Being That One Person That Hasnt Played The Content Yet (PUG Life Problems)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Twilight Avenged, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    How do you guys get around the issue of trying to become familiar with new group content, when the other people in your group seem to already be experienced in that content?

    • Do you hide in the back?
    • Do you try not to do anything or touch anything to avoid ruining the run?
    • Do you openly announce you haven't run it before?
    • Do you hope to be carried through so you can see what happens? (not that your character is weak, but you just don't know what happens yet)
    As a preference I play this game at a slow pace, and I can end up getting around to new content much later than the normal crowd. Typically over the years I just dive in and blindly claw my way through it without gaining too much attention...but that method is getting difficult with this newer content they've been releasing.

    Idea: Be cool for people like me if there was a spectator token, that once a month if redeemed let you watch an entire content run from start to finish using stationary game cameras placed throughout the instance. letting you soak up what you can about how to play and what strategies to form.
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  2. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    I just announce that I have not run it. Most players are helpful when you do that.
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  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    are you on USPS villain side?

    if so I'll do DC reg with you each day :)

    Average DPS

    Imma CR136 troll - 533 PoT (with league perks) - 517 PoT (w/o league perks)
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  4. Veritech Loyal Player

    Option C is the go. Just say this is your first time, and any decent person will tell you the mechanics or what to watch out for.

    If the group is not decent you might see a loading screen, it's never happened to me yet though.
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  5. X-zero Loyal Player

    I try to normally run new content with friends and league first. Then I will pug it if I feel confident. If I run with a group they ask to run something else that I haven't ran I will tell them.

    Last time it happen was AF2. No one was on early in the morning so I joined a LoLS run via LFG. It went very smooth they asked did anyone want to stay for HoH. I told them I never tried and the said it would be ok. The said what to do I listen and another smooth run. And got raid experience for that place.
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  6. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Let ur group know and u should be just fine. If its an issue is this the crowd u wanna spend time with?
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  7. Saami Loyal Player

    Hiding behind back, yet accidentally ruining it and blaming lag.
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  8. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Isn't that essentially Youtube?

    I randomly queued into a TotD months ago - first thing I said / typed was "Haven't run this before, happy to leave if that's an issue.". Nobody was bothered...sadly the run didn't go very well at all and the group fell apart :(
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  9. tukuan Devoted Player

    I'm quite similar to the OP. I typically wait a bit before running content so I ideally wait for a league run where I can be frank about my situation or pug and just try not to make a fool of myself.

    Too often you get a whole bunch of drama if you announce that it's your first run a few weeks after release so it's just not worth it, at least for me. So more often than not I'll try to watch a quick video that highlights the main parts of the content so I'm not completely oblivious.

    That said I remember when we were initially asked for league hall ideas, I put out the idea of a spectator mode for league mates. Both for the reasons the OP mentioned but also to allow for coordinating PVP strats, to see where a lower player is when they ask about something as well as just out of interest to see what others are up to.
  10. Hraesvelg Always Right

    There are usually tons of runs on YouTube and Twitch. Check them out to get a basic idea of the flow and then fake it 'till you make it.
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  11. Korlick Loyal Player

    Since im a Tank, i usually tell the group that it is my first run. This way i get some guidelines about each fight and suggestions about where to tank each boss and whats happening.
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  12. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Openly state at the very beginning I have not done this yet ANY and ALL instruction advice etc gladly taken
  13. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    Twitch. YouTube. The internet. They all exists.

    Or seriously, just let your group know. Most will explain the mechanics.
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  14. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    As a munitions toon I just go......


    Until I see a skull then I'm...

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  15. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I just announce it to the group if I haven't been in yet and ask them to inform me of any mechanics I need to be aware of.
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  16. MuTeDx Committed Player I always look at videos about the mechanics before playing new content. Testers always post the content before release (but I don't watch those) also members post on the latest content just after release (I watch these). Me being premium gives an extra week to learn before going in, but even when I was a member I would watch videos or read up on the latest content before attempting it.
  17. Red Templar Dedicated Player

    I'll normally research it a bit first, watch a video or two, read up on people's posts, so I have a basic idea what is going on, and then tell the group it's my first time.

    I've never actually had any issues with people after telling them I have never run something. They've always been willing to explain things. In my opinion it's the only right answer to let them know up front. If you don't you are not only cheating them out of your full performance, but you are cheating yourself by not learning the mechanics and improving.

    My view may be different though. I'm a League Leader, it's part of my responsibility to know the boss fights, understand the mechanics of the game and every fight, so I can teach them to others, even if they are not in my League. It's also my responsibity to step up and admit when I don't know something so I can continue to learn.

    Belittling people, or just bull rushing through helps no one. People don't learn basic mechanics, or their role that way. Then you have CR 137 players who don't understand the fundamentals. Rather than call someone bad at their role, takes some time to help them learn. If they want it great, if they don't, that's on them, but you tried. The more we empower people to be better players, the more enjoyable the game will be for everyone.
  18. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    I Leeroy Jenkins everything, hoping to pick up the mechanics as I half pay attention to the tv.
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  19. Tannen Committed Player

    I take the quiet role, try my best to contribute without messing up, and listen to anything and everything people are saying. Ive found that often critical mechanics are explained (or maybe im just fortunate to get the types of groups) in the form of reminders.

    It may be my past MMO experience coloring my perspective, but i feel like players at the top dont want first timers, and will kick for anything viewed as undesirable.
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  20. Nocturnals New Player

    biggest issue on PC is actually being able to run content, ive come back from a 2 year break and other than 2 manning trigons prison and running duos, ive been unable to get in an alert or raid. PUG are shocking right now imo games almost unplayable however PVP is beasting.