dcuo 2

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Neidler123, Dec 29, 2015.

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  1. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Well, you look like a barking dog right now, just so you know, but by all means, continue.
  2. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

  3. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    I will.

    BOTTOM LINE: Just like you are as well.
  4. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I dunno. Not every post I make is a literal rehash of the same harangue and I talk about more than just the fact that I am displeased with the state of the game. It's making you seem very one-dimensional.
  5. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    I also used to DEFEND the DEVS for the most part. Some things i would state would end up being the same as where we are now and others would have it as being the right move for what was going on.

    BOTTOM LINE: Yet as far as the game as a whole WE keep paying for BROKEN content even though for over a YEAR it just kept getting overlooked just so they can FAVOR the " CASUALS " which for the most part don't even play anymore , or they want to keep shoving monthly content down our throats so they can utilize more of the REPLAY sales. Yet according to some on the forums WE should just SIT BACK , SHUT UP , KEEP PAYING and WAIT. Well sorry but some of us are TIRED of waiting and PAYING for a broken game ( which in 5 YEARS has NEVER been NOT BROKEN ). But if YOU like to continue wasting YOUR money by all means go ahead BUT on that note i also have some PRIME ( only slightly SWAMPLAND ( BROKEN) ) that YOU may want to look into buying.
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  6. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    If you're really THAT displeased, then why continue paying? Put your money where your mouth is, or in this case, isn't.

    When I was displeased with the direction of the game last March, I left.

    I stopped paying for my membership, grabbed my ball and went home, because I realized that the game was going to function in manners that I (and a substantial base of other players) did not agree with.

    I'm playing again now, literally, only as a distraction during the holiday season for reasons that are, to be frank, none of anyone's business. When those reasons abate, I daresay my participation shall as well, but considering the amount of time I have invested in the past it still makes an interesting distraction - I don't spend anywhere near the time I used to, either in the game itself or here.

    And to be frank, blaming casual versus hardcore players for bad decision making seems unfair : most of the real 'casual' players I know in-game don't come here to the forum to complain or discuss anything. They don't even know it's here.

    It's people like you, who I assume apparently still play the game for a complicated series of masochistic reasons that no one can fathom - to judge purely by your expressed lack of enjoyment at continued participation - or people like me, who used to play for 4 hours a day on average and thereby had a tremendous level of exposure to the actual situations and circumstances in a live server setting.

    I'm not sure where you draw the line around 'casual' players, but as someone who works an 8 hour shift five days a week, spending 4 hours a day doing ANYTHING is a serious investment in personal time.

    And we're the sort of people who set the tone in here for ... years. It seems justified to be angry at the decline of certain systems, but it's simply not productive. It's been done before.

    It's not the random pud who shows up once saying 'BLU LANTURNZ BR0!!!' that changes the direction of this game - it's the people who spend money and complain constantly that their money isn't being well spent. After listening to these people for the last four years, the game is in a state where the primary form of communication regarding what is occurring is literally complaint; no system of progressive development moves based upon such a non-constructive form of interaction.
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  7. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player


    My money is on this game and the ONLY reason i will continue SUBSCRIBING is for the fact that i run my league and i don't find it fair for them to just up and leave. SECOND i do have many friends that i enjoy at least talking with even if we don't run anything as we are all bored of the same content day in and day out.

    BOTTOM LINE: That doesn't mean i can't have a voice and announce my ( and as i see it many others as well ) displeasures of the game.

    It does seem like you want to keep arguing with me for no good reason so i will say GOOD DAY and will not reply to you again on this topic.
  8. SigmaAtom Committed Player

    hi guys.. erm.. TL: DR @ whole thread

    They have been updating the textures off and on for years now, and while I would like to see the oldest textures updated to 2k (SuperHD), I think time + money might prevent that.

    Something I DO think is essential, is game resolution compatibility fixes. The load screen breaks in 2k and above, if you manage to get the launcher to recognise other than only 1080 max, which in itself if you manage it, is like a year in uni, lots of studying, then try try again. HARD.

    See.. I had it working in 2k.. it looks AMAZING, the particle effects lighting everything just makes it look like a new game.. so much so, we don't need a new game engine, we just need for these features to be readily available and simple for users.
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  9. Retired Red Robin Well-Known Player

    Nah I posted a thread along time ago on Hooded Warbler about this and I wasn't ******** on the game when I said They should make Dcuo 2 I was thinking about the Future.

    I don't even know your name that well but I can tell you this your not giving any good reasons on why they should or what elements they should imply or what story they should go on
  10. Backseid Devoted Player

    But... but, but, but... only my opinion matters right? The world revolves around my thought?

    I snapped at you and I apologize. I try not to do that, as it always feel like a jerk after the fact, but sometimes one still gets through...

    Back to the topic... I've been hearing "just wait and see" for years. Literally. Things have just gotten worse n worse. So, I'm just at the point where I can't stand to hear that anymore.
  11. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    At this point, the game is just too far gone to salvage at a cost which wouldn't rival the costs involved in producing a new game.

    The graphics blow. Doesn't matter what your subjective opinion is on the quality, by today's standards, they suck. If you like them, then great. I like them and I like the art style the game uses, but that doesn't make up for the fact that they're primitive and crappy.

    To improve the graphics, the developers need to make higher resolution textures, bump maps, spec maps etc. so that the models look more detailed. The models themselves need more detailed geometry, too. The final thing which needs improved is lighting. Considering it's 2016 almost and DCUO is operating open world maps which don't have a day and night cycle is shockingly primitive.

    However, all of the above require a lot of resources both financially and in terms of hardware requirements.

    Financially, if you're spending almost as much remaking everything to be a higher resolution, you'd be better of making new models instead.

    Technologically, you can't do any of this whilst the game is supported on the PS3. There are PS3 commitments in place and at this point, cutting off the remaining PS3 players would be like cutting off and throwing in the trash a chunk of serloin steak because it doesn't fit in the pan.

    Other glaring issues are that the direction of the game has significantly changed since it was on dry wipe boards at SOE's facilities. Levelling is gone (1st worst decision). The old game reeks of a design where the content is artificially inflated with huge objectives, to make content last longer and slow the player down, encouraging them to remain subscribed for longer. Where as the content produced now-a-days is supposed to last 10-20 minutes max and is much more in line with the super hero genre than "secure 16 consoles" and other nonsense objectives.

    The years of changes have also had a dire affect on tutorials and information on how to play. Counter mechanics aren't explained well. AMs and WM aren't explained at all. There's no information about the end-game or how it works, nor any guide to CR, what it is and how it works, either, despite being the entire focus of end-game content.

    The years of changes have also had an adverse affect on the balance between roles and the NPCs. Controllers are useless now. Healers and Tanks are too strong. DPS can replenish their own power and non-Controllers have strong, powerful stuns (namely Nature's encasement)

    Ignoring the game's mechanics and technicalities, we also have a game which has been poorly monetised over the years. Very little vanity items to purchase, which should have been the focus the day they launched the marketplace. The game still uses a subscription service, which is the only way you can realistically enjoy DCUO. It has a cluster **** of poorly thought out pricing structure where Episodic content costs less than 1 style item (Batman cowl) and they can't/won't change it for whatever reason.

    The dependency on replay badges has eroded the quality of the game, too, with short, easy to beat instances becoming the norm and alienating those who actually want to be challenged and achieve something. The poor reward structure, which is a direct result of the decision to monetise replayability, gives players no sense of satisfaction and doesn't directly acknowledge player effort, either. So why bother trying?

    In addition to all of the above, they have commitments to pricey voice actors, some of whom come with conditions or have strong stances which affect and limit the sort of content the developers can produce. 5 years of DCUO and we still have no end-game Joker content which wasn't rehashed from the levelling missions. No Joker raid, no Joker Alert, no Joker story arch. Joker is a key player in the DC lore and yet he is barely featured. Why? because Mark Hamill probably has a huge price tag if he isn't declaring to the World that he's given up the role.

    I assume James Marsters and Kevin Conroy are expensive, too. A shame considering the credibility they bring to the game. As for Adam Baldwin, well I believe people categorise him under the "tossed salads and scrambled eggs" category now, which means limited-to-no Superman content.

    Start again, new, cheaper voice actors who won't give up the role. Better visuals, on a better engine with no commitments to primitive consoles. Re-do monetisation so that you aren't monetising the one thing which shouldn't have a pay wall around it, anyway (replayability) and I love DCUO so, get rid of the subscription. It's not the 90's any more.
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  12. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    It they ever fix them. It seems to me some bugs are there for years and they haven't fix anything yet. They can't or don't want to or don't have time, I don't know. But those bugs are really annoying. I hope they will make a new dcuo. It can be the same, not dcuo 2, but at least improve the game for us. But I always love the game. That's why I want to see it even better.

    I`ll be honest, with the game we have right now, I don't think they can ever fix some stuff. And we`ll always have bugs, huge lags like Dec 29th, infinite downtime. Until they decide to improve the game.
  13. MuTeDx Committed Player

    Wrong, only a few maps are ftp and all pvp gear is priced above the 1500 ftp cap. You can not progress in pvp without being premium, it's not free. Last laugh, not free.
  14. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Shrug, snap, it's a forum : as long as you can maintain a stable discussion it's okay to go off into the briars. I do it a lot myself.

    But yeah, 'wait and see', I've come to find out, is literally the only thing we can really do. We can wait, we can leave and come back, or we can say '**** it' and invest time in something productive (which we all know isn't going to happen because a.) video games, and b.) we're here on a forum DISCUSSING video games). That's a joke, but the rest of it...

    I mean, we do pay (well, I pay, Legendary at any rate, occasionally other things from the marketplace, and I'm not the only person) so yeah, we should expect a consistently enjoyable product, but everyone insisting that their personal vision of the product is the only acceptable one isn't just selfish, it's impossible to meet as a standard. So while we should be mad, I think we should be patient because although it's been 'broken' for a long time now, it's been that way mostly because the second something new or different occurs people ***** to high holy Hell about it until it's changed again, and since people bitched about the thing before it we can't really just undo a change and let it stand.

    When we do that, as a player base, and the developers actually listen to us? We've succeeded in making the game better in a few specific areas for a few specific people, and in general worse for the rest of us who are playing. Most of the complaints aren't 'this is imbalanced from a standpoint of game function', it's 'Mine doesn't work well enough' or 'Theirs works too well'.

    The prevailing mindset - 'we can fix all the issues by addressing one issue at a time' - that doesn't work, and we *KNOW* it doesn't work because that's how we got to where we're at today. We bitched, they listened, we bitched, they listened, now it's a mess.

    Whether or not functional balance can actually happen before they pack up shop and go home, that's to be seen; but really... from a development standpoint, what the game needs before any more major functional additions insofar as powerset or play mechanics go is an actual balance pass. Powers, Weapons, and a differentiated PVE / PVP standard. A.K.A. 'the three things that we, as players, always ***** the most about'.

    In it's defense? This is probably the largest directed attempt to actually balance the game's power sets to a single standard, ever - there's that it has in difference to everything else that's been tried.

    Even the current top and bottom damage producers literally occupy those spots because of game balance issues (with the exception of Ice, which I think we can all agree pretty much *is* a game balance issue) - Sorcery and Earth outpace everything because pets are artificially too strong, Nature and Electric are both horrible now because the DOT AM scaling never got addressed.

    As for all the other 'wrong' things, shrug... It's the same sort of thing.

    We had people ***** about Vendor Gear (which you earn) until Raid Gear (luck and badges) became the top slot option, then people complained about that until R&D became the (vastly unwieldy, seriously, level off the Metalloid Scrap drops at 'between 10-20', I shouldn't be getting '2, 4, 2, 4, 10, 36', that's insane) alternative. That's just one example. I don't agree with it, but the Church of the Day One Completionist made the Replay Badge method too lucrative for the people in charge to turn down, and it provides the same people with the warm, fuzzy feeling of knowing that they purchased their Elite gear (*waves at all the lying bastards who 'beat' TOTD Elite*) ... So.... Am I mad too? Sure.

    I guess I look at it like, we're all in the same boat right now, like it or not : problems exist, sure, some of them are being addressed, but yelling at the captain (and each other) doesn't improve what's taking place. And there still is something fun outside of the 'bad ****'.

    Hell, I had a team of mostly 'in relevant content CR' players actually listen during the Ares fight in TOTD earlier this evening before work. A bunch of 109-115 people (there were a couple of 120-130 range DPS in there) actually ran the Ares fight *correctly* the first attempt. Granted, Hades was a clustery****, the server kicked us and other shenanigans, but it was nice to see.
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  15. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    I just think dcuo two is the 21st to go or would be fresh exciting
  16. aortenruptur Well-Known Player

    DCUO2 = a nice 21st century Superhero MMORPG with huge content, maps, instances & community.
    A character, weapon, skill, movement, lair, league & leveling - system that actually makes sense AND fun.

    Other year 2001+ games have that or made it happen.

    DCUO(1) = none of the above.
    And to be honest, it won't be fixable in the near future or within the limitation/restrictions of this old construct.

    The yay-sayers with their blinkers on are not helping to make this game or the community better.
    The nay-sayers slashing out on every even minor mistake are not that helpful either.

    New game (DCUO 2.0 / reloaded) with good management, better DEVs, new yay/nay-sayers
    and the same iconic Intellectual Property :D

    Maybe Disney/Marvel buys the IP and we finally have some good story lines with new toons.
    Jessica Jones like, or Deadpool's kebab time o_O
    Aaah, the possibilities ... the possibilities ...


  17. aortenruptur Well-Known Player

    Amen Brother!
    Well spoken ...
    We need a next gen / 21st century game soon.

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  18. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Well lets look at the obstacles involved.

    1. Limited Staff The Dev staff took number of cuts since those days years back when they were putting together the game we have now. While they could borrow some maps and so forth from the existing game the idea of a DCUO 2 would be to update and improve on the original to make it better not copy and paste the same stuff that gives us glitches and bugs now. Does Day Break have the confidence in success of a DCUO2 to devote the man power and cash to take on a project like that?

    2. Time and work load. As mentioned above the current Dev team is working constantly to churn out monthly content, trying to balance powers and at some point actually give us another power in Water and some day MAYBE .. serum? Not even sure what the status is on that one since Water entered the picture aside from being pushed back so water could be developed first. With everything that smaller team of Dev is tasked with now it would almost require an entire second team be hired to work on developing a DCUO 2.

    3. Popularity This could be a huge factor. Is the current DCUO popular enough to make the people with the CASH even want to think about creating a version two? While we view this game as a place to go and forget about the real world for a while as we live out childhood fantasies of being Batman, Superman, or Insert name of your favorite super hero here...Unless someone can convince the folks with the cash to invest in a new version it will never happen.

    I'm not saying it will never happen but a lot of things need to go the right way for it to even be a possibility and none of those has occurred yet
  19. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    The People want it
  20. Backseid Devoted Player

    I just drooled then started to cry...

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