Henshaw as Legend...

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Miggly, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. Miggly Committed Player

    I have said many times that Penguin and Hank Henshaw are my two most wanted for Legends. I am not a big fan of re-skins, BUT!!!! If we do ever get Henshaw and you then decide to do the Black Lantern Henshaw skin as he is seen in Blackest Day? I would love that. He looked AWESOME. Great job on that, Devs.
  2. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Wait... what?! Black Lantern Henshaw? I haven't played PvE in months so I wouldn't know. I don't see much sense in why they did that given he never becomes a black lantern in the comics.
  3. Ayaya New Player

    because it sells
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