2 Tank Raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KildareSmudge, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    I had one friend try to get our group to try this (G!) but we were unsuccessful. Yet the next week I did see it done. It was kind of sad. I do love this raid. It might be my favorite in the game. I just wish it was easier to get a group together.
  2. DCUOPoe Level 30

    DCUO has been attempting to make 2 tank raids viable since launch. The problem is the community out levels the content too fast for it to really matter. New beefy gear, speed-run strats, and flavor-of-the-month power/weapon sets will always trump "intended" game design. People just want to get as powerful as possible as fast as possible. I've always appreciated that they've never had 2 tank raids completely die.... even though they don't last all that long when we have one.
  3. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    This seems like the natural progression of any game, but in certain cases, like Throne, it makes it really difficult to run the raid at all once everyone gets past it in CR relevancy.
  4. High Troller Loyal Player

    For the record, I solo tanked hh normal and Elite quite a few times. Was it easy? Of course not. I like the challenge though. Others are correct about throne normal is solo tankable.
  5. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    I said in my OP that I know it is solo tankable with an OP group. But you don't random que into OP groups.
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  6. Couze Well-Known Player

    Every raid can be solo tanked to date even at tier/max cr when released if not sooner. No matter how many tanks you have some players are just special. I am a firm belliever that with any great group that know boss mechanics and maneuvers and how to appropriately position yourself to survive it can be done. I have myself Solod every raid at tier as a fire tank barring Throne elite. I only ran it 2x when released and didn't return until gu47. I assure you some ppl i solod with were not even GREAT at their respective roles. I can only imagine the smoothness of playing with 7 equally aware teammates at all times. Personally, I feel that their are too many inefficient and ineffective players on the USPS. I find it hilariously enjoyable to join pug groups and hear basic players brag and taunt, especially about their mediocre DPS and survival instincts, then after the mission is completed, all you hear are crickets because the Ice beast just lost to a Fire Demon on the scorecard by 5 million or more. Then to Top it off they died 3-4x as much as you did if you even died at all. I think its so funny that when im crushing these subpar ice dps, I have to hear things like"whats your LO(when they think I am Ice too) or I thought fire Tanks/DPS sucks(when you solo tank)... It is truly pathetic. I hope PC players bring it because i am at wits end with ppl saying stupid nonsense on USPS. How can I fireburst for 15 minutes and you not see that im fire.
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  7. Gamma Lantern Committed Player

    I'll have to disagree with you....no one was solo tanking the first boss of Throne Elite when it was current....not a soul
  8. High Troller Loyal Player

    I randomly queue into OP groups. I randomly queue into horrible groups. But since I only queue like that on my tank, I turn horrible groups into workable groups. Once I establish the tank is the boss, things are smooth sailing. If I cannot establish that footing, I leave. Most of the time that happens is when cross faction queuing kicks in and I get grouped with heroes that don't want to listen to a villain.

    P.S. you used OP twice in different contexts. And que is different than queue.
  9. Off Side Well-Known Player

    I did it long time ago... lol

    Since day 1, when HoPII released...

    I died, but no healer out since minute 2:35, and 1 bug with soda not popping correctly...
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  10. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    you can do ToTD with one tank *now*, if you LFG for all 140+ members. the tank carries the essence off into the corner and have the DPS's gang up on Ares. limit to single-target weapon attacks and he'll be dead in about, ehhh... 2 minutes, tops.
  11. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    lol Yes I did. Original Post and Over Powered. Didn't even think about it. And I never have been able to figure out the correct spelling of kyew.
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  12. Controller Devoted Player

    Nice, Good job to you and your crew for that.

    Doesn't appear to be the preferred way, but doable, evidently.

    You provided proof and that's all I can ask for.
  13. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    You are wrong. Throne does not need a tank for awhile now. I say for 3 DLCs. If your group has enough burn you can actually just kill the essence when it comes out. But HH has been able to solo tank for quite some time. But we also were not splitting up Lash and Stompa in HHE with Hat Trick. We just had one of us tank them both. Heck, Gray Fullbuster did it 120sp no white mods when HH was actually relevant. Most did not even get hat trick legit on villain side til next DLC. Nirvanas Glitched it. They also clown boxed death proof.
  14. Couze Well-Known Player

    Then you did not read correctly. Please reread what I typed. You can adjust your comment later. barring mean excluding. That was the only mission i couldnt solo tank. Everything else yes.
  15. Couze Well-Known Player

    Just incase you are unaware HH got an adjustment when BP released. This made it much tougher. Anything before that is laughable. Same with everything else in HoP2. There was a huge increase in t7 enemy stats.
  16. Couze Well-Known Player

    You could do it before at cr 113-116. You just needed real players. I wish i recorded all my time on PS4. There are amazing ppl on dcuo. We had electric, nature, sorcery and quantum dps. I, the electric grabbed ares and blocked tank style never lost aggro, the troll pulled the adds, the adds got burned. Rinse, repeat, 3-4x and voila. The tank had 1 handed and locked essence into corner with lasso and frost snipe. Took us a few tries to get proper positioning and boom. I did die 1x because the healers got lazy I am guessing, but we did it.
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  17. Gamma Lantern Committed Player

    Lol guy your first sentence says every raid in the game could be tanked when it was current period....you clarify many sentences later...don't try and act like its my bad...learn how to communicate properly....have you ever done any summary writing in any English class?
  18. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    And it still was not difficult. We have been solo tanking for awhile. But also almost our entire active league has Granny Gold Star. And we have been getting it DLC after DLC for new members and it keeps gettong easier and easier. Stompa little 25 meter aggro increase didn't phase us. I also do not know any others villain side that got Granny Gold that did not wait 30 extra CRs. The raid is a joke, people just need to understand it. You honestly do not need a tank on the 1st two Bosses.
  19. Couze Well-Known Player


    I have done a lot of writing in English class and there are things called rough drafts for a reason when putting out a thought on a mobile device with poor web browser one doesn't go back and correct or update grammatical errors, nor do they care to analyze the structure of their thought. I did communicate properly and I stand by my statement. Just because no one did it at release does not mean it could not be done. I was very concise in exactly what I attempted to relay, your perception of my words is the issue. I still say affirmatively that I believe any raid to date can be solo tanked with the appropriate group I tried thrones and was nearly successful with substandard healers. So even if you disagree with my Opinionated statement, I really don't need to adjust anything I said. I clearly said what I meant to say. I can't help how Joe schmoe chooses to interpret.

    My words were both clear and concise and if anyone read the entirety of my post they would understand exactly what I meant. I refuse to waiver in my opinion that every raid to date could be solo tanked at tier when released before new gear improvements if the group was appropriate. Just because no one has posted proof does not mean it was not "Possible". Therefore, I need not to further my explanation. I can see when I'm playing how difficult content is and if any adjustments to a group can be made on the fly. I have beat every raid within 24 hours of playing them to date without any prior knowledge of the instance.

    Throne elite was the only raid I couldn't solo tank successfully and it wasn't because of my abilities. It was simply due to playing with basic players who couldn't adjust and learn to block, focus fire, divide and conquer. There are always ways to circumvent certain mechanics. You want to avoid Gongs in DPE get 2-3 good DPS or 2 great DPS and boom mechanic irrelevant. Same thing goes for just about any other raid or alert in this game. Great players know how to adjust. Sadly, I am not afforded the opportunity to play with a full 8 players of the same skill level or I would have proof that such a feat could be accomplished in this easy game.

    Players who know how to play will always have a different experience in this game versus players trying to emulate a player that knows how to play without having the proper stats or awareness of these instances.

    If I offended you in my previous post I apologize but I cannot stand when people try so hard to be correct on forums for no apparent reason other than to attempt to appear more" educated" or well versed.
  20. Couze Well-Known Player

    I agree with you whole heartedly, but you know that everyone that plays this game cannot play at your/our level. Players like us, who have challenged ourselves to be better and even foregoing tanks in tier23456 raids and trying to stack 5-6 DPS, have learned better ways to survive most instances. And I also noticed a damage buff and health buff to these bosses or I'm just a bit crazy lol. Sorry if I sounded as I was directly referring to you with my statement, but I was basically saying that these underperforming players struggled with HH at base levels before the t7 buff that added like 50% health to enemies and a damage increase across all t7.
    I have honestly not played anything in this game that I would call difficult for 8 players of the same skill level playing at optimum efficiency. I ventured into SM and was left unhappy so I never returned. My idea of challenging and difficult is not just being hit extremely hard by enemies or having bad players who can't grasp a fight tactic making things more tedious than necessary. You and I can agree on your statement! It's just like when we ran prime gates fos etc all at tier with no tanks and 1 healer. Some ppl lived up to the challenge others couldn't do it!

    It's like the Hard knock feats. I made sure to get them all on my first play through without over leveling. This made me a better player. Fighting pengbot maximus for an hour made me learn how to balance power& weapon clips to give maximum damage while also learning to play with sense. We need a new pengbot maximus BADDD!!!!