Incomplete Elite farming?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by IIThe QuestionII, Nov 10, 2015.

  1. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Eh, If that's what people want to do, that's what they do.

    I wish the loot table was a bit different in Elite and a specific piece dropped off the last boss. I don't think it's really possible with how only 4 pieces of gear are dropping now. But it would be nice if there was something special that dropped off the last boss. I think it'd give people more of a desire to complete the whole instance.

    The last boss definitely isn't easy, but it's doable. When we beat it, I think I got a choice of two green pieces lol. It would have been neat if someone got a special item from it. Maybe in the next cycle we'll see something like that :)
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  2. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    How dare those people spend money on the game and play in a way that not only doesn't break any rules, but also doesn't affect me!
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  3. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Well, they could always hold all drops until the end and force players to complete the instance before getting drops.
    but... I don't think that would be fair either.

    I think ultimately the problem is with replay spamming, not who completes what. I could run BD and get elite pieces on 1st and 2nd boss and greens on last boss. The issue is that players use replays to get ahead faster - it's just compounded, by skipping the last boss in order to complete as many bosses as possible as fast as possible.

    It's unfortunate, but end-game is very pay to win at this point in the games evolution. In my opinion, monthly content is going to start driving players away, because it exacerbates the issue of legendary subscriptions not covering enough time in the newest raid.
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  4. Elusian Crowd Control

    It drives the replay machinery. Locking the items behind specific bossses (again) would drive the ppl nuts, stop replaying and the complain wave would pretty much enforce a nerf. Oh well, it will happen anyway though its being outdated and overgeared in a month anyway like UM is now.

    I was in both types of groups (league and pugs) and cba about it that pugs decide rather to do 2 bosses only. It's their replays, their choice.
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  5. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    I know! The nerve!! good to see we stand on the same side here! *in the distance, a thousand souls of sarcastic entities can be heard facepalming*

    Yeah, as someone said above, people actually trying but failing the raid would be affected and it would be unfair, i also don't mind that farmers farm, i don't think i worded my thread correctly, but im not against people doing this, the more they do, the more it ensures the game's lifespan, so by all means, let them carry on :D .

    That said i'd love elite content to have some elite reward for actually beating the elite content.
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  6. FaLeX Dedicated Player

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  7. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    I've been a part of the first two bosses and done groups. We try last boss a few times, but it never seems to go well. It takes all of 20 minutes to get to last boss, then hours of wipes and replacing people to get through the last boss. People just get impatient and don't want to waste more time when they could have replayed the first two bosses 3 times over the time they spent never completing the last boss. I think the idea of making a special drop at the last boss is SOLID! It would make people try harder. I'm always down to stay and try it for a awhile but most people aren't and the frustration moreso comes in trying to replace the roles that leave.
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  8. comrade sonya Committed Player

    Personally I think you shouldn't worry about how other people play the game if it doesn't effect you.

    Besides what's the difference between a group that does elite and can't get past last boss and a group that purposefully avoids last boss? Stop trying to enforce your gamer morals on others. And yes I've been in groups that have tried last boss, skipped the last boss, and one that beat last boss :)
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    How does it not affect the community though when it diminishes the raid belittle s the gear and achievements and puts gear in the hands of the undeserving.

    Often people think things are victimless when in reality they're actually not.
  10. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Are we to gather from this post that you consider yourself a victim of other players that you don't know nor have you played with because they have legitimately beaten the regular raid and some bosses of the Elite raid?
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  11. Stilway Well-Known Player

    I can't say I'm a fan of just farming the first boss. However if people are willing to spend the replays for that.... well that's their prerogative. At that point who cares if they ever beat the raid... they paid so yes they deserve it.
  12. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

    This is a ridiculous statement. The groups had to beat the regular version and then beat one or more bosses in the elite version for a chance to get elite gear. For some its a matter of time and priority. As someone mentioned above, the first two bosses are relatively painless and can be beaten in a half hour or so but then once you get to the end, its wipe after wipe after wipe. Some people have patience for that (like myself) and others feel their time would be spent better replaying the bosses they know they can beat and gearing up that way or doing othet content. Either way, it in no way affects you, or how you play the game. There are no "victims" here as the people who do it aren't committing a crime. It would be nice if people just would play the way the want and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing so much.
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  13. Alina Well-Known Player

    This entire thread pretty much sums up:

    Raids are only for the Elite!!! We need more Raids!! It's too easy... This is for filthy casuals and babies. Blah Blah Blah... Me: >_< - Zzzzzzzz
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  14. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    If I were a Dev, I'd lower drop rate for sub-bosses and make rare drop from final boss guaranteed.
    First solution that comes to my mind.
  15. Stilway Well-Known Player

    Actually we all should be upset at the fact that the majority can't finish the whole raid. Come on guys Wake Up! We are paying for a game that should be playable even by pug groups. (Elitists please do not respond your awesome and no one cares, don't need to hear how you beat the raid with one eye open and your back turned from the TV.)

    If my math is correct.... $10 buys you 350 replays. So at 87 replays you are paying just under $2.50 every time you go back in to a raid.

    Shame on anyone that is enabling DBG on getting away with this.... stop handing this game $2.50 for just the first boss, and start demanding value for what you've paid for. The value is all 3 bosses and drops.... NOT trash gear.

    *Think about it*
    If I sell you 3 of something, and I only give you 1 of the 3. Would you comeback and pay me again for 3 just so I can hand you 1 again?

    If the pizza guy shows up without your drink, would you be happy about that? So why is this ok by you? (you meaning the people that are just replaying the first boss) Stop doing that so the devs can see how few groups are completing the raid, and make the adjustments needed so that the raid can be completed. (by the majority not just the minority)
  16. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Actually, what pretty much sums it up is, you can't come to the forums asking for opinions without people still imagining its a direct offense.

    Anyone who has ever played with me can tell i'm by far not an elitist and i'll gladly sit an hour inside an instance helping someone or just wiping like crazy until someone comes to help us.

    But apparently my thread was way too complicated for some bright forum minds and crusaders of online freedom to understand, thus the go to answer is "respect freedomz! how dare you give and ask for opinions you darn elitist!"

    Yes, i enjoy challenges in game, i think that, since "elite raids" were meant to be a challenge, the reward should exists for COMPLETING said challenge, at least a different reward than just half-arsing stuff, even if its the code lots of people live by.

    That said, evidence suggest i need to clarify once again: this is my opinion, im not a dev nor am i the game itself, so dont take this as a change in your lives, im not asking for a change, nor a nerf, nor anything that may conflict with half-arsing stuff, yeah, i do believe people can do whatever the heck they want, it's freedom, i've defended the thing, so please keep the convenient morality in your pockets.
    Continue half-arsing stuff, or do it right if you want, or dont do it, or do whatever you want, and if you'd like to answer this thread, i strongly suggest you let us know your opinion, or you know what? keep complaining about what your poor reading comprehension tells you this thread says, it's still a fun read nonetheless.
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  17. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    How are u not deserving of the gear u got to beat 1st and 2nd boss tho? I could see if there was glitching going on but there's not. That's how all raids are.. a drop on every boss.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    Not at all you're personifying my post but thank you for expressing concern towards my feelings it is much appreciated.

    Notwithstanding the above no my comment is about the way this affects the community as a whole.

    This all has a flow on affect to the way the community starts to behave in general.

    I'll give you an example, but it is certainly not limited to just this one;

    An accumulation of gear in this manner begins to distort ability you end up with awfully overgeared awful players because the rewards given are disproportionate to the achievement.

    We all know the first two bosses are easy. It's why this is happening in the first place. Why is it fair to give a person a reward for not completing something that is still on par with someone that does?

    Honestly Answer that question without avoiding the question this time.

    This is why certain piece should only drop on certain bosses.

    This isn't about any one particular person feeling victimized is about the community as a whole being treated badly by people that simply encourage this type of behavior.

    How do people honestly stand there with pride and go "look at me I'm full elite but I've never actually completed the raid" I mean justify it all you like but that is nothing short of a joke.
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    See my post above
  20. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Your post implies that this situation has victims. If you are one of those, I'm deeply sorry for your suffering. I not, then who are these victims you're referring to?