Trying to identify a certain super power (scream)

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Crabmore, Feb 15, 2015.

  1. Crabmore New Player

    Okay so this may sound a little silly and I hope this is the right section for the thread but I was playing DCUO the other day and I saw someone use a super power that made his toon let out a deafening scream that pierced right through my ear drums. Ever since, I've been trying to find what super power that was and what power tree it belonged to, but to no avail. I thought it was Rage at first but after doing a little bit of research, I couldn't find it anywhere there.

    I don't even know why this particular super power fascinates me so much, I bet it gets annoying after a while but regardless, I would really appreciate it if any of yall were able to help me identify it.
  2. Deathmike Devoted Player

    Sonic shout from the Iconic tree probably.

    Deathmike out.
    • Like x 1
  3. Vesper Dedicated Player

    Sonic Shout. It's Screamin' time.

    Ty Roc highly approves of this power.
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  4. Crabmore New Player

    Thanks a lot guys, just got on to confirm. Didn't even think to look in the Iconic Powers tree. Shame it's pretty much useless, much like most all Iconic Powers.
  5. Vesper Dedicated Player

    Ty Roc finds your lack of faith disturbing. :(

    Ty Roc tanks end-game content with Sonic Scream every day. With a high Dom, adds stuck in the AoE cone *stay* stunned.
  6. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Ty Rock refers to himself in the third person, impressive

    So did Mongo (very obscure movie reference intended)
  7. Vesper Dedicated Player

    Mongo not obscure. Mongo only pawn in game of life.
  8. Lastmourning New Player

    But keep in mind Mongo also knocked out a horse. So he did have that going for him.
  9. The2ndSelf New Player