Devs: Now that we have the BATMAN COWL.. Whats next?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrSuperman, Dec 27, 2015.

  1. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    So after years of asking, the devs gave us the batman cowl on the marketplace for 20 dollars. I bought the cowl immediately! I am just curious, which iconic piece do u wanna see in the marketplace next? I would like to see the superman chest piece, or the flash helmet. Just my opinion.

    I think the devs might have stuck gold with releasing iconic pieces in the marketplace, so i am hoping they continue to realase these sought after pieces to the community.

    So community, which styles would u pay 20 bucks for?

    So Devs, are there any plans to release other iconic styles in the marketplace?

    Thanks for the response!
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  2. Magician Dedicated Player

    Super man chest for sure
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  3. majosea Dedicated Player

    I made a thread on this
  4. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Seriously?! Hell froze over for a few seconds that had DC allow DGC to make a full Bat cowl and you are thinking it will happen again?!
  5. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Hal Jordan or any lantern GLOVE please !!! We have sinstro why not Hals?
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  6. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    Seriously... Last i have heard, you are not a dev. You have NO idea what the devs can do or not do. We finally have the batman cowl. And it sold for 20 dollars. So i see no reason to pitch ideas to the devs informing them what iconic style we see next. Thanks have a great day
  7. Minnion Devoted Player

    You mean no reasion to not pitch ideas to the Devs yes?

    That said perhaps we can get the iconic Superman Shield emblem to wear on our gear... Heck just the Emblems from the different wings of the HoD/Watchtower would be nice additions to the game.
  8. Multiverse Creator League

    Probably what he meant. Seems like a typo in his post.

    Mepps DID ask us to keep on giving suggestions for MP items not that long ago. ;) ;)
  9. Multiverse Creator League

  10. Retired Red Robin Well-Known Player

    Well the superman chest is in the game. So I'm pretty sure you meant the emblem since that would be sort of cool. But yeah I would want Aquamans feeted finns in the game.

    Wonder womans flashpoint gear for the ladies. oh and a scar or scars across the face like aquaman and captain thunder.

    Actually the dev's should just make a flashpoint dlc three part version like WoTL and AF
  11. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Please say Shazam capePlease say Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam PleasePlease say Shazam capesay Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam cape say Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam Please say Shazam cape
  12. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    I think we should have Shazams cape!
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  13. megamanzero Loyal Player

    they overcharged and people still bought it. last i check businesses liked getting money so why would you think they only want to get money once?
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  14. SasquaT Dedicated Player

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  15. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    An actual long sleeved sinestro corps iconic gear.

    Now before you say anything here's what we actually got: This is the ranx gear.
    See? This thing is short sleeved.
    When you compare it to the npc's: They have long sleeved shirts[IMG]rts:

    You don't have to alternate the ranx inspired gear, just make it a different chest style-
  16. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    Maybe they could alternate a hero iconic piece one month, then add a villian piece the next?
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  17. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    . Supes -chest
    . The Flash -head/chest
    . Batman -chest
    . Zatanna -chest/gloves
    . New 52 Supergirl -boots
    . Dr Fate -head
    . Catwoman -head
    . Blue Beetle -...anything
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  18. DrTyme Well-Known Player

    Mr freezes helmet that you can actually see your head in
  19. Minnion Devoted Player

    Lobo inspired style.
  20. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    You said we dont have enough batman!!! Whut...