LPVE Feats

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by akaivy, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. akaivy Dedicated Player

    I'd like to request that developers consider more solo LPVE feats. I have several feats I can't get because others won't cooperate.

    For example: Hall of Doom Armory: Breaking the Chain of Command.

    There's also at least one in the current LPVE event and several in Gotham Courthouse.

    I ask when I go in and people say nothing and run through it without even trying.

    It's tough enough to find people with the right legends characters. Don't make me beg for cooperation on game play.

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  2. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    What is more troublesome to me, is the sheer numbers of the farming feats in LPvE. It will take many many many years to finish them. It's insane!
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  3. Veritasum Loyal Player

    I usually don't have any trouble with these. Yes, several groups are not willing to cooperate, but I haven't had to run any instance more than what is minimally necessary to complete all of the feats for that instance. And tough for individual feats in team playI think, unless you're asking for the generally unpopular iconic solos?

    Anyway, if you were on the hero side, I'd be glad to help. I have every Legends toon available and don't mind running the stuff.
  4. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    Your league won't help you ? Maybe it's time for a new league.
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  5. MagnaStrike Well-Known Player

    Its not insane, people already finished the grind on those, so idk how can be difficult to more people.
    Unles those are the last feats for you to get, i suggest you to not bother a lot with them, they will eventually get as you run the events everytime you run the instance ones.

    Im on legends maste IV atm, (277/500) and im having a lot of fun doing them in a normal way, just enjoying the instances
  6. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    All I read was I don't use lfg
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  7. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    You have to form your own group before hand. Shouting for a feat run when the others are random queue-ins will typically result in what you described.

    Try LFG or your league/friends. Explain what you want to do, confirm they understand, then queue up together. If they don't understand, kick and find someone else.
  8. akaivy Dedicated Player

    Nevermind. Sorry I asked for solo feats in LPVE.
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  9. tukuan Devoted Player

    I thought that was the point.
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  10. spack2k Steadfast Player

    i will never understand why ppl dont make premade groups for such feats like "dont kill the drones" for current Lpve map ...

    if ppl like me queue from duty tab, they just want to finish as fast as possible the run so they can start another one ( general Lpve feats) but almost in every run someone is yelling to not kill the drones ... and after u try to help them there is not enough dmg to kill the boss after he absorbed the 3rd wave ... so group will wipe .... if i would try to help all those who yell for help i would have finished only 1/10 of my runs for the general feats.

    so no THX i will be the first to throw a smokebomb on those drones - those feats are for premades or league , stop wasting my time.
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  11. Backseid Devoted Player

    I'm all for more solo of anything!

    As for those specific feats? Just get em over time. There are more than enough other feats in this game.
  12. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I don't think that's a bad idea... necessarily.
    But, the reasoning behind the team-up feats is that you can still get the feat if you don't have one of the characters in the team-up.
    In general, it's much fairer to players to have the team up option as opposed to pushing players to buy 4 or more toons for a feat (Checklists)

    PLUS...please reduce the LPvE general grind feats.... combine them to 2 and 3 star feats....please!:D
  13. Skidmarc Committed Player

    I can say this, if there were solo LPVE instances that actually counted toward those ridiculously high feats I would be much happier. There is nothing worse than getting a group that doesn't know/doesn't listen and makes a 15 minute run into 30+. Give me LPVE solo's and ...

  14. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    Not sure of your server, or hero/villian but if I need a feat, I LFG for it. Works every time.
  15. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    You're running with the wrong people. I do help people who ask for those feats, however, I stopped helping people who ask for the watchtower last boss feat. No, I will kill those drones now. I did that too many times where I gotten sick of it.

    The armory one is one I don't mind doing as it's just waiting for the next boss to awaken.
  16. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    So you say youre at 277 runs? Well Trying going for 1000. And thats just for that specific feat. The total amount of finishing all the feats in lpve easily surpasses 1400 runs i would assume. So yes, it is insane and it will take a person years to finish if they do not farm them occasionally.

    Oh and only a couple have finished the grind on them. If you consider that theyve been around for like 8 mos, thats actually pretty terrible.
  17. MagnaStrike Well-Known Player

    282 today, and yea im nor rushing through them, cause there still the legends of speed cathegory to be released.
    And of course there going to be more than 1400 runs, its still a lot to do on dc to worry for those feats atm, near 40 feats remaining from that and eventually i will get them, and the rest of the legends avatars im missing (skins)
  18. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Well I guess this is a step up from the threads wanting low levels to be banned from LPVE.

    But it seems we are still talking about pugging to do feat hunts, which just doesn't mix.
  19. akaivy Dedicated Player

    I'm not referring to the team up feats. It's the ones that take patience to do that kill me. It's gotten to the point that it's hard to find people to do the feats that take a while to get because everyone wants to zoom through the content. Waiting to defeat the one statue before the other or taking a bit longer in the watchtower at the end requires patience. People just don't have that in this game anymore.
  20. akaivy Dedicated Player

    Then you are reading too fast. While there is an "l", an "f", and a "g" in my original post, they never show up together. The same goes for "don't" and "use". If you read slower, you may be able to pick out whole words.