4 year later why am I still here ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dark Horus, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. Remander Steadfast Player

    I'd wager there are still plenty of players who can't complete the raids without gearing up via the solo/duo content and buying vendor gear. It's not the case that any PUG can just jump into the raids day one and even complete it. You need to consider the average player here. If everything was tuned toward the high end players, the game would die.
  2. SecondAccount New Player

    but as is, everything's tuned towards the low end players and game is still dying. ;)
  3. Remander Steadfast Player

    I'd actually say it's tuned to the average pretty well.
  4. not_again Dedicated Player

    So you think the game is currently in good shape? Not saying that it is dead but it is far from thriving. I, like you, want them to keep the servers on as long as possible and some of the actions they are taking are in the right direction (the player/dev power balancing initiative is one of these). While elite content sounds like the solution it is merely a replay badge ploy. Especially with the new alert having a weekly lockout and not a daily lockout as every other alert has had, but only costing 29 replays to reset. Sounds like a sales pitch to me.

    I am not sure of what the solution to this is, but that is not my job it is the devs job. I commend them for a lot of the things they try, but the new shiny things are always behind some sort of pay wall including this elite alert. So the average player gets exactly what they need with just a sub, but me being more than average means I have to pay more to get the "hardcore" experience.
  5. DCUOfreshfish New Player

    Just follow the money trail.............................it's always the money trail that drives decisions. :)
  6. ermike Committed Player

    Sure, it gives you 12, but only 2 and for that matter really only 1 provide progression. The vendor gear is obsolete and pointless now that SPs do not matter. So really you can only play the raid, alert or elite version that upgrades you. Over and over and over. Instead of having actual dailies to do, you log on to run BP for the crap shoot of getting progression. Its dumb
  7. DCUOfreshfish New Player

    Speaking of money trail........wonder how may $10 BG boxes sold?
  8. ermike Committed Player

    It is very silly. But because of the reliance on replay abuse, they will continue this because people dont replay long and hard instances. Nobody replayed Prime when it first came out. Way too risky. Get that beast done for the week and move on lol. These instances are so trivial and short that they scream out "replay me replay me" for another shot a loot.
  9. BlueLionSven Well-Known Player

    I don't believe you change the general mentality of the player base in wanting to get things done as fast as possible.
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  10. ermike Committed Player

    This is what I am talking about. You cannot market a game to a player base that is not truly invested into the game. MMOs make money off of addiction and people playing like it is more then a game. These players they are targeting do not view as that. They simply want to log in, press some buttons, gear up and go play rocket league some more. Mean while, I had people in my league literally switching powersets mid ToD Elite trying to beat that monster when it was first released and you have some people on these forums say that they still have never even tried it. So we should cater to people who do not try content, or want to play by themselves? NO
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  11. not_again Dedicated Player

    This explains me and most of my league everyday. Not because we want to do this, but there really is nothing to do and rocket league is awesome
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  12. ermike Committed Player

    I have not ran a piece of content since end of April. I am certain that I could reach MAX CR in under a week if I played today, and I would have to pug as my REPS mostly went to ESO
  13. Redman_x Well-Known Player

    Rocket league IS SO awesome!
  14. ermike Committed Player

    No you dont. I do not just give my children a snack before dinner because they ask for it and maybe get upset. This game should not have a raid or alert that is able to completed at level in under 15-20 minutes. That's horrible and is simply the devs giving people free marks and gear because they asked for it and are willing to replay it.
  15. Remander Steadfast Player

    I think it's important that they maintain stability from this point. No more major system changes. We're done with AMs. Only minor damage tweaks remain. We've got stat flattening, CR scaling, a unified mark, mark relevancy, and monthly content in place. No more major system changes. Let the dust settle. Focus on changes that will invite new players and shore up the existing player base. Expand R&D. Improve the UI. Get XBox going and cross play. Stuff like that. No more major system changes.
  16. ermike Committed Player

    LOL.. It is. That was not a shot at rocket league. I love it
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  17. Redman_x Well-Known Player

    I am mainly still here because of friends.

    I really dont like the monthly episode plan. At first it sounded like a great idea. But once you start looking thru the layers it appears as though it is more of a money grab to push replay sales than anything else.
  18. Remander Steadfast Player

    That's the transition you're feeling.
  19. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Lol missing the T button on one of my devices. Kid (4) pulls buttons off my keyboard.

    Yes I was wrong in this game at launch was a very casual MMO. Being honest hearing so ething required of hardcore MMOS such as having a job and such id simply not be interested in. Combat is a huge huge part also.

    None the less we knew what dcuo was up until t5. We had an identity and structure with modest issues. We had content cr and statistical ceilings to all race for and then the competing began.

    We also had a healthy growing population so what was dcuo was working.

    Now we got.................... ? Honestly wtf is a sub worth when week one 4 guys drop the new raid? Ok maybe it was week 2. What do u log in for now? A chance to gamble on a loot system that has one constant since lauch. Its messed up. The new loot system garuntees ur not unlucky yet I got a few wins and 8 runs 2 the last boss and I am not sure 120 gear is real. I have yet to see it. In a month I might MIGHT get one peice but honestly why do I wanna run bombshells?

    At 130 I am 2 strong 4 whats coming and the gear is already trash. ZERO POINT.

    Tell me by all means what is the targeted customer? Call of duty can opperate on stupid easy cause well they have an endless supply of customers. We have a very limited small customer base.

    Stop anyone who says that is why we need change is clueless. how? Zero advertising horrible reputation so word of mouth is gone so how? Ud have to have a game plan that, well would , take u take a seat and put ur socks back on? Clearly there was no such plan and yes while gates was relavant the profitable players were mad at end game newbies due to walk ins. Now its a billion times worse. Multi billion.

    Remander I dont care what u call it but the game was solid and could grow infinately. Imagine had ps4 taken over come t4 operations and at that time ps3 was gone. We had multi raid groups needing to work together. Now it takes 4 people tops.

    Why grind skill points now? Why , od now over a beta? That is two streams or revenue nerfed (LOL) placing more focus on regenue from replays.

    People can talk 4 days but no way no how is the mmo crowd gone or changed. New gen gamers maybe but what options are there? All we can do is hope they have a plan better than................. it dont look good.

    A relaunch on next gen is my only hope
  20. Dark Horus Dedicated Player

    The truth is all we can do is wait and see what changes they are working on and the next episode .I personally want to be able to run older content again and earn marks. Just increase the strength of the npc's why have all these missions and no real reason to run them. A hard mode would give us more variety honestly it's draining running the same missions on 9 characters . I know I spread my self thin I just like playing different powers.