Decided to start playing again

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by nobleboivin, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. nobleboivin New Player

    so after months of not playing, I decided to start playing DCUO again. I just needed an extended break from it tbh. I've also decided to not make girl characters so the ones I do have are being deleted. I normally liked playing girl characters due to the preference of rather looking at a girl hours on end then a guy. However, the last time I made a girl character, I certain person decided to make the gameplay disturbing so...... yeah.

    The only downside is..... I forgot all of the controls. That and all of my friends on this site are probably mad at me for not playing.
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  2. xXxARMAGEDD0NxXx Well-Known Player

    Why do you care about looking at a fake girl character so much ? It's a game that's weird dude
  3. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

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  4. AverageJoe Dedicated Player

    hey everyone has their prefences there are times I will look at my fake characters butt that's female over my fake characters butt that is male because they maybe fake but your brain sees them as male and female. Its not like they are actually them in the game so if he wanted to use all female then you know what its "beyond" average.
  5. xXxARMAGEDD0NxXx Well-Known Player

    Why do you look at your characters butt?
  6. AverageJoe Dedicated Player

    oh do you play where your character is facing you face first? That's a first lasted, I check you usually see their backside Mr. Tryingtobesmartypants. Plus since my main is female (based off my wife) Thats once of the best views in game compared to looking at the backside of a male character in spandex. But hey not judging if you are into male in spandex then to each their own.
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  7. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Idk...guys that say that they do girl chars because they wanna look at a girl for do know girls exist in real life don't you? *hides back in the tree and readjusts his binnoculars* :D

    Kidding aside, welcome back!!! If you are on USPC feel free to set a tell if you happe to need a push!
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  8. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Over compensating
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  9. AverageJoe Dedicated Player

    no its just I'm amazed that people can play their toons while the view the front of them the whole time....well I do guess we have our butt men while others are all about chest.....
  10. INS1GNIA Active Player

    You don't?! (O_O)
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  11. nobleboivin New Player

    thanks guys. And..... I think what others said explains my reasons perfectly :D
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  12. xXxARMAGEDD0NxXx Well-Known Player

    If you are that worried about looking at the back of a male toon you're either a homophobe or you don't get out much and meet real females and that's the best you can do cause there's something you guys that use this excuse are hiding and this is the lame excuse that gets used too often there's nothing wrong with having a girl character but that excuse is weak and you should pay more attention to playing than staring at a video game characters butt
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  13. nobleboivin New Player

    definatly not a homophobe and can't go out much do to various reasons. Wow, didn't think I'd get insulted like this. Maybe I should just never mind playing again. This is exactly why I stopped to begin with.
  14. xXxARMAGEDD0NxXx Well-Known Player

    Not insulting you just wondering why " looking at a toons butt" is the reason you make a girl toons its just an odd reason to only be a female toon don't get all sensitive on me now
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  15. AverageJoe Dedicated Player

    lol its not homophobe if you rather look at the opposite sex backside? Like I stated to each their own and not judging you. I mean you like the spandex thats cool with me I like it on my female character thats like me saying that you are a like what you like there is no shame in that and don't let anyone tell you otherwise it is 2015 you have rights now....:D
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  16. nobleboivin New Player

    that's just one of the reasons. The other being is most the time I just have sever bad luck playing a male character and don't like how they look when I get done making a character
  17. xXxARMAGEDD0NxXx Well-Known Player

    I think what it is that I don't see myself as a woman so I create a male toon and role play as a DC version of myself you might see yourself as a woman so you role play whats on the inside in real life and like you said its 2015 if Bruce Jenner can do it so can you also play the game and quit staring at your toons butt unless you fantasize about doing things with it which like I said get out of the house and socialize with real girls not your made up toon its a lame excuse its ok to make a girl toon its the excuse that is weird
  18. Red Templar Dedicated Player


    2nd Who cares what anyone else thinks. Do what makes you happy.

    I have my toons as Tanks are males, healers are a 50/50 split for male and female. Controllers are all Females. It's just my preference.

    If you are on USPS look me up on Red Templar. I will help you get some things done so you can catch up on what you missed.
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  19. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    You know why I favour female characters over male?

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  20. Malachee Committed Player

    You have a very strange way of "not insulting" someone.
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