Why a 50 points feat for collecting 1000 styles is necessary

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Helderman, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. Helderman Dedicated Player

    "Why would I take the race challenges for a silly emblem when I already have all the race feats AND the 500 styles feat?"

    A feat for 1000 styles would encourage more players to get platinum on all races.

    "Why would I buy all those styles in the HQ when I already have the 500 styles feat?"

    A feat for 1000 styles would encourage more players to buy all the styles they can in the HQ.

    "Why would I buy skin styles in the open world when I already have the 500 styles feat?"

    A feat for 1000 styles would encourage more players to buy skin styles in the open world.

    "Why would I waste my time completing collections, investigations and briefings that will grant me nothing but silly styles when I already the 500 styles feat?"

    A feat for 1000 styles would encourage more players to complete ALL investigations/briefings/collections in the game.
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  2. djcrossfade Committed Player

    i like it alot
  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Pretty much gives me a free feat
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  4. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

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  5. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

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  6. Vesper Dedicated Player

    Free feat for my main.

    I like feats. +1
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  7. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Why would they want to encourage any of that?
  8. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    high numbered feats are just bloat.

    Revamping feats to give more stats means locking new players out of a dwindling population.

    Feats are the last thing this game needs to focus on.
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  9. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    The silly styles you get from briefings and investigations go towards MANY style feats (under you style tab). FYI.

    If you need motivation, start on your exobit feat. That goes to 25,000. But I assume you want that one nerfed.
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  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    but at the same time why do you think the population is so low?

    neglecting the SP issue, focusing to much on replay sells couldnt have anything to do with it could it?
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  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    noooooo I want it upped to like 100k+ same for gathering, salvage and feats like those.

    EDIT: token of merits too, needs to be upped to 100k as well
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  12. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    Content shift, combined with relevancy window and mark change

    Lack of content that isn't challenging that is within the current cr range.
    Everything attempts to just keep pumping that number up.

    Game age in generation

    Subscription model combined with searching for micro transactions

    randomized progression.
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  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yup pretty much lol, ppl tired of un-needed changes like these that effect everyone for the worst.
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  14. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    1000/2000 styles feats (100 points) and 30,000/35,000/40,000/45,000/50,000/60,000/70,000/80,000/90,000,100,000 gathers feats (500 points) next please. My body is ready
  15. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    They should 1st make sp matter more b4 I'm worried about a free feat :)
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  16. Ekart Committed Player

    Completing collections, briefings or investigations helps you complete several style feats, that are combined worth way more than 50 points and you can't get them any other way than this. If that is not an incentive to complete this, than a new 50 pointer would not do this.

    And if you play long enought you collect more than 1000 style items so you don't need to buy the crappy normal vendor stuff.
  17. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    They should create a 50 point feat for 1500 and 2000 as well. I imagine I have close to the later if not more. You know all styles from the MP count towards those feats and I have them all. :)
  18. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    "Necessary" ??? My left butt cheek.... Let's look at it 1-by-1:

    No. I am a racer, I do have every single emblem and all race feats for any movement mode the game currently offers. I give advice to people here on the forums that have problems with getting the races done on a regular base. First of all, the races need to be fixed in regards of NPC behavior/attacks. Despite the devs claiming otherwise, the Home Turf related spawns still make it hard to get platinum at some races depending on your faction (villains are hit harder here than heroes) or to even survive them if you are doing them at relevancy window (that is: below level 30).

    If you want to get more people to do the races, first of all fix the races. Second: get people into the game that actually enjoy "working hard" on the controls and not the current crowd who thinks "56 1234 1234 1234 56 1234...." is already too hard to handle and they shouldn't be forced to use the key for blocking in between. MMOs in general do attract players that enjoy improving their characters/avatars so they themselves don't have to improve, especially not on controls. Part of the real reason why WM got so much hate - it felt to much of a beat'em up game for a lot of people here.

    Look at the broker. At armor, at styles - you'll find stuff from the HQ and safehouse vendors being put up there for sale for ridiculous amounts - and as the styles are feat related, they sell. You want people to use the HQ and safehouse vendors? Give them a clue they exist and they have different wares to offer depending on the safehouse you are, first.

    Top of that: when it comes to alts I try to have them pickup as few styles as possible excpet for the styles the alt should actually wear. Given the style interface and it's inability to remove styles you'll never want to use with that toon and just collected for the feat, I prefer to not trash it full of useless styles. When it comes to alts, I buy style feats. The fact that I'll be enjoying the ability to unlock styles from other toons does not mean that I want a huge quantity of style on all of my toons; I want that few quality styles on a toon it really uses it instead, and I want it simply without hoping for RNG a couple of thousand times to deal me what I want.

    See above. People who have a complex idea of what their toon should look like will just try the skin styles they think could mix.

    Weakest. On top of the above about unneeded styles for a toon, there are way more effective ways to get additional styles than especially collections. The most effective way is coming to the forums going "devs, could you please add real new styles for the drops in the next episode?" and whammo, there's possibly 8-10 new styles coming next month and all I need to do to get them is doing what I do anyway: play the same old new instance as much as possible.

    To clear things up: I'm declining a feat I'd prolly get without doing anything right after release on at least 4 of my toons (male hero, female hero, male villain, female villain) I use to collect every possible style so I can look there first hand how it looks and how it mixes with other styles for an alt I'll be designing afterwards build on that info. I can pretty much tell you every bug and clipping in styles that is around, only thing I'd be needing is freely switching body types on those toons to see really every problem/clipping first hand. I do so because I'm aware that adding this feat with .5 SP of value is a handout in disguise to a lot of players around.
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  19. Dibrie Committed Player

    but a top gear chase every months is gonna keep people play and locked behind RGN, nah i only try the feats its a of a bit challenge especially you live the puglife.

    But hey that's me :)
  20. Helderman Dedicated Player

    I read your whole rant and all I see is another "sp dont matter anymore" response. A 1000-1500 style feat would encourage players to FARM styles. Farming feats are the second best thing in DCUO after skill based feats.