Unable to connect to the server PS4

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Multiverse, Dec 21, 2015.

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  1. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    Ummmm yea.. it's down yet again. Why are the devs not saying anything? There's threads all over the place in the last 12 hrs.
  2. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Lizard squad did announce that they would target MMO and other online gaming companies.
  3. Backseid Devoted Player

    Should be too early for that. It would be pretty silly for them to do that again this year. Been there done that. They should target something like Match.com. Do something different. Lol!
  4. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    I'm more bothered that devs haven't said anything.

    Once again I'm getting connection failed message on ps4, yet psn store up and gta/destiny is connecting.
  5. kabeq Well-Known Player

    Maybe those lizard squad people have morphed into giant Mothras and are no longer content with just attacking gamer sites but now are out and about kidnapping and eating game developers?
  6. Phil Osyfee New Player

    I am just returning to the game after a long hiatus, but could this be related to today's patch or hotfix? Not looking to give an excuse for the current server downage, but assume maybe they made a hiccup during the hotfix which cause servers to go down?
  7. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Apprently PS3 works fine.... the problem seems to be with PS4 only.

    If it was Lizard Squad.... PS3 would not work as well.
  8. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Not true. Last year they attacked PSN and it only impacted PS4 and not PS3. I played a bit on PS3 last year and was not able to log into the game on the PS4.
  9. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    So.... Bumpidibibump. ;) ;)
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  10. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    Aren't they on Christmas vacation?
  11. Fies Committed Player

    Bring it back fast plz. Without the 5v5 chat the game doesnt feel the same anymore.
  12. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    My god... Saw them post on twitter and they don't announce anything. Very bad.
    We can't buy your sales if we can't get on game.
  13. Phil Osyfee New Player

    Saw the same tweet and almost pooped myself laughing.
  14. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    Typically not til thurs where they are.

    They sure had time to post todays sale but not a word on ps4 servers.. not even a "we're investigating..." msg.
    • Like x 2
  15. Autopsyrotica Well-Known Player

    they posted about the sale today but have not a single word in regards to why PS4 users cannot connect? this has been an issue for what? 12+ hours now?
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  16. Jr3x (EU PS3) Active Player

    Why they dont gîte information? We payed for see à Windows With no connection And no information in official website! GG staff, continue your real bad Turn.. This game is now a big joke for sure... Sry!
  17. ACEMcFly101 Well-Known Player

    WTF this is STILL going on???? What the S? It is now 10:20 Eastern time. Same issue. Even hours after the daily shutdown where the world is "maintained" and occasionally hotfixed??? It's been all night. Again, we better get a rain check/extension on that supply sale.

    Has it been confirmed that this is only happening on PS4? Cuz if so I'm gonna hook up my PS3...

    Yeah I lost my UI as well before I relogged. However, I was actually able to get back in after that relog, but shortly after, a purchase of MC wouldn't show up so I could buy from the supply sale. I tried to relog again for that and was kept out.
  18. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Was just thinking the same thing ss well
  19. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

  20. EP Ice Loyal Player

    It's still down? I am not able to attempt at the moment but I was going to in a little bit.
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