why can't i buy a single bombshell hairstyle

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by megamanzero, Nov 29, 2015.

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  1. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    I feel like a fossil, but I remember when we could buy those items piecemeal... :(
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  2. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess

    I think in the past the 'single items' didn't sell nearly as well on the marketplace , hence why they sell 'suits' now for most things. They probably thought more people would buy it as a set than would buy just an individual style or two.
  3. megamanzero Loyal Player

    thats not the same at all. you are not forced to have all the condiments. they are free cause you can have it your way.

    10 is more than 2 but 2 is more than 0. dont get how you are not understanding that. by only offering them as a bundle they are missing the market who would pay for only one item.
  4. megamanzero Loyal Player

    its not illogical for me to want to be able to buy things a la carte. the game IS supposed to be play ur way.

    take your non constructive comments elsewhere
  5. Vesper Dedicated Player

    You aren't forced to have the meat, buns, or the cheese either. Burger King will HAPPILY sell you a piece of lettuce with pickles for the price of a Whopper. You absolutely can go to the counter and order a Whopper with Cheese, hold the bread, hold the meat, hold the cheese, no ketchup, no mayo, no mustard, no tomato, no onions. You will get lettuce and pickles, the girl will take your money for the full price of the Whopper, and giggle about you behind your back. You will be forever known at Burger King as Lettuce Guy.

    Just a shot in the dark here:

    Maybe (just maybe) their consumer data projections show that MORE people are willing to pony up $10 for the one they want and the other 3, than peeps who are willing to forgo all of them cuz they aren't sold seperately. I paid $10 for 1 shirt in The Secret World, and then bought it AGAIN for $10 so I could have it in a different color. Peeps pay for vanity items. If you want it, buy it. Simple as that.
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  6. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    I moaned about this when they 1st came out because all I wanted was harley quinn.. but ehh, I finally just bought the set as I'm sure u will have to as well! It would be nice if we could sell the other 3 on broker though :)
  7. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    Dont buy it u will get it for free on Christmas if not this year then maybe 2020 :)
  8. Minnion Devoted Player

    No, but if I want a box of fries and nothing more I do expect that they would be willing to sell them to me separate from the combo meal... (I shouldn't have to buy a burger to get the fries if all I want are the fries.)
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  9. Kuno Loyal Player

    Its beating a dead horse but as thankful as I am for them to release a hairstyles pack I gotta say having the accesories included was an awful idea. At least we should had an no accesorie version, but anyways I bought them to support the idea.
    Hope they create exclusive hairstyles for another pack and also release the Amazon pack or the Star Saphires pack because both have better designs that Bombshell which I find too retro (I know thats the idea) and limited for customization.
    Give me more hairstyles!
  10. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Duly noted. I'll put him on ignore.
  11. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    If they are packaged as a set, then yes, you should have to buy the burger (no one is forcing you to eat the burger)
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