level 30 to T7

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Superkootje, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Superkootje Well-Known Player

    So in the current state of the game,

    How long do you guys think it would take to reach T7 with a fresh level 30 toon?
  2. Prosser Dedicated Player

    not long at all. Got a league mate who's legendary ran out, and he is in middle of changing banks, so won't have new CC to sub until next week. therefore he has been power leveling alts. Last night he got a toon from level 30 to high 96 in about 2 hours, zero replays.
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  3. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Like 3 days if you know people
  4. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    Without resets... A week, TOPS.
  5. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    It sounds like you can use Booster Gold's CR Boosters.
    Ask for them to be put in your Vendors case.
    Then you'll be able to level up faster then a speeding bullet!
  6. Derio 15000 Post Club

    3 days or less if you know people. 1 week if you dont.
  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Two of my leaguemates did it in two and a half days. No replays. I took an older toon that I had parked at T4 level (cr74) and in two days had him running Blackest Day when it dropped. And the only thing I replayed was Paradox (Epic Odyssey)...and I regretted resetting that instance.
  8. TestReporter Loyal Player

    3 days or less with replays and/or luck
  9. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Two days or so if you have league mates and friends to help you out.
  10. Treskar Committed Player

    Boosted KILLEHMALL my toon with those items you get in T3s from that intergrate when equipped there item Levels 40-54 for that jumped him a bit. Got those using my main. Then ran him through a raid which bumped him to next CR class and tried a solo then bought a piece then ran the next set of raids and an alert and got to next CR then I think got him through finally a Prime field Battleground for a 71 piece weapon and went and did some low content to geta piece to get to some tier 5 alert than got that piece to go tier 5 raid and now at somewhere in 90 CR.
    Started at lvl 30 If I did a clear run took like 4 days. But I spaced it out since I have my main I play mostly over the month. Once a week play thorugh.

    To tier 7 year I figure a week should do.
  11. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    In a flash ! ;) u see what I did there haha

    But ya if you have friends , like 2 days will be enough
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  12. Couze Well-Known Player

    Without any help from friends all pug ques level 30-t7 in 6 hours play time no resets and to cr 144 in 12 hours total due to poor drops. In this time i amassed 77sp as well. Full supply drop, full sidekick, full orbital, and white mods. All of my HT stuff was done pre tier 4. If i had help i could have been cr 147 or 148 in 8 hours tops. I ran every raid and alert from t3 up. Same with solos and duos. All PuG queues. Got lucky in DoX and AnB 3 drops per raid and none overlapped. 88 weapon legs face, 90 chest belt boots. 87 neck from nexus and 86 belt 83 rings from duox 84 trinket from trigon. From there i ran all 3 t6 raids in about 22 mins rotal. 2mins56 necro lol, 7min artifacdt and 8 minutes of Lockdown+ques. I was 104 after that ran duos and solos filled in low gear with 90s. After that ran thrones and lab in 20 minutes and then all 4 t6.5 alerts in 43 minutes and was 109 cr. I ran duo and lab was 110. Then finished with Pcatastrophe and was 111. Ran both duos and was 112. Joined Fatal and got 102 chest still 112. Ng daily bumped me to 113 I then bought two 124 ring and was 116 cr. Then i ran LnW for marks. Finished everything in t6 markwise and bought necklace and trinket 124 and jumped to cf 120. I then ran zamaron duo got to 125, queued for ngn got to 128 then BS and FM and got to 130. Here is where my mark hoarding got rough. I had ran everything but dcr n dce. 130 in dcr no usdeful drops... So i get pissed and buy 124 shoulders and that makes me 132. I ran duo and got 126 legs n chest which made me 136. Ran dce 123 belt dropped n made me 137 cr. Then i ran deep solo. 138 cr. With nothing but DP UM and BD left, I queued both raids. BD popped up. Back and chest drop 130. Bumped me to 142. 5 dps run I was in 3rd place by 700k although top dps had 5 mil more... So wasnt carried as i expected to be. Didnt run UM yet but jumped into DPR. Got to last boss and kept dying because of a bad rage player and insufficient electric healer. Ended day at 144 cr n 77 sp 12 hours from 30-144 no league help. Sdry for txt wall on ps4 browser.
  13. Crows Well-Known Player

    It really depends on how much time you have available and your general knowledge of the game. (What can you skip, what drops where, what to spend marks on, etc and also if you have people to run content with because queue times are a mess)

    You can get from 30 to T4 in like a day or 2, getting out of T4 is annoying, but once you do is one more day for T6 (if that) and honestly from 107 to 135+ is a few hours at most.

    For alts anyway, new players shouldn't be skipping content and they shouldn't be getting leveled up so quick (but they do anyway because the game is designed to make the player "ready" for end-game 2 days after they leave the Braniac ship where they needed to put ******* boxes in because people couldn't activate movement mode and get up a wall or don't need to learn how to block, counter and lunge because you can just thrown single shurikens at the robots and they die, but I DIGRESS)