Combination Platter Feat: Broken

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Magician, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. Magician Dedicated Player

    I've replayed this duo a good number of times now, with villains, with heroes...and the same deranged allies are the same:

    Flash, Green Arrow, Wildcat or Gorilla Grodd, Deathstroke, Heatwave

    There's no rotation to complete this feat.

    While on the topic: Arrow is misspelled as "Arow"
  2. Delta795 New Player

    When you enter 1st room there are 3 NPC ( right left & center)
    Whom you fight first determines the order of bosses.
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  3. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    So because you don't understand how to get the combo you want. It's broken?
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  4. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    This. You can also see which is which by the order the bosses are hanging.

    Left - Wildcat
    Center - Flash
    Right - Arrow
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  5. evil keebler elf Well-Known Player

    You never once noticed that there was 3 adds b4 that first fight in the good number of times ya ran it? But, i guess this happens when ppl rush things instead of figuring it out on their own.o_O
  6. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Yea What EVERYONE Else Said and Seems to Know and Understand EXCEPT YOU
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  7. Saami Loyal Player


    jk. happened to me also until leaguemate told me how to do it.
  8. Here2Help Devoted Player

    The order isn't random, you choose the order by what add you kill at the start.
  9. Greenchain Well-Known Player

    wasnt until 6 or 7th time across my alts that I even noticed there was more than 1 add. Went in and the one from the left came running up the steps and I was like where tf did he come from? Next day some thread in here explained the feat and it all made sense.
  10. Magician Dedicated Player

    Thanks for the help to those who were helpful.

    Thanks for reinforcing the toxic community perception to those who weren't. To those, just remember how you were treated when you didn't figure something out. Just because someone doesn't see the mechanics, doesn't mean they are a "noob" just means...they don't understand. We are all noobs at something, at some point. May the toxic responses come back to you 10 fold
  11. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    I feel your pain Magician. I was running the duo on three or four characters every day, and it wasn't until this weekend that I found a different combo. (I'd even thought that I killed a different add first, but my partner must have gotten the one in the middle first.)

    I get it that people get insanely touchy about the word "broken," but please pull your tin foil hats out of storage. Unless you've got some sort of Matrix/Johnny Mnemonic* machine in your basement, everyone has to figure things out or get some help, and circumstances, like what your partner does, can have a major impact on your chances of figuring something like this out.

    *Note that it's just a cosmic coincidence that the two sci-fi references that popped into my head are movies that star Keanu Reeves. This should in no way diminish the point I'm making. ;)
  12. Magician Dedicated Player

    Keanu reeves is da man! I'm always willing to learn and by posting here, I did learn something I didn't know.

    And sadly, I learned also that our community can be contrite with less than acceptable people's opinions.