Cyber Monday Special: Select Items

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Magician, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    What sale are you talking about? Only one i see is the discount on 3 month membership.....AND EVEN THAT I JUST SAW!!!!!! THIS ADVERTISEMENT FOR SALES SUCKS!
  2. Fies Committed Player

    Seems like everything. Batman cowl too = 1500.
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  3. killercomic Dedicated Player

    The 3 month on the Playstation store is still full price.
  4. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

  5. Veritasum Loyal Player

    Ok, so if I cancel my sub today and log on later tonight, I can buy the 3 month membership at 29.99? Or how can I swing that sale price?
  6. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    I was able to extend my existing sub at the sale price.
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  7. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    You can switch it no problem, just pick the new plan and it will take effect when your current time runs out.
    If I remember correctly it will charge you the first installment right away then the time on your current sub plus the new period will run before you are charged again.
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  8. Katniss 13 New Player

    What if I have a current recurring 3-month membership that already got credited on...let's say Nov 1, it will end on January right? If I get this promo now, does that mean I will be billed $29.99 right now but I won't pay for another membership fee until May 2016 (current membership Nov-Jan THEN promo membership Feb-Apr)?

    Also, on top of this, it says in the announcement:

    *Membership is recurring. For PC/All Access, after your initial three months of membership, your membership will continue to bill at the normal rate of $38.97.For PSN (PS3/PS4, DCUO Only), your membership will continue to bill every three months at the discounted rate of $29.99.

    Does that mean on May 2016, I will get billed $38.97? And isn't this unfair to PC players? :(