New Legends PvE Schedule!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. Tygerfyre Committed Player

    You did 2000 instances of LPVE that weekend?

    You can't possibly have all of the lpve feats cleared unless you've run 1000 as hero and 1000 as villain, at a minimum. Even assuming 10 minutes per run, that's two weeks of non-stop LPVE.

    Feat list
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  2. IMighty ManI Active Player

    There are still a few like that I need, but I have all of the team ups, and most of the general theme ones like that, but this update doesn't make me want to farm all that out. I'm not suddenly going to push my villain runs up to 1000 because of this update because that kind of feat happens naturally over time anyway. What you are suggesting is not the kind of feat which this update would matter most for, this update is for people who need team-up feats and don't have access to them. If its not getting more feats added, this still isn't all that exciting.
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  3. FatherOfEvil Level 30

    When will we get a new Legends pve map?
  4. krytine Loyal Player

    It would take atleast 5000 runs
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  5. KidSuperBoy Well-Known Player

    LOL ha ha ah.:D
  6. KidSuperBoy Well-Known Player

  7. MASSEFFECT2 New Player

    Anyone else receive double markplace cash when adding cash?
  8. Ghoul Well-Known Player

    lol ahahhaa
  9. DarthJafo Committed Player

    question.never done a legends these pop faster than standard? Cause getting courthouse pve to pop normally and get a balanced team is well nigh impossible.

    also..are loot tables the same? I need the occult couch but can never get into courthouse for the chance to get it
  10. Ghoul Well-Known Player

    are you guys excited about this? i know i am ;)
  11. Tygerfyre Committed Player

    Legends seems to pop pretty quickly, as there are always people working on the feats. Of course, having a partial or full group ahead of time will help, especially if you're expecting to do team-up feats.

    Part of this is likely that roles are irrelevant on LPVE, since Legends do not have roles. This is also why in Legends you can take advantage of the classless buffs, especially the healing one.

    (BTW, if you want 1-1-1-1 on regular PVE alerts, go in your game settings and turn OFF the setting for "enable role optional alerts". This forces at least one player queuing for each role. They might screw you by going DPS, but its likely to be a better mix than just random players. It might take longer, but it will be a better-roled team when it does pop.)

    Loot tables are not the same from what I've seen. You tend to get base items that are not the normal drops, and I'm not sure if I've ever gotten the regular drops in there.
  12. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    This!!! Please put these feats back in. For the love of Hera!
  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    dude you sound like a spoiled *** brat. Be grateful so many are even interested in SP nowadays.
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  14. Aeohn_DCUO1995 New Player

    I'm really happy they sped up the rotation of LPVE. Now I don't have to wait forever to get feats that I missed!!!
  15. Jupiter Sky xbo New Player

    May be off topic, but is there a bonus for using the free legend of the week? I'm personally getting tired of being teamed with 3 zod's (last week), and now, arkillo. Personal preference, I guess, but if turning my volume down so i don't have to hear "Kneel before Zod!", every few seconds, and often in stereo...well, you get the idea.
  16. bagofboom Committed Player

    No. Unless there is a feat in said instance for said Legend/Team-up.
    The freebie Legends are "free" to give players a chance to test out characters they don't have in the hopes that they'll purchase them. Kinda like free advertising.
  17. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    When will we get new maps?