The Brazilian Fighters League

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nemeses Prime, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    Thank you for your support, I will do my best to stop this.
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  2. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    Thank you brother!
  3. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    Thank you!
  4. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    Thank for this. We had some players in the past with this behavior, thank for the loot systen changed.

    I am seeing that we bahavior is to most important thing to fix at this moment, I will promisse that I will do my best to change.
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  5. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

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  6. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    O no longer I dont know anything about this league then
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  7. omegahawk74 Committed Player

    I am not going to lie if I could understand yous better I would love to join your league as its in the top 3 and number 1 at times in the league ranking. I am in a great league though already to with most people in the t7 area like 95% are and all in the 175 to 250 plus sp range but there slowly moving onto other games at this time.
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  8. Mona Arch Level 30

    Had a few issues with BF. Was in a duo and they asked for help with a feat...I said yes and spent A LOT of extra time trying to help. They didn't get the feat and just left the duo. Not even a thank you for trying. The other problem I have is whenever I'm running with them and invite someone they leave and tell me they can't help because they refuse to run with the BF's. They need to clean up their act if they want a better reputation.
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  9. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    This is why I am here. It's sad, but in the past we had some bad players, not just people that do wrong things in the game, but about the bevavior, and in my opinion, it's the worst thing for a person. You can play with not good enough players, but with bad bahavior it's a nightmare.
  10. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    Guys, every word here my league will know about. I am glad for all the feedback, and again, thank you so much for every attention, every minutes that you lost here just for a few word or whatever.

    Thank you so much!

    I will try to change this situation, I just need some time. Change a entire league, that now we have arround 160 characters, will be really hard, but I will do my best.
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  11. AberrantAngel Committed Player

    Nem. Can't say much that had not been already said.
    I'm not a big fan of of BF for most of the reasons above. Only one I can add is being kicked when another league member from BF had logged on so he can come in.
    But that does not mean it stops me from running with your league. All leagues have good and bad.
    All that anyone I think who pays this game asks for is respect while running content, communication when needed.
    Good luck to you. And thank you for trying to make your league and the game better.
  12. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Had a platinum SM run with 7 members of the Brazilian Fighters and it changed my whole perception of the league. They were extremely respectful and competent players. I couldn't understand a single word they said though. After the run I even got into a group picture. Lol. Thought of this post after the run and wanted to give props where it was due.
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  13. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I always hated when the group wipe on 1st try BF players leave in the middle of the boss fight
  14. The Loveless Well-Known Player

    This is the best post I've seen since I've been watching these forums ^^
    Or, maybe my selective memory's acting up... either way, good stuff.

    To the OP, if this isn't the thread of the year, it's certainly in the running. You seem to be turning things around, so keep up the good work and the awesome leadership.

  15. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I just want to say this:

    Biscoito > Bolacha.

    Thanks for sharing.
  16. grifterwildkat New Player

    Olá boa noite sou um jogador br tbm , poderia entrar na sua liga?meu nome no jogo é grifterwildkat
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    almost 7 years...nice job!
    • Like x 1
  18. Proxystar #Perception

    necromancia é a especialidade de alguém, estou certo?
  19. grifterwildkat New Player

    Grifterwildkat cr414
  20. grifterwildkat New Player

    Gadgets dps precision