PRO KREATION - voice only heroes and home of the Crazies

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by CrazyArtBrown, Feb 23, 2016.

  1. khonsshadow Well-Known Player

  2. ParticleFire Active Player

    Two guys and a girlfriend.
    Do not join this league.
    Just don't
  3. khonsshadow Well-Known Player

    ^ Drama the exact thing that got this guy kicked and the exact thing that we aren't looking for. Good luck with your future endeavors Particle.
    • Like x 2
  4. khonsshadow Well-Known Player

  5. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    I'd like to thank Pro Kreation for donating to my 3rd Ranked Legends PvP Tournament, they have been more than helpful to me in PvE ever since I've met them, and I'm not even a league member.
  6. Fantasy Fan New Player

    Still seeking new recruits. Contact CrazyArtBrown or Khons shadow