
Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by NinjaForceZ, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. SrirachaMayn Well-Known Player

    lol. im no fire expert but i do have a fire toon that i keep up to date with end game gear. granted, its for the tank side but that is not to say i dont know a thing or two about fire or the game in general. i've gotten through the solo with my fire toon using flame cascade just easily as i have with any of my other toons of different powers. even electric. while fb does indeed do much more dmg on a target that is NOT attacking you, flame cascade allows you to juggle adds until their deaths. which in turn, actually kills the adds faster than you trying to use fb and getting knocked on your rear end over and over. if that makes too much sense....i have nothing else left to say. goodluck
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  2. Lelolpez New Player

    Siracha i suggest adding flame cascase to your loadout dont remove fireburst. When knocked down simply use flame cascase and your am will keep going.
  3. Stilway Well-Known Player

    I understand your frustration. Flame Cascade is really your only viable option for getting through the instance. Although I wouldn't be apposed should the devs decide to shorten the cast time to fire burst. Maybe make it only a second or removed the cast time entirely. Maybe even buff Flame Cascade just a tiny bit more too wouldn't hurt. Unless that happens Flame Cascade really is your only option with the AM even though it's not your hardest hitting power.