Slight problem with Soul Well/sorcery.

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by AbBaNdOn_IGN, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. AbBaNdOn_IGN Committed Player

    I was just screwing around in gotham wasteland trying to unlock a feat and I decided to plop down Soul Well as I was killing stuff which as a healer gives you healing over time but also any time something dies near the well it gives u a big boost of HP. I noticed that sometimes I would murder stuff and I would not get the HP boost.

    I narrowed it down. Stuff that has animations after they die do not trigger the soul well. Like if they explode into a fire after death. I hardly use soul well except for raids or a little extra bit of HoT if I have tons of power. But if it is not being triggered by stuff here I was thinking how much more enemies are out there that do not trigger it properly...........

    This video shows me killing a human cultist at the beginning and u can see the 1400-1500 HP hit i get. Then I kill an Imp and Demon which after death animations and there is no 1400-1500HP bump, just the normal soul well HP regen going on regardless of kills.

    I just wanted to point this out so it can be addressed or kept in mind going forward, that death animations on enemies can screw with soul well.
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  2. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    It also prevents red soul aura from activating in dps role. I brought this up before but it was never even acknowledged
  3. Kitchen_snk New Player

    Not 100% sure, but the creep that caused the soul well heal was in the air while the other 2 were on the ground. The "business" end of the soul well comes from the base of the animation, making topographical irregularities lose line of sight. This is why I drop my soul wells in the air.
  4. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    report it in the tracker.