Lets have future raids more malee friendly like lpve....

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Lara Kelly, Dec 1, 2015.

  1. Derio 15000 Post Club

    The #1 reason why this wont be is due to lack of mechanics. As soon as you allow heavy usage of melee, you throw the difficulty of the content out the window.

    Until DCUO can create mechanics like other MMOs that allow melee dps. You wont see melee friendly raids all the time.
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  2. Lara Kelly Well-Known Player

    as Astro Legacy said:
    yeah wasn't the whole free to play t1-t4 raid all about melee? and the boses were not dumb either... and tanks helps at a lot like in the fo2 defending the crystal or something like that ...it was challenging and fun... and the those raids I feel can be considered some of best raid dcuo ever had!

    but really I was suggesting this more for balance...since nature is so lacking in dps since so called balancing is taking so long, that already missin out on raids now, so if the raid was melee then it may be possible to actually do significant damage as nature since it seem all powers are kidna equal at melee range. Plus I believe HL, Rage, Electricity would benefit from thuis too...

    so I am just suggesting this since the power balancing is taking way too long, so why not make the raid melee and thus make it be more fair and for powers that are not fixed yet? Thus it may kidna bring a nice balance while the power are being fixed and maybe even something exciting then just range attacks all the way?
  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I don't remember melee in the t1 to t4 phase. Perhaps the snipers in fos3 but that's it. People did not melee the golems, assassins, Jor El, avatar of meta, prime assassin, zeta drone, bloodmother, black Adam, etc. There were a few sub bosses and adds that were meleed, but that's it.

    Now you can melee all of that, but in the past at launch unless you had 2 healers and we're extremely skilled, meleeing a boss in a raid was not happening. Today is the same.

    You can't expect a healer to heal 5 dps plus the tank who is taking constant melee damage. So I think first would be to add more mechanics first otherwise if you make bosses more meleeable, we might end up with quick tank and spank which this would cause more complaints.

    I would like bosses to be more melee friendly but 5m is very large radius and is fine as is until more mechanics other than reflect are developed
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  4. Pixel Battery Well-Known Player

    I feel the best way for the game to allow melee accross the board would be to no longer have the tanks lose aggro. Nowadays the bosses like to jump into the group and roflstomp a few people then run back to the tank. If they add new mechanics that make the boss stick to the tank, it would solve a big issue. And as for AoE attacks, they could have better tell signs for when it is going to happen.

    But with this being said, this could also just make everything too easy. I know most players struggle with simple mechanics now. I can just imagine how bad it would be when they can stand right on the boss and get smacked with AoE attacks.
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  5. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    word up... the "dodge" or "roll" in dcuo is complete garbo.. it needs updated serious bad... like yesterday a week ago
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  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Do I hear a "movement mode mastery" in the making?? Allowing for quick dodges that don't break the AM?? Sounds great let's do it.
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  7. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    It is not a matter of not accommodating melee dps as a tank. It is the fact that some people that THINK they know how to melee dps and die 5 or 6 times during one boss fight trying to melee. They cause the whole raid to constantly have to readjust for said "melee dps" for them just to try to get that top dps spot. They fail miserably and end up dying every minute or two causing the usual solo troll to stop pumping power, inevitably stalling the raid. It is selfish, rude, and inconsiderate. It would be different if they actually took the time to learn when they should or should not melee. I have run with maybe 2 or 3 melee dps that actually knew what they were doing with minimal deaths. It would be better if everyone took the stance of "the score board does not matter, it's finishing the raid that matters".

    A raid like this would basically just be a 1-1-6-0 set up. Kinda pointless for roles really. Maybe just ask for an actual legends raid.
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  8. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    That's the players fault. People want to stack dps instead of run multiple healers and trolls. People that want to melee (rage dps mainly) shouldn't have to be told how to play or be forced to range cause people don't want to do the proper group set up. With two healers rotating shields, two trolls so pick ups aren't an issue, the raid wouldn't stall. I get what you're saying but it's stating a player issue that was caused by another player issue.
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  9. HashtagCuddles Level 30

    What's the point of running more then a certain amount of tanks on a run when you can finish a raid with just one now in days. If you need two tanks it better have a lot of adds or the first tank isn't geared other then that then it just means the tank is bad and does not know how to tank. I've seen many tanks be able to do things without needed ingredients more then 1 and I know a couple of great tanks and then I know the sucks ones that have been carried all their dc careers. The more dps does not always mean they want to just "pew pew" in most games they have dps checks if your dps sucks you won't beat the raid. Why add melee moves (rage) if people will just be told to stop that's like telling ice to not use gust or quantum to not use time bomb.
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  10. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Them not knowing when to melee is the issue. I personally prefer 2-2-2-2.
  11. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    It's been 1-2-2-3 pretty much since the begging of the game actually. It has been a newer thing that the Devs added mechanics to force 2 tanks in like in throne. And I'm not saying all want to just "pew pew". It is the ones that do not pay attention to the fight and the mechanics that just get that tunnel vision.
  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    They can't really learn though if they're being told don't do it. Lol. Melee takes practice, especially physical contact like with rage. Not something you pick up in a few runs.
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  13. HashtagCuddles Level 30

    I'm pretty sure in your pervious comments you mention only 2 or 3 were good the rest did not know and correct 2 tanks are needed in only throne and possibly happiness home when it was relevant after that I haven't seen a use for more then 2 and I'm not bashing more of a role but what's the point of it is done with just one. Instead having a more challenging run making the healers trolls and dps. You would prefer to have a slower run were everyone just gets more irritated knowing they have done it a certain why but then they have to change everything up for people who hardly have any skills in the role or power they are playing the more dps the better more burn less stress on tank having to keep taking unneeded damage. But if the slow and boring way is better for you the. Great for you but many others prefer to have a more challenging run the. Riding the little kitty ride at a amusement park.
  14. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Yes, but this type of raid would not give practice. It would just be melee for melee sake without any real learning. See what I'm saying?
  15. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    I see it reversed. I see the strategy and thought through more challenging and the "mor burn" as the kiddy ride. All the wipes that come with it is more irritating to me and it turns out to be much longer. And yes, theres very few melee dps I have run with that don't die all the time. I have not run with everyone in the game.
  16. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    Meh, if you lived through when Prime Battlegrounds came out. You'd see a mix of melee and range DPS, and you'd see how people adjust to the situations.
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  17. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    I remember when SS people used to have phase dodge handy. Oh and acro has a movement mastery, grapple and tumble master.
    But if you're flight, most raids just grounds those people.
  18. Dogico Loyal Player

    The main point of the op was that currently content is only designed for range dps, not melee, and s/he would like the option to melee enemies. You are describing a player problem (selfish or bad dps) when it's really a design problem (little danger for group outside of melee range). In most raids staying at max range is so easy and safe it borders on stupid. Few things to dodge, don't have to worry about counters, no mechanics to avoid, just sit back and throw out range attacks.

    For me and a lot of people melee is fun not necessarily because of the amount of damage we do but the way we do it. I enjoy being in the middle of the action, going for counters and staying active. I don't think it's too much to ask for the devs to create content for people who enjoy melee dps.
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  19. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    And what I am saying is that it is already. Just a lot of people do not know how to pull it off. No move should be constantly spammed. You have to learn the fights and know when to melee and when not to.
  20. Dogico Loyal Player

    There's nothing to know; as content is currently designed (SM and Elite raids specifically) melee dps just isn't as viable in this game as it should be. Too much aoe and splash damage with not enough means to mitigate damage up close.

    You say no move should be constantly spammed yet that's exactly what is encouraged for range dps.
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