Queue system not working for 4 man Alerts now either

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Yasuo, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. Yasuo Level 30

    Its been a long time where the queue system didnt worked for raids, but now since middle-summer of this year it aint working for 4 man alerts either, no matter how much time i queue it doesnt put me with anyone i must find a group myself in LFG chat, i guess in 2016 you wont even be able to queue duos... Maybe because they dragged content too far and players didnt buy the last episodes? or something else
  2. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    Are you a villain on pc or on EU or what? On PSN it works just fine.
  3. Smart Bomb Well-Known Player

    ESO and Destiny have new content, think ESO was yesterday, I've noticed a longer queue time just for duos because of it
  4. Yasuo Level 30

    These have games have literaly nothing to do with DCUO and ESO specific was the biggest failure in MMORPG history there has never been an mmo so much trash talked and hated than ESO. Its like saying that people stopped playing CS:GO becaus a new league of legends champion is out. No its because people have to pay for like 16 episodes total now so with every new one that comes some of them remain behind and the population gets lower and lower in endgame
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  5. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I have that same problem with 4-man and 8-man too. Not sure if it is the EUPC villain population or broken.
  6. SnowStar Committed Player

    I was uspc hero around 8:30 pm, q'd fof DCn and within 20 minutes was in. Prior to that ran a duo and some pvp legends. You could try some pvp legends during your wait time, it is a nice change up
  7. AverageJoe Dedicated Player

    lol you can say that about almost every top MMO on PS really DCUO has gotten trashed on since 2011 many people have been like is that game still around wow, ESO had to go F2P to keep going and is currently doing better than DCUO right now. Planet Side 2 is one of the biggest disappointing games on PS right now. Destiny was a big disappointment as well well until the Taken King which brings in features that should have been in since the start. If you use that Steam tracker it gives an idea of how at least on the PC side how games are going FF14 is the top MMO while DCUO is in the top 5 at 5th place. While ESO is second place. I think that is a good tracker for how the games are fairing overall. ESO maybe a disappointment to you but it hasn't been so far to many players. FF14 is the game to beat on PS and PC right now. DCUO which was in the top 3 last year dropped this year for many reason. But you are right I don't think ESO had anything to do with que times of DCUO being longer.