Natures Insectoid Form

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Amanda Bailey, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I hate it with a passion similar to Mother Natures resentment towards Deforestation. I hate the weapon and I hate the damage mitigation that Nature healers get when they do not use insectoid form and last but not least, I hate the outfit change completely. It doesn't even have different genders. It's the only support role with a power back mechanic when it didn't really need one in the first place. You ruined one play style while enhancing another and called it an improvement, when in reality we were put back at square one.
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  2. Lara Kelly Well-Known Player

    yeah I hate that too -- way too ugly and disgusting, and worse yet close up! I use WM , reserver tank, sp, etc to gain some of which bug form supposed to get.

    But then again not using that I do save power points and can use it to get +200 health +200 defence and one more. and also not have to be forced to use flight movement mode which I feel is too slow and not accurate.
  3. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    This is why I'm a sorcery healer
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  4. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Ugh I hate all the shape shifting. The bug sucks, I want to be the character, movement mode and use the weapon i created and like not some ugly slow bug. For dps i hate it even more cause shape shifting is so sloooow and with how fast all the other powers setup theres no way nature can ever compete like this.

    Most people don't want to be in a form they want to be their own character that they created.

    I hope in the update they make human form and shape shifting have equal dps potential. If natures best dps is locked behind 9 step or more shape shifting build nature is doomed :( i have some good simple ideas i just hope they listen.
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  5. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Sadly the power is based off beast boy. Reason shape-shifting is a huge thing in it
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  6. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    It's the most favored and chosen healer power when it comes to hard stuff. Bug is disgusting, and the fact it has an 80% powerback mechanic unlike other healers is outrageous still. I have seen people nature healing in human form and get picked on. Others want the easy way out and go bug by force.

    Bug forms Powerback is one thing that needs to go. Keep the other benefits like the crits and damage so Human form only gets powerback with WM.

    And further fetching, there should be at least two types of shape shifts for each power option.
  7. Peach4saints Committed Player

    Nature bug form healing is great the way it is beside the look of the bug itself. There is no need to change it cause theres no competition in healing. Go back to complaining about which dps power is under performing, instead of trying to ruin a great healer powerset :)
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  8. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    I only heal it in human form and kill it. Handblasters suck and the bug form is horrid looking. Every nature heal in bug form I have seen is just a spamming idiot, tbh. Throwing heals when not needed and whatnot. Horrible players.
  9. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    If the 80% powerback was removed or reduced below WM 33% then it would be fine. Nature Bug is over favored like Ice dps and Mental are when you compare them to Celestial lets say. Touching the powerback would not ruin the powerset at all except making more in par with the other healers, we can see that in PvP now.

    I have yet to see someone not picked on in human form nature healing, please explain why that is.
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  10. Pults Loyal Player

    Whilst PvP is not the greatest place to take things out of in order to understand how powers compare it sure as hell shows a trend which is driven by experience. The BvS matchups could have been slightly different if there was greater healer variety. (The last part is just an opinion, I'm not stating it as fact)
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  11. Peach4saints Committed Player

    The powerback is fine now, no need for the devs to waste time and man power on something that doesn't need to be fixed, i can see your point about removing it on pvp tho cause its player versus player.Compared to celestial? Celestial is a great healer powerset aswell and its preferred for solo healing lots of content like sm cause of its awesome range, I love it

    When I pug sometimes and I see nature heals not in bug form healing, from my experience they don't get "picked on" unless they're not doing their jobs, matter of fact I heal out of bug form sometimes cause I love how pretty my toon looks and no one says anything cause I do my job :). If what you're experiencing is true, its because some of our community aren't the most knowledgeable of players(To be nice about it).
  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    If you think removing the power back mechanic will ruin nature then maybe you need a different approach that doesn't rely so much on unintended mechanics.

    Nature was the top healer long before AM even existed. You don't need power regeneration to be an amazing healer.
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  13. Peach4saints Committed Player

    No need to remove a good thing like the power back if the goal in pve is to work together to complete a mission, its not an unintended mechanic, the devs knowingly placed the power back in bug form for a reason.

    I know you don't, never said or implied that, so no need to respond to that second part.
  14. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    So nature dps is one of the worst powers on the game which forces most of us to heal only and now u want a nerf on the healer side as well? Poor nature lol. I hate the look too.. but it helps me to be more efficient so I use it anyway in harder content. And nature isn't spamming, they're most likely refreshing dots, putting ads in plants, or giving the group a buff with hive mind.

    Healing depends a lot on WHO you're healing. I've ran with pugs where I truly did have to spam due to ppl being under geared, standing next to the tank, or not grasping the mechanics. Power back or not it can empty my bar quick. Then I can run with my league or an experienced pug in the same instance and my bar never drops below 50%.

    I just don't forsee the devs changing the awful look of that big crotch man bug as much as ppl have complained about it when there's 500 other things that need fixing first that actually affect game play.
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  15. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Yup. I hate bug form too but its efficient so i use it .

    Having the option to choose one form we can use in lieu of bug form would be sweet.
  16. Punkpirate Well-Known Player

  17. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I never said I wanted it removed. I just said removing it would not ruin nature like people think. I used to want to taken away, I'll be honest, but now I'd rather they balance other healer powers accordingly.

    You don't have to reply to the second part. Just know it's the truth. Nature has always been a preferred healer class long before AM. So removing an Am mechanic wouldn't ruin it ;)
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  18. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Sorry man but when it was removed in PvP, even 2 battery focused trolls couldn't keep nature powered at all.
    Even in PvE, it would be a nightmare to power.
    I assume a lot of people think it's because of the power out in the scoreboard... which is sadly misinterpreted. That's how much power bug form uses just to heal that way..
  19. Peach4saints Committed Player

    Agreed on balancing other healer classes accordingly although I don't think they will because originally, from what I understand, nature got power back in bug form because they couldn't use weapon mastery to reduce their power cost in that form.

    I know its the truth, you dont need the power regeneration to be an amazing healer :)
  20. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I'd prefer that it work like the Valentine's seasonal race: our back piece turns into some dragonfly wings, and we become flight. That form change still takes a sec on the PS3, so I don't think it'd solve the efficiency issue the way Ice Armor did, probably because it still changes your loadout. But, it would solve people's major complaint about ugliness and keeping the look of their character.

    As far as power back, Insectoid gets it because it has no access to the WM power cost discount. It needs to be there unless that changes.
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