Livestream Episode 17 Will Be Revealed September 16, 2015!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I play on PC. You're either lying or have no clue what the term "ghost town" means.
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  2. TheGhostWhoWalks New Player

    I also play on PC, and I think his term is fine. Does seem pretty empty in there most days, and queues take anywhere up to an hour (maybe longer, I just can't afford to sit in game waiting for longer than an hour...)
  3. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    Would be nice if we got more RELEVANT raids(4-5 raids excluding ELITE) per 3 episodes.. Duos and Alerts are just too easy, there are no real mechanics in the duos and alerts(excluding fatal exam, best mechanical alert ever)

    Gear Drops
    Spread out the Rare (purple) drops within the duos and alerts as well, makes ALL OF THESE content relevant AT ALL TIMES.

    For example : The best pieces can come from the raids OR ELITE
    Elite : Same as raid except with addition to LEGENDARY DROP
    Raids:chest legs head shoulders weapon back feet waist hands
    Alerts: face neck
    Duos : Rings trinket
  4. Igote New Player

    Make a large dlc in this time, we need a strong episode for keep playing.
    I'm waiting for back to game and waiting for a good episode.
  5. no1 supergirl fan New Player

    Heres an idea, how about the next one for a continuation of sons of trigon, how about doing one that uses the full usage of each of the duo places and areas and finish up in trigons prison.
    u start off in trigons prison, deal with a few enemies near the big door but door is locked and wonder woman/circe tells u need 3 keys or symbols, each of them r in each duo place but u have to travel through the wastelands, u could have the titans or the villains equivalent to them to help u, first up wrath area with mammoth/beast boy where u deal with a bunch of enemies then go through a side door of ruined cathedral where u deal with a subboss and a few enemies, get symbol then go to lust area with Starfire/cheetah's help and fight enemies, go through back door of tunnel of lust for another enemy and subboss battle, collect symbol then go to envy area and do the same with gizmo/cyborg, then go in knightsdome arena, enemies and subboss. then after that go back to trigons prison, teleporter to the prison maybe, u enter about half way in, u fight brother blood with doctor fate/Felix Faust or someone else then u go to the big fight after fighting few more enemies, u face the almighty trigon with wonder woman and the titans/ circe and her followers. in cutscene after trigon is defeated again for some time, wonder woman captures circe and takes her away but doesn't stay captured for long as she comes loose but then both wonder woman and circe get pulled into another world.
    It be good as an operation and leaves it open for a new episode and new world and bring the titans/ gizmo and other villains into it. Maybe Metropolis Wastelands maybe
  6. no1 supergirl fan New Player

    technically they have but they splitted the whole thing in 3 months instead of 1 whole lot
  7. Veritasum Loyal Player

    I'm curious as to how your crowd comes to conclusions.
    One day, I'd like to see a list of all maps that are unique vs maps that have been used multiple times (more than twice) for me to make a decision on "rehash" crowd or not. And do you count places like battlezone Metro, Gotham, Wastelands, South Gotham as rehashed because the expectation is that those areas are only there for looks and exploration? I think that would factor into the equation. I mean, who isn't tired of NYC getting pummeled in every other movie? And why does Supes keep showing up in Metro and Bats in Gotham? They should have cleaned up those places by now.
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  8. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Well then you apparently have a substantially diff erent fame experience than me. I've never seen it empty.
  9. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    How about Next week? :D
  10. Rebellion New Player

    Really liking the monthly content release:D
  11. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    Rumors of a Legendary 126/127 trinket drop?
    4 wildcards slots..

    PVP Toughness Stat..
    Dps/support role Stats...

    Care to comment?
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  12. Cyro Committed Player

    amazon fury raid and bombshell raid.
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  13. Cyro Committed Player

    one of those was meant to say duo
  14. Varda Elbereth New Player

    that would be awesome. I have refused to use a utility belt above 100 because I hate being forced to use a consumable. don't get me wrong on tank role I do use grenades sometimes for the chill effects, but in dps that just isn't a substantial damage to not continue my AM. I will be happy as hell if we get more full trinket/wildcard belts. dl is done see all you usps users in game and the rest of you on livestream in a couple hours
  15. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Mmmm... that Flash Duo is looking mighty sexy.

    And a showdown with Trigon alongside the Titans? Sign me up!

    Each month just seems to get better! :D
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  16. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Some good variety... Flash duo & Trigon 8-man Op...



    Edit: At some point, I really want to see a 4-man or 8-man @ Knightsdome. It's the Wastelands environment with the largest single area. I'd love to see an Oan-like format in the arena. Are you not entertained!?
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  17. Capt. Volcano Level 30

    What about type c and d elite mods. What is the craic with them.
  18. Dhaileon New Player

    I hope that can be the last Trigon's episode.
  19. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    We're going to get the Halloween Seasonal next month too.
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  20. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    It is the finale of that story arc, though they did mention it doesn't mean the end of Gotham Wastelands.
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