Question about tank taunt.

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by darkscarletx, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I don't have the time at the moment to give you a full answer. I'll give you some notes I jotted down on my way to making something coherent for you ...

    I use Inescapable, BW, SR, Reflect, Cold Snap, and swap between WW or Frost Snipe situationally.

    Ice has a sort of "Tank AM" that once Ice Armor is activated, it is automatically renewed with Cold Snap without having to build up more Chill Effects. I use Cold Snap to clip Bitter Winds, because in cutting-edge content, I kept getting beat up while casting Bitter Winds. I care more about wearing ice armor under my shields than I do whether my defense buff for casting a power is up (that buff is kinda buggy anyhow).

    I only swap shields when one starts to dissipate, or I start taking hits through it. New content, I have to rotate faster and use all four shields.

    Note that there is a bug (DC-848) where ice shields can strip each other depending on what order you cast them:
    Any Shield + Bitter Winds = stacked
    Bitter Winds + Any Shield = stacked

    Reflection + Shatter Restraints = stripped
    Shatter Restraints + Reflection = Reflection overrides

    Reflection + Winter Ward = stripped
    Winter Ward + Reflection = Reflection overrides

    Winter Ward + Shatter Restraints = Shatter Restraints overrides
    Shatter Restraints + Winter Ward = Winter Ward overrides
  2. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    So cold snap should be in my loadout? It keeps the chill and the defense up. And reflection all the time.
    I'll try this, clip cold snap and BW and use my reflec or any shield. Reflect is the only ice armor for ice tank or there are others?
    HL shield I heard it can be broken fast so not useful or idk if it is useful again?
  3. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    The shields stop working at 1/2 of the cooldown, so most of them wear off at 6 seconds out of 12. Bitter Winds is the tricky one that I think confuses people. The animation around it is for the damage out, not the shield. That's unlike Reflection where the bubble pops when the shield goes down. BW can still be swirling around you even though the shield part is down, and that damage over time is not taunting enemies anymore either.

    It sounds like you're using a good bit more power than you have to. You really don't need more than a power every 4 seconds to be really safe on both taunting and the basic tank buffs. At 4 seconds apart, either Bitter Winds/Reflection/Pull or BW/Reflection/Shatter Restraints is plenty.
  4. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Okay, thanks for the tips. So BW, Reflec, pull/ or taunt/ or SR should be enough every 4 second? Assuming you say that all have the same cooldown. And for the rest of my loadout I heard I need cold snap that keep the shield active.

    I still need also my cc's but it seems theres a bug that override or cancel shield so its tricky. :/ Like with WW or SR.
  5. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    When I tried this in January any of Ice's shields were overwriting the one I had on. You have to turn on a few bits of combat logging to see it happen: Damage In, Combat Out, Healing Out I spent a few hours fighting Dreggs in the NGN open world to prove to myself it worked that way. Really should find that video again, meant to upload it; I had the combat long font set to large and everything.

    Hard Light Shield and shields from other people were stacking (I used my sidekick one to confirm). If you pop HLS and Reflect say, you'll see the damage eat away at HLS and then Reflect takes over. But if you pop Reflection and then Bitter Winds at least a tick later, damage will start being absorbed by BW, and when it's done you don't even get the remaining Reflection amount back back.

    This was really confusing when I first tried it out because casting two at the same time will not give you consistent results.
  6. Zaeg New Player

    From my experience, when I use mesmerizing lasso (I haven't tried it with other taunt powers), there is a circle around the bosses or the mobs head with a few sparks. I believe this is the indication of the taunt being in effect. I'm not really 100% sure though because sometime It shows and sometime it doesn't.
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  7. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    I finally found my loadout and rotation and I can see a big improvement in taunt and staying alive. I did Demon's Plan Elite as tank with a troll and 2 dps.

    My loadout: Inescapable storm - Lasso - Cold snap - Shatter restraint - Bitter Winds - Reflection

    Winter Ward is to not be in your loadout because it remove taunt, I learned it the hard way. Basicly I rotate:

    Bitter Winds - Reflec - Shatter Restraint(use multi and lasso every 8 seconds) and repeat rotation when the next cooldown is done to always have taunt and shield and damage out. And cold snap to keep my chill effect and keep my shield effect too and taunt.

    It works really great. Never I'm gonna use WW... It just destroy all your tank work.
  8. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Reflection is the only shield that gives you a Chill Effect. You need 5 Chill Effects to get Ice Armor. You would have to be using Reflect back-to-back with no breaks whatsoever to maintain Ice Armor with no breaks. And, you're still talking five shield rotations before the first time that Ice Armor becomes available. Cold Snap will allow you to save Reflection for specific attacks without having to worry, and having two powers that create Chill Effects, brings it from five shield rotations to two-and-a-half for the initial time. Some people do opt for Ice Bash instead of Cold Snap, however.

    The issue with Hard Light Shield is twofold. 1) First and foremost is that it is a "healer type shield." It even points this out in the description. What that means is that (unlike tank type shields and controller type shields) there's a hitcount before it breaks. I believe the hitcount is anywhere from 2-5. Even if it's only defending against ticks of 1 damage, it has a chance of breaking after the second tick. So, even with all your stats making it stronger, it couldn't defend against 2 damage because the damage came with a hitcount of two. 2) It has a horrendous cooldown. I believe it's something like 25 seconds. There was a time when I used to clip Bitter Winds with it (not only for that issue I was having casting Bitter Winds, but also because HLS does give a self-heal with the regenerative shielding mod). It wouldn't be ready in time for the second cast of BW.
  9. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    I found my loadout and rotation. Read post above yours. It works really well. Did Phantom Zone Elite, not last boss though but I was soloing Zod at the end and almost got him if my supply and orbital was ready.

    What I see is Winter wards is a no for tank because it breaks everything about taunt. That's why I couldn't keep the boss and adds. But now, they stay at me all the time and my defense is always up.

    I don't know why WW do that though. Maybe the devs need to fix it but never I'm gonna use WW ever again.
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  10. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    Yeah, it's bad, HLS has a 40 second cooldown, which is over 3 rotations of the regular 12 second ice shield cooldown. The other oddball is Winter Ward, which has a 20 second cooldown and lasts 12 seconds.

    The hit count on HLS was 3 last time i checked. A hit registers at most every 1.5 seconds. That means for a tank being hit constantly the shield will drop in just over 3 seconds even if it hasn't absorbed the full amount yet. Damage chews away at HLS before hitting the other ice shields too, so if you use it at all you really want to save it for when all the other shields are unavailable.
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  11. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    If you're hitting someone with the Inescapable Storm pull, the lasso doesn't do very much on top of that. The lasso does tie up enemies briefly sometimes. Using both is wasting a bit of power. You'd be better off using Freeze Wave if your goal is to stop adds from attacking you.
  12. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Sorry I meant Or not And. But I use them both.