A Tutorial & Running Solo/Duo as Non-Damage Role

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SethZoulMonEl, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    Reaching, again. And this is not insulting in any way, I know, I know, breathing is offensive nowadays, but you're not asking for a mission, you're asking for a sidekick to be placed next to someone who doesn't want to play anything else but support and have that sidekick do the damage required to finish content. That's why it's reaching. I'm all in favour of having a tutorial for everything, not just support. But as you are putting it, no, I can't back you up on that.

    I'd favour seeing the area for the new legends training being used for something like you propose. Never actual content.

    Who are you calling a dpser, mate? :)

    The game would be losing, the way I see it. Mind you, my opinion has as much effect on what is decided in this game as everyone else who doesn't have a green name under their picture. What I'm trying to do here is pointing out that hell bent support players are creating problems where there is none.

    There is a lack of a tutorial for pretty much everything in this game, true. But the ability to easily switch from one role to the other is not an issue. Unnatuned gear is abundant, and even the lowest pieces of each cycle are usually enough to finish solo content with ease (meaning you can dps on your 122 pieces just fine in solo/duos and save the good stuff for support role (which is what I do, as a mainly controller, by the way).

    Having to come up with a sidekick that asks as suggested here would:
    1- take time and resources that we are constantly seeing the Devs complain they don't have.

    2- enable a behaviour that is absolutely unnecessary. Like I said a few posts above, I don't pay for anyone's sub, so I can't tell anyone how to play the game. But there are tools to play both roles with ease. I seriously don't understand why running a five minutes instance as a dps is so damaging that players ask for a special sidekick to do it for them.

    3- give the impression that every single player created issue needs to be addressed. I mean, what's next, are they going to disable the 3 bots that teach you how to block, block break and lunge in the Brainiac ship? Oh wait...
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  2. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    See, I can understand your point now. You opened up a discussion by backing up why you felt I was reaching rather than insulting me and the point of these forums (gameplay discussion). And you're right that it does kinda offend me when people breathe, burp, and chew into their microphones, but I'm not sure why you brought that up as it doesn't contribute much to this discussion. :p

    Sure, I might be reaching a bit, but I'm asking for something that already essentially exists in the game to be extended. It would be fitting to the role playing aspect of the DC Universe to have a more permanent sidekick, and it would help players learn roles. It doesn't seem like it would be overly difficult to implement, but I could be wrong on that front. Maybe it would be easier for them to put something together similar to what I'm proposing but for only one instance. All I know is: We do need something to help players learn how to contribute to a team by playing various roles. Most games use NPC allies to teach those mechanics, and they make it work well enough that there are few complaints.
  3. RachelBurns Active Player

    Nope. The message appears in solos even after breaking out of CC. The problem is the devs designing mobs to spam stun/knockdown
  4. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Lol - I was talking about what I'm proposing. I know the message you are talking about exists. I actually don't even notice it anymore because I've become used to ignoring it.
  5. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    I really would love to see this idea come through. Development like this is needed.

    *this is me trying to bump a thread, please don't ban me, I just got back <3*
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  6. Crows Well-Known Player

    I like this, I do, I've said this myself multiple times, but I want this as a level-up mission to get you to learn your roles in the beginning like level 20 or something, not end-game. You shouldn't need a baby sitter at 140+ that's ridiculous.

    These threads and constant crying about Support roles not being able to get through so much solo/duo content for X reason, I have a question, why CAN'T you perform multiple roles? I understand it's a little bit of money to get armories, I get that, but besides that what's stopping you? Why are people so opposed to just get a ******* DPS armory and a Support armory and be a versatile player that can perform both roles adequately as needed?
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  7. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    I hope I understand what you're saying.

    I really do admire those that play both roles, it's cool. But personally, I refuse to play DPS. I refuse. My reason? Just not for me, I don't care for being a DPS. I rather play as tank, troll or healer. I tried being a DPS once on EUPC side, rage DPS, but my goodness. It's really not for me. I rather be strictly healer, tank or troll. :)

    However, props to those that can perform both roles. <3
  8. Crows Well-Known Player

    I completely understand preferring a role or another, a lot of people prefer to play one role or another and that's ok, but my question is why wouldn't you be able to perform a different role for whichever situation? Having the option to switch is beneficial both for you and for the group you're running with. You don't have to always DPS and you don't have to always (support role), but having the option to do both helps everyone, but mainly yourself. Like I said before, not having multiple roles for financial reasons (not being able to afford armory) I get that, but refusing to have the option to play a second role is doing nothing but hold you back.
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  9. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    I feel as if the only way I can answer that question is that I just don't like DPS role for some reason compared to me enjoying the other roles, maybe it's my mindset on it, I don't know. Never gave it much thought.

    But this what you said at the end about holding yourself back, what exactly do you mean by that, if you don't mind me asking? o:

    Edit - I will add that I always did care for benefiting my group and whatever league I am in because I want them to know that they can rely on me on whatever situation. Don't know why, just like knowing I can lend a hand, so I guess that's one way of looking at this. So I guess if I try changing my mindset on DPS role, I can make my current toon that I'm leveling up into a troll and DPS, and see how that goes.
  10. Crows Well-Known Player

    Well I mean it's simple? Say your league is putting a raid group together, they only have a a free spot for DPS, so welp guess you can't go. Maybe you can only DPS and the group needs a Troll and you are Mental/Quantum/HL/Gadgets, but "doesn't like Trolling" well tough luck brah! You're stting this one out because what we need is a troll, not a DPS!

    Everyday on LFG there's people like "Need DPS W/ (support role) Armory" or "Need (support role) W/ DPS Armory)" welp, there you go another one you're not getting in.

    Say you are a DPS with Sorcery powers, damn, the healer is dead, too bad you can't switch and help your team? Or maybe there's a second troll in the group who is stronger than you and they ask you to switch to DPS welp I guess that's not going to happen either

    Do you want to struggle trying to Heal bosses to death in solos? Do you want to be the one someone leaves behind in a duo? Why put yourself through this kind of hassle if you could just go and be a versatile player that is able to perform multiple roles, regardless of liking one better than the other, but having the free option there, in case the need arises?

    I know the need for support roles greatly overcomes the need for DPS, and it's unlikely that being a support role you're ever going to be left out a group, but sometimes the situation asks for a well-rounded player, I mean, like I said before you don't have to ALWAYS do one or the other, but having the option is completely beneficial.
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  11. Derio 15000 Post Club

    You are reaching there my friend. FFXIV had those in place so players could learn their role. And it was during the leveling phase. In DCUO a duo is far past the leveling phase.

    DCUO cant even get the brainiac ship right so I dont expect any support role tutorial or guide anytime soon. Their best bet is to link power guides from the forums in their new welcome menu. If anything that would be more helpful than them banging their heads against the wall trying to come up with ways to teach players how to play their roles properly.
  12. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Yep, I understand I was reaching, but it's a little silly to say that "it was during the leveling phase" for FFXIV. FFXIV continues to have leveling with each expansion, so there's really no phase to it.
  13. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    But that would pretty much end up rendering any sort of "training/tutorial" aspect null and void. Wasted effort on the part of the devs.
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  14. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    There's nothing wrong with versatility or being helpful with a group/league. But there comes a point in a leisure-time activity like this where you have to draw the line at letting others dictate how you want to play the game.

    I've got a decent variety of powers among my characters, with the exception of the Healing powers (only Electric has caught my attention among that set). On some of them, I have enough knowledge that, if pressed, I could pull off running both roles in a pinch. It wouldn't be pretty, but it'd be possible.

    However, my Light and Rage characters were made with running only one role from the start, damage. No amount of asking, begging or demanding could get me to run those characters off-damage. They don't have the gear for those roles and I've never run them out of Damage role, so if someone were to try and insist I play them off-damage I'd end up being a liability to the group. And in the interest of fairness to the group, I'd let them know that info up front. And if they were to kick me or deny me a spot as a result? Oh well, no skin off my nose. There's plenty of other things I can do to keep myself busy.

    At the end of the day it's my money spent on the subscription and my own personal time being used to play, so as far as I'm concerned it's my choice as to how I play a character. No amount of expectations, assumptions or attempts at peer pressure is going to change that.
  15. Crows Well-Known Player

    I'm not, neither is anyone, trying to dictate how you should play your game, you're free to do as you please, for as much as you don't care for not getting in a group for being unable/unwilling to perform as needed, I'm pretty sure people won't care if you're not in it as well. They can easily get the next DPS/Support around the corner.

    It's up to you to get your money, time and effort's worth or not, not anyone else.
  16. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I thought you were against dictating how others play? Why are you saying it's wasted effort? Are you going to dictate that everyone dislike playing with NPC AIs?

    People have said that they should use such content as a gate, forcing players to learn their other roles instead of making it optional. I provide an option, and you turn around and say that it's wasted effort if there's an option. Would you rather it be forced that you can't progress until you play both roles proficiently?
  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    If you're making a mission specifically with the idea of providing role training but give an option so that role training doesn't have to take place, then what's the point of making the role training part of it? You'd be just as far ahead to make it a regular mission and be done with it, especially when there's a very strong possibility that people would ignore the role training aspect to begin with.

    Personally I think the whole idea of a role training mission is a bit misguided. Each power set in a role plays differently from one another, and weapon choice adds in even more layers of complexity to deal with. It makes it very difficult to imagine any sort of mission that could cover it all adequately for all powers and roles, and even if it did the end result could very well be more of the "1-2-3-4" formula that folks complain about with AM use. My dislike of NPC babysitting just adds to it.

    The biggest problem with role learning is lack of awareness. Right now all we get for info when off-damage roles are opened up is an email with a piece of jewelry for that role. A kiosk stop during the HQ tours that points out the role being opened up, tells what the role does and points players towards the power trees (or other players) for more information would do a lot more good than a training mission, as far as I'm concerned.
  18. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    You made great points in your reply, so I'm definitely going to keep this in consideration. :)