Understanding Your Role

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by X3antonio3X, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. X3antonio3X Active Player

    Alright so everynow and then i see people play as controller or healer and also tank that dont understand much what there doing either they think its just hitting the boss and holding R1 and not have the suggested dominance to tank because they have half tank/half dps armor same to the other said roles but to get my point across
    I think there should be some explanation video in your base/lair showing your how to controll/heal/tank (Voiced and shown by Oracle,Or who evers the guy on the villan side)
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  2. CheneysCurse Well-Known Player

  3. akaivy Dedicated Player

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  4. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Well as long as they're in tank stance, they will get the aggro by hitting the boss.... Their dominance has nothing to do with aggro.
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  5. Delta795 New Player

    I was reading that and wondering....
    Is OP meaning DOM = Aggro

    oh the irony
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  6. Elly New Player

    indeed, Dominance only affects the Tanks Knock-backs and Root abilities... they're usualy not actually part of the tanks rotation except as side affects of the Powers you're activating to generate agro... it's the Tanks Powers that generate agro... Def & Health then Might & Power are your priority, you only want Dominance up so when those side affects of Root & Knock-back activate they last longer and/or have greater affect... Dominance on a Tank is like icing on a cake...
  7. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Punctuation can change the meaning of a sentence completely, as in:
    Let's eat, Grandma
    Let's eat punctuation

    Also, for the OP, the problem imo, is not the lack of explanation, but the lazyness in players that wan't everything chewed for them, every power has a description and in it, the effects it has with the support role too, forums are full of guides and even DCUO has "official" videos, but the issue is, players are too lazy or believe themselves to be too OP to learn new stuff, so you can put an optional tutorial and people will still skip it or you put an obligatory tutorial which would generate anger and frustration as the brainiac ship did.
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  8. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    What I find sad is the amount of max CR end game players that have no idea of how to play their support role.
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  9. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    I recently "tested" my theory just for kicks...it is sadly and ridiculously possible to "sail" your way up to endgame by being a DPS and just being carried in a sea of fotm, takes less than a week even with a fully new-non SP equiped char, even performing poorly, the race for the scoreboard allows for you to comfortably slide into the 4rth dps place and no one will call you out unless the group starts to struggle, in which case you must graciously abort mission and leave group, then find another op group, whereas people that existed before WM, AM and powerback mech, would stand out when performing poorly, either on dps or support, thus forcing them to "learn" the roles.
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  10. IIILuBuIII Level 30

    Letting new players skip content will low cr entry requirement is vastly to blame for this. It's not just that they progress too fast but rather they fail to learn the ropes some early content they skip could teach them along the way.

    Fos 3 had medic shield which almost works about the same way with raven in the latest dlc(even worse because your teammates could pay the price if you weren't careful). Basic experience would let people know after the 1st or 1st few times in the new alert (DC) "Oh wait careful this boss has a reflect when the purple shield comes out so don't hit her". Nooooo, when it came out most paid no attention whatsoever and just did pew pew pew over and over and literally couldn't grasp what was going on. That is a simple mechanic I highlighted with the dps role. Imagine trying to work with 2 tanks who have no idea what a taunt is in HH for Stompa and lashina... ... ... ... ...I'll let you write the rest of that story.

    Just to be clear, I'm not against fast leveling characters. Some people just get it quicker than other when it comes to how a power or a role works. What I am saying is that maybe only players with a character above the content cr or with end game cr should be granted low cr entry passes in previous content on their alt. In other words, don't make zam, dc 113 to get in if it's really their first time going through this content.
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