Ripped off by the Devs

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FatherOfEvil, Feb 28, 2016.

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  1. FatherOfEvil Level 30

    I've payed Legendary dues for many, many months my friend.
  2. Minnion Devoted Player

    Wait really? I would have thought you'd at least get the teleport mods with the basic lair...
  3. FatherOfEvil Level 30

    I've given lots of my money and don't see why I should be held up for a few dollars more. I will probably be Legendary again in a couple of weeks, but this still isn't right.
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  4. FatherOfEvil Level 30

    I HAVE teleporter mods lol
  5. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Are your generators (power cells) paid for?
  6. Backseid Devoted Player

    I've paid for Legendary every single month since sometime in 2012. Never once unsubbed. I have bought every single thing on the Marketplace except for DLC content.

    If I drop my sub, I get nothing.
  7. FatherOfEvil Level 30

    When Legendary expires, they go off. Nothing you can do about it. They were payed for before it expired.
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  8. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Not saying u have not nor am I saying u r wrong 2 down grade. As easy as content is I consider it myself often but being fair the base generator is the key to the fee of lairs. Some of the generators perks shoukd not be free. I wish the teleporter stated u needed home turf to fully use it but once we understand why I kinda think its an over sight on our part to. The home turf base cost is cheap so its an easy fix but u also need the dlcs to get to certain spots so who knows whats best for each person.

    Sucks u went through this and I again wish they stated u need the lair but minus not labeling it so the devs are not at fault here imo. Anyway u cut it hope this works out for u an going forward u continue to enjoy dcuo
  9. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I just checked on my premium account and you're right .... that does suck.
    I'd be miffed too.
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  10. FatherOfEvil Level 30

    I agree, but to me this isn't just a matter of whether it states it or not, since I was Legendary at the time, and for a long time after, I wouldn't have noticed anyway. This wasn't free. I had to buy it, and as such, I should be able to use it. It should be independent of lair access. I'm not asking for free supply drops or henchmen here. I'm asking to be able to use something I actually payed for. If nothing else, teleporter lair access should be included in the purchase price.
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  11. FatherOfEvil Level 30

    Thank you!
  12. Minnion Devoted Player

    See much of that lost revenue comes from lack of product to sell to us... (Or in cases like this, if it's true that the ability to equip teleporter mods is indeed sold separately from the teliporter itself lost customers who feel ripped off when they buy something that didn't come bundled up with it's key function... It would be like buying an armory and then finding out you need to buy a separate DLC on top of that to save your SP load-out to it.)

    So yeah many of us that have had Home turf since before the teliporters were introduced probably were thinking the same thing as the OP when he bought his: That the ability to use teleport mods were included/free. If this isn't the case then yeah, I think that the ability to socket and use teliporter mods to unlock more teleport locations should be included with the teliporter.
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  13. FatherOfEvil Level 30

    While I normally appreciate your perspective, in this case its more like "I bought a microwave, and put the burrito in it"
    "Did you pay $4 to use the countertop?"
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  14. Minnion Devoted Player

    Or like "I bought a Car and now it won't run even though I made sure that it has a full tank of gas and a new battery", and then somebody asking "Did you buy a garage to keep it in?"
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  15. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    And they've given you back 30-days of all-access content for months, that's the trade-off with legendary. Legendary subscription is just a basic rental system, not an installment/rent-to-own system.

    And just like Korlick said, you have to OWN Home Turf to be able to use the amenities because remember, the bases were given to everyone for free.
  16. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    But, they'll take your money for a useless teleporter, bank, mailbox or other useless amenity. It should at least be clear in the description...
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  17. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Yeah, I mean, part of me is like 'it's four bucks dude, that breaks no one's bank', while the other part of me is like 'you guys really coulda just labelled the damned thing as functionally dependent on Home Turf or the Lairs system'. I mean, if you have one, own it, know what it does and think about it, technically speaking it becomes semi apparent that it's contingent on the possession of the Lair System or the HT DLC to function, but literally - for you to know it works that way - you already have to have one and have been using it.

    Kinda makes you long for the days of cleverly worded fine print. the DCUO motto is 'here's your crap, instruction manuals are non-existent, good luck'.
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  18. metalfenix Committed Player

    Sometimes I think that DCUO is run by LexCorp :D . But yeah, it seems you have to buy the lair system to make your teleporters work right.
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  19. tukuan Devoted Player

    I agree that It should be added to the MP description.

    That aside I've never let my sub lapse so I never knew that you lost your base access if you didn't have DLC 6. I guess it stands to reason but personally I had thought it would be like DLC powers or shield which is to say new characters couldn't get one if you lapsed but your existing characters could go on as they had before.

    It's pretty much a moot point for me as I'd not likely play at all if I let my sub lapse but it does seem a bit harsh that you'd lose access to something that represents hours upon hours to build up let alone the functionality it represents.
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  20. Tyrranus Well-Known Player

    The only real problem here was a really bad oversight in the shop for not mentioning the specifics for cash shop items. I'd be frustrated too but there's good reasons to buy DLC not rely on the sub, you just slammed into one hard.
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