tips to new players

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Neidler123, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    At tier 6 put white tactical mods in your gear. If you have only 60sp on top of not modding your gear at tier 7 I will kick you personally if we're grouped. Just throwing that out there.
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  2. LightOfQuantum Committed Player

    Train to get better and don't whine or ask for nerfs if you fail in something.
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  3. Crows Well-Known Player

    Take your time, there's no rush to get to max tier, max CR, it is still going to be there when you're ready, and you're actually going to be a better player when you do. Check your feats, learn your powers, learn your SUPPORT ROLE. If you're having trouble with an instance, ask for help, ask for advice, don't come into the forums and cry for a nerf because that's literally not helping anyone. Stop expecting hand-me-downs and actually work to be better.
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  4. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but personally feel the most important thing, in this and any other game, is: have fun!
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  5. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    A lot of real good tips
  6. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    Where protection. If not be sure to pull out before climax.

    Make sure everything smells OK before putting it in.

    Enjoy her and take time from Tiers 1 to Tiers 4. After T5-T6 and up she doesn't want to explore open world content anymore. An gives you monthly intercourse with mediocre excitement.

    Then she doesn't put out drops like she used too. An wants to take all of your money replaying her.

    However after all the BS she puts you threw she's still lovely. Take your time with her and get to truly understand her worth.
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  7. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

  8. kawe Loyal Player

    Go read the forum!

    ... or better don't!
    It might kill your mojo....

    Wait, new players don't read the forums, nor the red blinking text on their screen.
  9. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Learn to trade : the Broker isn't the final word on buying or selling but it can be used to evaluate the trade value of what you have. Rare furniture, low-level equipment with rare styles (since it can still be traded), Exobits and Lockbox items all have a value. And people will respect you more if you offer to trade than if you simply beg.

    Learn how the Broker works. Nothing is worth the same thing today that it is tomorrow.

    If you're going to use the Forums? Look through the guides and old threads first - you're not going to be the first player to come up with the 'brilliant' idea of including Blue Lanterns, you're just the first one TODAY. You're easier to take seriously when you have a real issue when you're not seen as someone who didn't even bother to look around before asking something we've heard 17,000 times. That aside?

    Ask questions. That's how you get answers.

    And not everyone has a microphone. If you do, fine, but learn to read the damned chat window. It's there for a reason.
  10. Multiverse Creator League

  11. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    Find a power you like and learn it every power goes through changes
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  12. RachelBurns Active Player

    You'll get a lot of idiots who claim they are great at the game and have lots of SP and want a challenge only to rush in, get KO'd and rage quit. It's a shame the devs listen to them.
  13. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player

    I couldn't but read this and laugh
  14. TestReporter Loyal Player

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  15. Greenchain Well-Known Player

    Been said before but bears repeating, Know your role and I would add both of them. DPS is still a role and can be done well or poorly. Learn to be flexible to the groups needs. Can't think of anything that needs three trolls or even two often IF the troll has the basics down. I do appreciate that some people just want to DPS or just run a support role but isn't the ideal to have the best functioning group?

    Last thought on roles would be to be careful mixing gear at the beginning. I screwed this up for a couple months till I joined a league and someone set me straight. I was using a lot of troll gear trying to get my dom up because the alerts and raids had dom requirements. Had no idea that only applied to tanks and trolls.

    Revel in the 1-30 missions. It's the only time in the game that you can run truly at your own pace and completely independently. Those side missions are fun, get a lot of those feat points, and IIRC help accumulate some Marks that will come in handy after lvl 30.

    Oh and the orange bar under your health and energy is your supercharge level!! Nobody told me that for like 5 months!!
  16. Treskar Committed Player

    STOCKPILE soder colas IF YOU ARE A PREMIUM PLAYER. Extra money to sell for repairs and so on.
    LEARN BROKER. How to change so the prices go from lowest to highest. EASIER TO FIND collections that way.

    PRESSING in the LEFT toggle on an ITEM will freeze it so you don;t salvage or donate or sell it by accident. USE THAT.
    COmmunicate communicate communicate. Broadcast on TRADE, LFG, SHOUT what you could use or need to do.

    PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. MOves can be inputted and do not happen right away but are gonna. ITS NOT LAG.

    Learn to excuse yourself. How to navigate your control pad functions quickly. How to find players on league tab so less questions of where are you whats your SP and power.

    There are so many things. Yet I think my sig says a lot.
  17. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    As everyone has stated. Take your time to learn, do what you like (decorating your base, farming collections or feats, etc), and most of all have fun. Also, do not expect things to be handed to you, it's like in life, you have to earn it.