks or attacks, it's just the game being broken and nothing solid being done about it.
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  15. NuclearQueen Active Player

    Oh, and can you please reset vault for everyone? Because I went inside before the first maintenance, and I would like to get my items
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  16. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Yes please take your time just make sure that it is resolved by 3 am please as that is the time that I get on lol. No seriously sorry to hear there are issues. I hadn't been on all day and just saw it here so thanks for the heads up and eliminating a headache for me before it happened.
  17. Syndicate2016 New Player

    good.cause when i was buying replay badges in the game it said purchase succesful.and i didn't get it.
  18. Miroku776 New Player

    I dont care about it being offline it needs to be fixed correctly. But it is usually good business practice to give people something in return especially when the server has been down more this month than it has been up. Just saying 50% off next months service would be nice just a suggestion.
  19. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Replay Badges, FOTM powers, Premiums, pretty much 3/4 of the game's income is from microtransactions.
  20. Marc Monitor Level 30

    You folks have Zen-like patience xD.
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