Who else is waiting with strong anticipation for water?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Commander Coral, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. Commander Coral Well-Known Player

    My Commander Coral has been Earth for far too long!!
  2. Hylozoist Level 30

    Only if it had Celestial-inspired AM. That way, my character would be like a water bender
  3. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I was waiting for Serums, oh wait...

    Well looks like it's Shadow now.
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  4. Dom-Eon Dedicated Player

    There's only one blue colored power that I'm waiting with strong anticipation for. ;)

    But water is cool too. :cool:
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  5. light FX Steadfast Player

    I have the names wetwilly and MsMoist. And my sorc toon atm is all water skin with a dark blue radiant. Im ready:D
  6. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

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  7. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    Not anticipating at all. Bored. When roles are no longer limited to specific power trees, I will be interested.
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  8. Roomba Dedicated Player

    The Squirterr is merely biding and plotting beneath the depths...

    No seriously, I already got the style figured out (below is not final version, have to update soon). Now hurry up and put it on test so I can tinker!!! lol
  9. Roomba Dedicated Player

    I mean. To be fair... it kinda has always been like that for some powers. Since forever. Nature and fire come to mind immediately, but those were my first toons. I'm sure there were others.
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  10. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    Actual game characters disagree with you. Or have you not in the past noticed the little tank icon for Poison Ivy and her minions (Nature)?
  11. Roomba Dedicated Player

    My bad, I thought we were talking about things that were relevant to class trees, which that is not. Did you mean powersets, not power trees? Not nitpicking, but that has two completely different meanings.

    I'm guessing you meant "roles not confined to specific powersets". in which case, yeah.. thatd be nice. But I can't see that happening at this point unfortunately.
  12. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Yep have agent wetcell all ready ^^
  13. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I am very excited for water powers. It will hopefully come out before it gets too cold outside. XD
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  14. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Before they release water it would be nice if they added weapon packs for Munitions and Atomic. Or maybe do all three weapon packs when water is released.
  15. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Lord Noden is anxiously awaiting his transformation to a water based DPS/Healer. Currently playing him as a natural healer and DPS and he is at CR 100 and driving the Amazons crazy in Gotham Under Siege.
  16. Wallachia Devoted Player

    My secret alt Poseidon is ready for it.

    DIBS ON LOADOUT GUIDE FOR WATER (A Wet and Wild guide to Water).
  17. TheDeuce Well-Known Player

    Darrrgh, the Salty SeaMan be ready for water powers.
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  18. Azreaus Committed Player

    I'm waiting for it with mild anticipation for it, just hope it's not another D.O.T AM and if it is a Combo AM that it's like Rage not Celestial.
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  19. OANGL Well-Known Player

    Earth is the best nation.
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  20. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    My water toon is Soggy BottomBoy. He's a man of constant sorrow.
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