Vendor Gear - Smartest Idea

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Apr 14, 2016.

  1. JeffEllis Committed Player

    My wife and I used to play together on PC up to Home Turf then we to stop for a while due to life things. We've recently returned on PS4 and started over. We're both up to around 160 CR so we've had ample time to absorb the new content and gearing methods.

    With that being said, the old way of having each tier with it's own marks and varying numbers dropping (1 for challenge, 2 for duo, etc) was much preferable to the single shared currency we have now and having solid end game gear coming from vendors was just fine. Casuals could still get the gear, albeit much slower while raiders got the higher mark returns from raids and could gear up faster and farm the accessories and weapons (Swamp Think never did drop may f***ing hand blasters back in the day, stupid overgrown weed).

    This new method is counter productive to new players gearing and getting the ancillary things you can buy with marks. Having to make a choice between a penthouse in Lex Tower, the soder recipes for the feat, style only pieces in the Pit and buying my next piece of gear from a tier 7 vendor is just silly. There is no reason those vastly varying levels of content should share the marks used for raid level gear. I understand the need for simplification of currency but that simplification should not require you to spend raid gear currency on things that are purely style choices.

    Don't get me wrong. I really, really like most of the changes that have been made in the time I was away, I just have some issues with how gear and marks are handled now. I can deal with it and it's not game breaking I just prefer the old way as it was more productive.
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  2. scotv453 Well-Known Player

    Good idea, nerf 1000000000 run feats.
  3. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    Why does it matter how someone gets their gear?
  4. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    The People say the current system is fine and there is nothing wrong with it. It my not be right for some but it is perfect for The Bad One and that is all that really matters.
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  5. Senko Committed Player

    I was responding to light fX saying . . .

    and wondering where the difference is between someone spaming alerts, getting best gear THEN trying a raid or not and someone going into a raid, doing nothing and getting best gear by being carried. The former is at least playing content even if its not the raids while the laters just hoping they don't get kicked and actually making the raid harder because you have one person not contributing.
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  6. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    in pre t5 content you could not run older content for marks to purchase top tier gear. we were operating under a multiple mark system or in other words "content relevancy".
  7. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Put best gear in vendor and have it drop in content. Then everyone is happy
  8. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Theres actually a big difference between current scenarios and your suggestion.

    You're absolutely right in saying that right now you have to raid to get best gear, but your suggestion goes beyond that. For comparison:

    Now: Dont like raids? Ok, you can solo/duo/alert to get marks and get the second best gear, which usually has fairly close stats.

    Your Suggestion: Dont like Raids? Ok, well best and even second best gear is completely outta the question, you will be earning zero marks. So you'll have to settle for the third best gear, which still randomly drops so you're not guaranteed a full set and pretty much has last episodes stats.

    It just wouldnt be viable to be honest.
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  9. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    OK, I'm just gonna say this, Omega Boy is actually right concerning LoA. LoA was originally a T2 alert. Coast City was also originally a T2 alert. Strykers and Arkham were actually originally T1 alerts. The first T3 alert introduced into the game was South Gotham Courthouse when BfE dropped. That's actually a fact. After BfE dropped, they eventually moved Coast City, LoA, Strykers, and Arkham to T3 to give people more T3 options. These are all actual facts. That being said, solos, duos, and alerts have all been dropping marks as long as I can remember so I'll leave it at that lol.
  10. Omega Boy Committed Player

    Thanks. They did always drop marks. They just didn't drop marks for the best gear. T2-T4 started with raids only and eventually solos/duos/alerts were added to each. That's all I was saying.
  11. Omega Boy Committed Player

    Why wouldn't we be able to buy 2nd best gear from alerts/duos/solos? I'm not suggesting that they drop no marks just that they drop marks for the 2nd best gear. Same situation as now.
  12. majosea Dedicated Player


    challenge [IMG]

    what would the point of running the last content , if you could buy the best gear in vendor
    you get marks for old content ,solos duo alerts & raids ,dont forget in lockboxes , so there would be no merit of running content the provides a challenge like learning how to beat a raids ,
  13. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    So you're saying you have no new suggestion then? Cause if if its "same situation as now" then nothings changed. Might be a good idea to reiterate your suggestion cause your original post states you'd only get marks from raids like a few years ago. Smaller content gave you Triumph, larger gave you Distinction. They moved away from that because of the community being tired of being forced to do large content.
  14. Omega Boy Committed Player

    As I stated originally, my idea (& how things were originally) was to get marks for the best gear from the raids. Marks for other gear can come from older content/smaller group content just like it always has. No, it doesn't help people that don't want to run raids. It doesn't hurt them either. They're situation stays pretty much the same. It helps the majority that does run raids by changing the RNG drops from the raids to vendor gear. Replaces luck with persistence in an attempt to make content last longer.

    What's your goal for best gear in vendor? To extend content so the population sticks around? To eliminate luck? To reduce reliance on replays? To help people that don't raid?

    If it's solely to help people that don't raid, a new plan is indeed needed and going back to how the game was is not an option.
  15. LT Schmitt Committed Player

    The thing most people forget about when the best gear was in the vendor is that the drop gear was attuned how pissed would everyone be if they just ran a new raid and on ALL of the drops were gear that was not their role and was useless to them even thou it had better stats?

    Here is an idea STOP chastening gear, I almost never us replay badges to run content. I try to remember that the drops from content are valid for 12 weeks, so if I'm are still chasing that chest piece from Prison Break than I still have 3 to 4 weeks to get it before the next set of gear is here.

    Each episode has a 12 week window to get gear that is worth something lets not forget that.

    You do not the best gear on day one of the DLC.
  16. MrB Dedicated Player

    Lol. Best gear in vendor = replay easiest thing on day one to oblivion for marks then complain that there is nothing to do.
  17. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    You know you just talked yourself out of your own idea there right?

    "My idea (and how things were originally)"
    "Going back to how the game was is not an option"

    Going back not being an option is the only thing right there. Going back to how things were when Distinction were around is not an option at all. In any way shape or form. Too many marks, too much confusion, and more than anything it was too much catering to the elite which led to segregation.

    Sorry man, I still dont believe this option is any way viable and is anything except steps backwards.
    "Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them".
  18. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    So you rather bet on luck? So for example I get no OP items for 3 years yet my friends logs in after 6 months and gets 2 OP items? Luck system is random and broken. Game was way happier with vendor because people can farm what they want. There are so many solutions/fixes to your points so.
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  19. megamanzero Loyal Player

  20. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    Yh, take the game back to it's golden age when it was at it's strongest and population was at it's highest, stupid idea...
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