Sorcery pets

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by ssvillae, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. ssvillae New Player

    Fury is for dps watcher is for healing what is guardian for?
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  2. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Guardian is a tanky pet.
    Really helps in situations where no tank is present.
    Basically the Sorc version of Brick.
  3. ssvillae New Player

    Oh okay was trying him out on pvp fury does better. So basically guardian is a wasted pet wish they put him to good use he looks meaner than brick
  4. Here2Help Devoted Player

    No, not a wasted pet. It can be very useful in certain situations.
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  5. Proto1118 Committed Player

    The Guardian is a beast. Use to run alerts tank less with him and he held his own quite well.
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  6. ssvillae New Player

    In dps mode you need crystal I'm healer mode you'll need watcher if you tank in either roles you'll be at a disadvantage
  7. ssvillae New Player

    Also I thought they fix CR on pets my equipped CR is 141 but my pet is 142
  8. Proto1118 Committed Player

    Not at all. You can heal without the Watcher it's just that Offering will take up a slot.
    Besides, this was all before Fury became the main source of damage and RW gave power to all pets.
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  9. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Guardian isn't anywhere near useless. Nor are you at a disadvantage
    I've used Guardian in DC Reg and Elite when I was Sorc healing and was putting in work. Offering was well worth it. It's just a different way of healing. More preventative than anything.
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  10. ssvillae New Player

    I understand there's more than one way to heal but watcher helps heal when you have your hands full be it picking up or turning wheels
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  11. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Guardian helps you prevent damage to save power for healing.

    Semantics aside, I like Guardian. Watcher is cool too. They make good pets!
  12. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I have played countless times in tankless alerts with sorcery healers using guardian, and he is a beast. If I were to count how many times I have beaten hard alerts with Guardian I'd be a rich and actually have a lifetime amount of replay badges.
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  13. MuTeDx Committed Player

    Guardian is currently my sorc toon's best friend (haven't leveled enough for fury yet). He is good at tanking the level missions leaving me to chip away at boss's. I could see him being good in healer stance with no real tank around. Sorc has more heal powers than your bar can fit so the options for how you want to do it are there (why I chose sorc for my healer). Watcher isn't like fury, it's not an OP healer so subbing it won't really be missed.
  14. ssvillae New Player

    I'm gonna play around with guardian in my loadout. I don't do a lot of raids but I'm guessing guardian would come up short in there coz sorcery has no 8 player heal and I always thought watcher made up for that.
  15. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Only use Guardian in Tankless alerts. If you are very confident with Sorcery healing, you may use it to assist tanks in Raids as long as there is a second healer in the group. Sorcery is too slow/risky with healing without the watcher as I have found, so it's a second healer or no use the guardian in hard raids.
  16. ajaved001 New Player

    In scorcery, Fury and the supercharge powers for summoning all pets can do great damage in PVE
  17. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Looks like I'm the only one that caught this. Crystal is dps mode for Earth, my friend, not Sorcery.
  18. ssvillae New Player

    Lol my fault I was on my earth toon when I wrote this.
  19. Han Lower Level 30

    I watched someone's guardian, tank Artifacts 1st boss from well over half health after the tank went down..everyone was still tier 6 at the time and the dude's guardian literally saved us from wiping. I was pretty impressed...