Testing Bias

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by undrline, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Right now, I'm looking at 39 pages on testing Atomic, 3 on the new duo, 3 on the new raid, and only one lonesome page on Cross Faction PvE. Sure, there's more to test in an entire new powerset, but I'm worried that we're repeating the usual testing bias of powers over content and functionality.

    Thank you to everyone who's checking out Test, and reporting constructive feedback. I've seen a door glitch, loot and drop issues (including collection spawn ratio), excess damage, double-boss spawn, briefing node issue, and more. This kind of stuff is better found before release, and your testing helps a lot.
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  2. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    So test the other stuff yourself? It's open to everyone now
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  3. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    People have been waiting for atomic for years. It's not like this was unexpected.
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  4. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    ... everyone who has a gaming PC which can run it. If I had that, I probably wouldn't be playing on the PS3.

    I wasn't knocking people doing testing, or what they choose to test. I was pointing out, without blame, that there is inherent systemic bias. I encourage people to make an effort to counteract that, and try to test other things.

    Since I was able to post this go-around, I have left some of the notes of things I would test, if I had access, in the PvE Crossfaction page. Hopefully someone can do it by proxy.
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  5. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    As a contributor to the duo thread, I can honestly say it's solid. I've ran it multiple times. I'm keeping my eye out for a bug with the intro visual. But other than that, there's nothing else to contribute to it.

    It's beatable, it's not overly hard. It's not too easy and any bugs I've come across have already been fixed.

    I've also experienced cross play, too, a few times. In the Duo, too and it just seems to be working as intended. We could chat, we didn't hurt each other. It seemed to be working as intended.
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  6. BigBadDogIV Committed Player

    Wait Hold On. I'm currently in-active. Are you saying that there's a Playstation Test Server finally?...
  7. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

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  8. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    I'll clarify anyway:

    What was changed is that legendary PS players now have access to the PC server, where as prior to, you have to have a subscription on PC to play on PC test - now you can have a sub on PS and play on PC test instead of requiring two subscriptions.

    That's what I gather. :p
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  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Its really hard to test crossfaction pve on test since everyone is testing the new content along with people mostly sitting in front of sparring targets.
  10. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Too true. Hopefully they can be a little self-aware and try to test other things, though. Even simultaneously: I saw one person in the raid thread concerned that they thought their atomic aura was overriding an aura that's an indication of a mechanic.

    Just to counter with a little snark: people have been waiting a long time for Xfaction PvE, too. Or, like me, have been dreading the day it would come for a long time. I was quite shocked to only see a single page on that.
  11. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I'd imagine, at least for duos, even the new one, people would be queuing.
  12. Derio 15000 Post Club

    True but even those queues take a while to pop.
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  13. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Shame. That's like the only problem it was meant to solve.
  14. MrB Dedicated Player

    I back this up completely.
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  15. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    You don't need that hefty of a PC to play DCUO. The system requirements for DCUO are not that high. They are pretty reasonable in terms of gaming especially if you play on minimum settings (which if it is just for testing shouldn't be that big of a deal).

    Here they are: https://help.daybreakgames.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/27287/kw/system requirements/p/3580/session/L3RpbWUvMTQ0NTk4MzA0Mi9zaWQvcl9BaFEqem0=

    I can play DCUO on a fairly cheap laptop (around $500 CDN) that was current 3 years ago.

    Regardless cross-faction PvE is currently active on all new content. So anyone queuing up for it has the potential to test it. I have done this myself and I didn't really have many problems. I personally don't post unless I have something should be worked on or requires feedback to "keep the idea going."
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  16. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    My computer doesn't have the DXI graphics card (something like that) so I cannot play on PC, nor can I play many modern games. It works just fine for checking my email and going on websites, so I have no plans to spend upwards of $1000 on a new computer just to play on test server.
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  17. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    You don't... Have you even tried booting up DCUO and actually seeing how it runs? You might be surprised at how well it runs on "normal" consumer machines.
  18. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I don't think that the problem won't necessarily be solved by adding it to live. The problem with truly testing something like cross faction pve on test really depends on population and who is queuing for what. I think this is one of the few things that was put on test that we really won't be able to see anything (or truly test for any hidden kinks) til it hits live.

    From what has been tested so far it sounds like it is working the way it is supposed too.
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  19. WildcatHunter Committed Player

    As a ps player you can not imagine the difference in population on uspc and pc test has a lot less than uspc. This is one thing that will have to be run through on live. Like the poster above commented the major things are working well communication not dmging each other things like that. If you are hoping to test something like improved que times its not going to happen on test.
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  20. WildcatHunter Committed Player

    We had the same thought at the same time. Are you in your pjs drinking a beer? Cause I will flip out if you are.
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