Confidence boost for counters

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Fatal Star, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    A counter isn't worth it without the damage?! Really?!
  2. Roguester Well-Known Player

    Let me guess u only play healer.
  3. Captain Carkus Well-Known Player

    It's written that he's an Earth DPS right on his signature...
    You're also wrong if you think Counters aren't worth it without the Damage.
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  4. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    Earth is my current main (if it wasn't obvious), my mentalist is on the back burner for the foreseeable future. Never played as a healer. I do have a sorcery toon but she's not really leveled yet.
  5. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    You think 500 damage from a blockbreak when I can hit a lot harder through a block is acceptable? Especially when considering, as a support role, I have little to no counter damage to offer other than a long weapon combo, which can be blocked again given the time it takes to wind them up. I'm doing more DPS by smashing through people block than if I bb them and get a few taps in before they block again... Now if a block did more damage to me or even more so, less to my opponent, it may be worth bbing them.

    I haven't had to counter to win in a long time, that pretty much says it all really. I don't know if it was this thread or another, but Rogue said it perfectly, people are getting laughed at for trying to win with counters right now, there's no benefit to it. Now would a confidence boost work? Yes, but more-so for the front loaded powers, so more imbalance, so no. Counters themselves need to be looked at.

    It took one guy I was facing about 15-20 straight losses before he stopped rolling around the arena like a demented turtle and actually tried to do some damage to me before he actually won a game. I kept telling him "stop trying to counter me so much and you might win", and that's exactly what happened when he eventually took note of what I was saying.

    PVP back in the Avatar/Checkmate days was pretty much perfection compared to this mess we've had for the last couple of years. Back then, playing the way I play now, the guy I mentioned above, I'd have been the one on the end of 15-20 straight losses...

    So you tell me if counters without damage are worth it. If you've been playing since the more recent changes I can't see how you can.
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  6. Roguester Well-Known Player

    When i started pvp in this game,counters decided the winner,did not matter the role,the power,the weapon,it was all individual skill,
    In 2v2s u would see people blocking for each other,changing targets to trade dmg,avoiding bbs when low hp to not get rolled...etc.
    I remember photon finisher being the most op power in the game,and some top tier pvpers didnt use it!!!!!!! because they said it was cheese. Now lets examine this for a sec,the most op finisher in the game and they refused to use it to not get the other person to cry,they played as good without it,and won as much without it with individual skill only!!!!!!,thats were pvp was,pvp was in a state were u could avoid using the most op power in the game and still win if u were skilled!!!!!,that was the time i started pvp.
    Now without the most op powers,u do not stand a chance,now randoming and pushing dmg is what pvp is about.
    I said this before,the 1 shot era was more skill based that this,u had to play around high dmg,u had to block,u had to roll,u had to lunge,now its all about the power or role.
    When i started pvp there were a % of pvp players i never saw loose,skill was defining pvp,now anyone can win with the right power.
  7. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    Need I mention we still have blue immunity?

    This topic is trivial af.
  8. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    PvP was broken when they introduced HL as the first fotm that reigned for a while. spare us all this golden age spill. There hasn't really been one.
  9. blackdessert Active Player

    There certainly was a time when PVP in this game was magnificent. When the counter system played a critical role in deciding the outcome of a match. Now everything is so far off kilter it is just sad. Roguester's arguments might be emotionally charged but they are quite accurate. In the current state of the game, counter damage needs a massive buff as at the moment skill is far from being a requirement for victory.
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  10. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    Okay, there probably was a time before things went south.

    As far as skill not being determinative to victory without more counter damage, I call hogwash. With lower counter damage, one can recover should they be on the receiving end and can adapt accordingly. Seems like people want a set amount of counters to determine the winner.
  11. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Nay, this game needs to take a break from damage buffs, if anything bring back the rps weakness system.
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  12. PortgasD Well-Known Player

    I would like a buff on counter damage as well tbh. I think this is an interesting idea but I would honestly prefer a flat increase to counter damage instead.
    A higher base damage from counters encourages more skilled play and helps with role vs role stalemates.
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